Saturday, April 29, 2006


Hatice and Baddin were playing..Baddin then told his sister...
*abla, bana sarıl mısın?* (can you hug me?).
She did.While hugging, baddin said
"ben senin kardeşin, sen?" (I am your sibling.u?) ..
she replied..
"ben senin ablan" (i am ur sister)...

I think for this weekend, i am taking a break from the blog..see u all on monday!!

To add..

Yup..pretty depressing isnt it? All these talk of death? There is death...and YES!! You!! there is living as well!! Let us make the best of that, huh? That is why while i am still alive, i need to say a few things... u know..just in case...

1. For you who know me..who thinks u know family, friends, etc etc... from the deepest of my heart... forgive me for all my actions which may have hurt or will hurt ur feelings..Pls make ur rights halal ( helal) over me.
2. If i owe anyone any money and i forgot to pay up..pls tell me..
3. Can someone print out my blog just in case i didnt make it..for my kids...?
4. Kiss and hug my 2 angels-hatice n baddin once in a while..
5. Tem once in a while pls read me Al-fatihah..i think i will need help in there...
I think that is all for now...oo what is that sound i hear from a distant? that you?? what did u say?? *sacmalama* (dont be ridiculous) it? hmmmm...heheheheheh..

Friday, April 28, 2006

The conclusion

This will be the last entry for anne dedication week...though..zaimlar... lutfen o hikayelar hala bekliyorum...acele yok ama insyaAllah bir gun sizden o hikayelar ... sizden çok çok rica ediyorum..

Death...Yes..the effects are painful indeed for the living especially if that person is very much loved. Yet, if we believe in Qada and Qadar, we will know that the death of a person cannot be avoided . It will happen eventually. The only question is... how will we live our lives? How do we want our death..our journey in the alam Barzakh...till the end of the world (Qiamat)....till the day of judgement Will we aim for the highest jannah (heaven) or will we let the pleasure of this temporary life..this temporary world swallow us? That is for each individual (including me) to decide. After all, the writing of our deeds by the angels raqib and atib on both our left and right for each individual...not groups .

Once the call of death comes. One will forget about his or her love ones....what one has in this world.. will be no longer one's concern..Once the soul (ruh) is separated from the body, the worldly things are not important anymore.. What one will be concerned of at that time is...what news will the angel bring? good or bad?

In a hadith (hadis) is written that there are 3 things that will accompany the dead..

1. The doa of the children of the dead
2. The good deeds of the dead
3. The knowledge obtained and used, spread out to others in a continuous chain.
(the more knowledgable people pls correct me if i am wrong)

Those are the 3 things that will help the dead ...not the crying...not the wailing..

The dedication on my blog is only for the benefits of the living..for those who had onced be touch by the goodness in Anne..It is a matter of self expression..a matter of expressing what is in one's say things one never said before... to express what anne means to oneself.. in this

Yes anne..we all miss you very is never the same without you...and we pray that Allah will bless you and give you His full mercy...My only hope is that my writings have done justice to Anne's memory...Memory after all is all we have of you....

Stories of Anne 2

Some more stories as i remember it..

Story 1
When anne was younger, as her kids were growing up (4 totally monster boys especially the youngest and one very difficult girl hehehe- şaka şaka), at nights, she would start knitting children's sweaters (short sleeves, long sleeves, sleeveless). By winter, there would be bags and bags of these wool sweaters. And she would send them to the hospital for the sick and poor children there.

Story 2
It was on that last summer of anne's life. That summer, anne decided that she wanted to plant tomatoes, eggplants and chillies in the sapanca house garden. With mıstık's help (the guy housekeeper), they did. And there they were...growing and producing the vegetables as planned.She should have left the tomatoes all red and then pick them up altogether. Instead, everytime anne saw one red tomato or the already somehow grown chilli and eggplant, she would definitely pluck it up. In the end, that is until towards the end of her life, we got to tomato day....

Anne's last days

I know I have made a few people shed a few tears..(in one case.. floods of tears ..*looking at...??*) when i wrote the entries on anne. I will not apologize for that. But I do apologize for perhaps opening the old pain of losing anne. Please believe me that my intention is pure. Anyway, today is the last day of my assured, the tears can stop by tomorrow...Smile people smileee!!

Anne...yes.. The sweet soul. The fresh breath of flowers...The sun that shines all over us in an effect one cant help but to feel the warmth of love when one is around her...Yet, that sun is gone to the other world now...The Almighty calls for her. And as for the living,her absence left an emptiness that cannot be replaced.

Towards the end of her life, the signs of the call of her ajal (death ) were there really. Only no one wanted to see them for what they were.

Before Anne was hospitalised, she was in Sapanca. The normal Sapanca people were there as well...let see.. Baba,MeŞe, Safa, Merve,Halil, Hatice, Baddin and I.. The usual crowd. It was among the best Sapanca as well...One of the things that we did was...One day, meselar and us decided to go for a walk and go wild blackberry (bögurtlen) picking. Anne who very rarely joined in in our activities decided she wanted to join us...What berry picking it was!! We walked quite far..picked loads of berries..halil,safa and merve even climbed walls to pick the berries!! ..And did we return to the sapanca house the normal way? Nope!! We climbed the wall (even Anne!!) of the next house (the bushy abandoned house) to reach our own house!! What a day.. !! and What berries!! And the day after that she played *i am running and catching you* with safa and merve...Things she rarely did coz normally she was just happy sitting somewhere in the balcony or the living room, smoking, chatting, knitting...and of course cooking!!

She felt restless in those days. Perhaps her Ruh (soul) had sensed the call of her death. She joined in activities which she normally avoided. And she felt really tired as well. There was one day she felt very exhausted and her temper was like....*boom!*...and in that anger she said... "I wish i can just go on a holiday to a place far away from everyone. Sleep there with no one to disturb me!!". It was said in anger of the exhaustion and restlessness she felt..Or perhaps it was her soul speaking after sensing the call...??? and she got her wish eventually....though no one thought it would be so...

Then she was hospitalized due to pankreas infection. Infection gone, they found an extra meat or was it liver?(not sure) somewhere in her body. The doctor decided to take it out in a surgery. But before the surgery, she asked if she could go home to take a bath. She did..around i think for 12 hours. She went to her home.. took a bath with the help of meşe..And all that time she was saying.."ı think i am going to die tomorrow". Of course, everyone tried to calm her down. Everyone putting her words to the fear of the surgery. It was not a very big surgery after all. And yet, she kept insisting that she would die the next day. She sensed the call of death though none of us did... And yes...she did go to Rahmatullah...the other world at around 2.30am (pls correct me if i am wrong) the day after the surgery due to internal bleeding...

If we are the family who are in anger, we could have sued the doctor. We could have won. But her ajal was one could do anything about it..No need to prolong the pain of losing her..

That day when she went home for a bath...when halil, the kids and i went to anne's house to visit her...Something weird happened. Hatice was still so small then..When she entered the house, hatice who would just normally run into the living room with her shoes still on, was fearful. She was frightened. She refused to go to the living room where her baba anne was sitting. It took us at least 15 minutes to persuade her. Could it be that she too sensed the death angel izrail lurking around...waiting??

Then, there was this feeling where Anne kept saying that she will die..Did she really feel her death coming nearer? whatever it was, she made sure that if she did really die, she made the lists of people of who she owed money to to kerim....

And when she came home for the bath, everybody got together that night. She saw everyone..her children.. her grandchildren..and I got to see her too for the last time...As she was leaving the door of the living room to go back to the hospital, i saw her looked at the house the last time...i felt somehow she was not coming back..but i just put that aside as something silly....i still remember that one look...she was looking straight at where baba's normal couch is...that one look...the look of goodbye?

She was lucky coz she could sense her death call. She was lucky coz she could see her children and grandchildren before she died. But her most lucky thing of all was..she was lucky as she was in her last breaths in the İcu...with meşe next to her and the rest of the boys in the other room...and she told meşe *ben gidiyorum* (i am going) ,

With meşe guiding her she managed to

"AsyhaduAllaillahaillallah WaasyhaduannaMuhammadarasulullah"
(There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet-Tiada tuhan Selain Allah dan Nabi Muhammad itu Pesuruh Allah) .

She died in islam..
What else can one ask for?
The rest of course, is in the hands of Allah...We can only pray..

And as for meşe.. she has fulfilled the biggest responsibility she could have as anne's daughter as she helped her mom to say that one most important kelime (Kalimah)..Instead of blaming herself for things that cant be avoided, she should be proud.Proud to be there..proud to have helped anne achieve the ultimate...goodbye..

********Al Fatihah*******

Yes, definitely!

Hatice was born at Nene Hatun Hastanesi under the capable hands of Mediha Abla (mesut's sister). I was lucky coz the moment she was born, after i woke up from the surgery effect, she was placed either next to my me or next to my bed. I could not help myself but to stare at her all the time. Anne noticing this fact asked me:

"Anne olmak guzel mı?"
(Is it good to become a mother?)

Looking at her and I smiled..
"Yes Anne. The best feeling in the world!!"

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Anne nin Şiirlere

These poems (Şiir) were written by anne when Kerim was doing his military service (Kasım 1985). The cry of heart of a mom whose son is far away from home...The poems were sent by Meşe..

Poem 1.

Garipler diyarı burası
Elem kasvet yuvası
Layık olsan da bir olmasan da
Tanrı biliyorya asker ocağı burası
Ezilirsin arkan olmasa
Sesin çıkmaz dayağa, haksızlığa
Kaderim gönderdi beni Hacılarkırı’na
Elinde imkanı olan kral burada
Rütbe önemli, insanlık arka planda
Elimde kagıdım kimseye yok sözüm
Gözüm görmez oldu, bulandı gönlüm
Elimi koydum vicdanıma başladım yazmaya
Lüzum yok kimseye, sığınmışım ben Yüce Tanrı’ya.

Poem 2

Gönderdim seni askere
Alırsın inşallah tezkere
Martılardan haber beklerim
Zamanın geçmesini isterim
Er eğitimi zordur
Lokmalar boğazında durur
İlaç gibi gelir mektuplar
Kardeş olur arkadaşlar
Elleri kırılsın sana vuranların
Rabbime havale ettim dişini kıranları
İsterim sen çavuş olunca
Merhametli bulununca
İnanki evladım
Mutlaka sevecektir erlerin.

Poem 3

Er eğitime gidince sen
Vallahi birşeyler koptu içimden
Lahavle çektim oturdum
Allah’a yalvardım durdum
Daima hatırımdasın
İçimden çıkmıyorsun
Mutlaka bir gün gelecek
Kerim Çavuş eve dönecek
Erlerin seni sevecek
Rabbim seni korusun
İstediklerin olsun
Merhametli Kerim Çavuş lakabın kalsın.

Poem 4

Kerim’imi özlerim
Yolunu gözlerim
Kagıt kalemi alıp mektup yazarım
Okuduklarımı içine atarım
Dönüşünü bekler kollarımı açarım
Mehveş şurda sen orda
Yollar uzun arada
Benim gönlüm sende onda
Kavuştursun Tanrım sonunda.

Poem 5

Selim İTÜ’ye başladı
Kaldı geçti sonuna yaklaştı
Staja başladı yola alıştı
Bitince askerlik yaklaştı
O da subay olup gidecek
Ülya yol gözleyecek.

Poem 6

Su gibi akmıyor yollar
Uzaktan geleni Allah kollar
Su gibi çağlarsın
Uzaktan ağlarsın
Rabbim bir an evvel kurtarsın
Layıkına kavuşasın
Umutlarına kavuşasın
Rızkına ulaşasın.

Poem 7

Meltemlerden yel gibi
Elindeki altın gibi
Hayatımdaki renk gibi
Varlığın bal gibi
Ela gözlerin gibi
Şarkılardaki gül gibi

Poem 8

Daldaki güllerden
Ottaki dikenlerden
Kurtar dertlerden
Tedavi eden hekimlerden
Ol istediğin alimlerden
Refahlı geçecek günlerden.

Poem 9

Martılar kadar beyaz
Eladır gözlerin biraz
Halini sormayana söylemez
Verdiğin nasihatı dinlemez
Emeğini kimseden esirgemez
Şahsına bir şey istemez.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The explanation is..

Some of you may wonder why do i decide to lengthen this talk of anne? For one thing, she is the sweetest soul u could have ever met and she deserves to be talked about. But the main reason why i am doing this is because.... remember the picture of anne holding hatice in my *ulya babaanne* entry? When I showed that picture to halil, as he was looking at the picture, i was looking at him...I saw or more directly sensed this yearning..this feeling of missing her..... so i thought why not? Why dont i make her alive for a while the only way i know blog... So for this week ..till friday night, my blog is an ode to anne.

When i came to istanbul, i had no idea of whatever..i was clueless of the customs, the norms, the way of behaving, ...clueless in all sense. Cooking for example was one of it...Actually the biggest problem of all for me. No 1: Did i know how to cook? NOPE! No 2: Have i actually cooked at all in the real sense all my life? Let just say cooking rice using the rice cooker was among the cooking i actually had done. I thought i would learn cooking before getting married. My mom is a wonderful cook. I thought I would learn from her.

And suprise suprise.. not only did i not know how to cook Malaysian food.. i got married to a total stranger with a totally different food culture!! Great move simah!! *chuckles*. As i said, I was clueless of cooking turkish food. After I came to turkey, everyday, we ate at anne. I did not cook anything. That was the time I was starting to be exposed to the type of cooking and the type of vegetables I never knew existed.Thru halil as my translator, I asked everyone..especially anne of the recipes of whatever i ate.

After the honeymoon, I started to experiment with cooking..(I cut my hand that first time cooking and that news spread everywhere!! hehehe the new bride is starting to cook!! hahah)...Yenge and yenge (muyessa and mahtura) were great help since they live the levels below me (level 2 and level 3) .

Cooking..yes i was learning. But did i cook ? I suppose so..everyday. But where did we eat most days?? At Anne's of course!! There I was, a new bride, sharpening my cooking at home and still eating at anne!! It was a real wonder that anne never told his son to dump me hehehehe.. The truth is anne cooked a lot everyday..Anne and kerim (he was unmarried at that time)..together as a team, they cooked enough to feed an army! I think her way of thinking was...*at any time, any of my sons and their families may turn up for dinner. So i better be prepared*...and yup, she did!! everyday!! ..And I took advantage of that. Not everyday of course..but too often enough.. I wanted to get used to her cooking actually. I wanted to actually learn how the taste of her cooking would be. (For 3 years?? hahaha simah) It was important for me coz halil grew up with her cooking. To cook differently would mean to challenge his tastebud and he might not like it.

7 months after our marriage, i got pregnant...still we ate there..and then when hatice was only 5 months old, i got pregnant again with baddin..With hatice everyday crying wanting to go to her babaanne (over there she had fun since her mese hala was always there as well entertaining her), we took the advantage of dining there as well....Dont get me wrong, i cooked at home..but somehow it felt just nicer to eat at anne. Like i said, not everyday but very often enough.

And all those while... she never say any bad things to me complaining like...*go eat at ur own home* or *what kind of a bride are you?*.. nope..she never did. Even if she did say, i would have deserved it totally. But she never did.

When i told her about my feelings on this (that was i think a year before she died)..about me always dining at her....she just told me *Estaghfirullah yavrum...ben çocuklara birlikte mutlu oluyorum* (I am happy when i am with my children).

Halil and I were also like her second shadow.. where ever anne and baba were, We would be there too.. we even went on vacation together!! (poor anne!! hehhe) After all, halil is her youngest boy..anne's little boy cannot be separated from his mommy hehehe

Now that i think about it, i am glad I dined too often at anne.. I am glad halil and I were following where ever she was like a shadow..I am glad for what i did though treating her house like a restaurant was wrong ( That i do have to admit). I had only almost 3 years to get to know her..and for that short years, she had made a great impact on me. And just think of the impact she had and has on those who have known her all their lives..

My only regret is...when i was in the kitchen talking to her one day..i had wanted to tell her this..but my language was weak at that time..i could not utter what was on my mind...What i wanted to tell her was...

*Anne senin hakkın helal olsun*
(Anne halalkan segalanya)

I know it is too late. But with every doa i sent her, I prayed that Allah will also send her this one message.. This one message the living anne never did hear from me..

Stories of Anne

The akad ceremony where she cried heheh

Watch out for the fan(ops..sorry..not so big after all)
and the slipper.

Anne and baba came to Malaysia for my wedding.

Story one:
I didnt know it then. But anne did not like cats. During the duration of their stay for the wedding, they stayed at my parents' house; a house with cats around. Full with cats around. So can you imagine how she was trying to avoid the cats in our one bedroom house?

Story two:
It is normal for lizard (cicak) to move around on the walls at night. Anne and baba slept in our one and only bedroom in the house naturally. She couldnt sleep at night because she was afraid that the lizard (cicak) would fall on her!!

Story three:
We served anne and baba tea. After some time Halil told me to decrease the content of sugar of the tea since Anne was diabetic. We did. But the decrease of sugar was never enough..*garu kepala* Only after I came to turkey did i understand that anne loved her tea very dark, and sugarless. In turkey, people add the sugar themselves-they use sugar cubes. On the other hand, Malaysians, we add the sugar into the teapot while preparing the tea.2 different cultures.

Story four:
Everytime Anne sat inside the house, she would carry with her, her own slippers or was it shoes? Cant remember exactly. Everyone felt funny coz we all walk in the house bare feet. Of course, this is another culture differences. Turks wear slippers, even shoes (on special occasions) inside the house.

Story five:
Anne smoked. While sitting in the living room at my parents' house, she took out her cigarette and smoked.My parents were so shocked! hehehehe.. They rarely see a woman smoke casually.Yet again , another culture differences. It is quite common for women to smoke in turkey.

Story six:
Anne and baba while in Malaysia, sat next to the big fan in the all time.. What do expect?? Malaysia is like....Hot!! Anyway, the house is full with fans anyway.

Story seven:
Anne cried during the akad nikah *sob* *sob*. I thought people only cry at weddings on tv!! heheh

If I forget any more stories, zaimlar, can u please remind me of the stories? Mese ağlama mese heheheheheheheh çok komiksın!!

From your Son to Anne

After anne's death, Halil had written many songs dedicated to anne...songs to express his griefs. He had left us in tears when he sang those songs..Here is one of his songs in written form..

Kan dondu beynimizde
Yağmurlara yenildik
Boynumuz kıldan ince
Mevlamiza yöneldik

Son bir kez baktı bize
O gözler inci badem
Ateş düştü yüreğimize
Ağladı cümle alem

Gözyaşı karıştı sellere
Benzerdin gonca güllere
Bırakmazdık seni ellere
Emir büyük yerden gelmese

Çok sevildim şu dunyada
Bu ne hazin elveda
Ansizin gitmek var mıydı?
Ayrılmak kolay mıydı?


Monday, April 24, 2006

Anne..Dua (doa) edelim

The kids were eating dinner. I was monitoring them.Baddin finished first. I asked him *Alhamdulillah söyledin mı?* (Did u say Alhamdulilah?). He straight away started to put both his hands together in an action i understood then was to read the after dinner prayer . It is custom for us to read it. We usually read it in turkish with Halil as the head. Since it is in turkish, my memory of the doa is not very good.. in line with my bad turkish (bad mom!!).

Suddenly, hatice started to read the doa slowly...word by word... She said a word, i repeated it to baddin and baddin repeated after me... word by word... till the end of the doa with hatice as the head...teaching baddin and i.. should i be ashamed of myself? Yup. i should. Should i be proud of my daughter...? What do u think? MasyaAllah...nazar olmasın..

Ülya Babaanne

Anne and Hatice when she was just a baby..

Anne..may u rest in peace..Al-Fatihah

Hatice came to me and told me

* Anne i dreamt that we went to my baba anne's (grandma-halil's mom) graveyard*
and she cried...

Hatice has always wanted to see her baba anne in her dreams..she prayed so many times that she will see her in her dreams..and she dreamt last night that we went to her graveyard...

This calls for a yassin..

But to think deeply, why this feeling? She was still so small to remember anne properly. She herself even admitted that she remembers anne mainly from photographs... could it possibly be because she is in need of a grandma's love? She sees her cousins once in a while with their living grandmothers. Hatice still has my mom as a grandma of course but she is thousands of kilometres away. She is not able to feel the love from far...and even if they do get together, language will be a great barrier for them... so tell me.... how will my daughter get the love she may be craving for?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Our children

Today there is the children's day celebration...there are celebration everywhere ..Like in istanbul, most houses and shops, have turkish flags hang where ever possible.

Children..hmmm..yup, every child comes from a mother's womb...nationality, color, status, etc etc etc... it doesnt matter...what matters is that that one child is borne from a mother...born into the world of hatred? destitution? poverty? war? If the child is lucky, that child will be born into a family or a place where he or she will be loved...cared for. On the other hand, if she is not lucky, he or she will be born into the world of all the negative things..things which may be beyond our comprehension. We cannot help every child in this world, even if we want to...but what we can help is the one we have at hand...our own children...To help them grow full with love ..full with whatever that is all be a good person..after all "we do not inherit this world from our ancestors...we only borrowed it from our children"..and our children from their children...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

23 Nisan-23 April...

Selamat menyambut Hari Kanak-kanak,
Happy children's day,
Cocuk Bayramı Kutlu Olsun!!

Kids..this inatci iki keci song is for u all for today!!

Fener vs Galata

Watching....and watching...

*Yuh ya*... their typical words..

Yapma ya!! They shouted..

The excitement..

Fener lady supporter

Tonight, the match between galatasaray and Fenerbahce ended with Fenerbahce winning 4-0. Yesim,Halil and Selim...Fenerbahce supporter..Gurhan.. Besiktas... U need not be there to imagine the shouts of goallllll by the fener fans...there they were..watching the match as i was watching them thru the lens..I could not capture some of their most important shouts.....the lighting was not very good either..and there were too many movements to capture everything them in action Guys!! Here there are..our stars... Selim, Gurhan, yesim n my hubby...

Memories of those days

I was reading the emails i had written to halil .. most of them in printed form...not all emails...but quite a lot though...

Memories came flooding back...I laughed with the teasing there was, I felt troubled with the bad things there were...There were soooo many things I had many things I had written, so many troubled times I had gone thru just to make it work...oppositions from the family etc..etc...the fights..uncertainty of the future...uncertainty of the relationship...things only a crazy person like me would endure...only because I believed in this love (still do).... Only because when I prayed the istikharah prayer.....I got the sign from Allah that he is the one for me. Alhamdulillah thru perseverence, my family relented in the end...not that they didnt try their best to not let this relationship be....even till on the day of my akad day..that night before the majlis bersanding...they tried.. .....Yes, they did...I do not blame them. They love me. They only wanted the best for me.And I do realize that in those times, my stubbornness to marry a guy I had not known very well had hurt their feelings...i do apologize for that..... it was not my intention to be selfish..I had to do what I think was right...for myself... I got married...Alhamdulillah..happy with whatever i have..and here i am now...sharing my thoughts with you....sharing what i see in my life from my point of view..

This was the poem i wrote to him when everything was so much to a breaking point....It is not a good poem i know...i will never be a good poet...but it was written from the heart...And it goes like this...

You said i bewitched you
Guess who's bewitching who now, huh?

Ask the oceans
Ask the waves of the thousand seas
Ask that thousand stars twinkling in the night
They will say...

It's you!!
The worst of the Batmans
And smiling... I know it's true
I LOVE YOU my sweet luv
Love you very very much

Are only words in my mouth
But they could not describe
What is in my heart
And how much you really mean to me

3 simple words that mean so much more

Fate may not agree to our dreams
Fate may choose to be kind in a hurtful way
But as long as I live
Dont you ever think I dont love you
Coz I do...
More than words can say

Cry not my luv
Your tears are mine
Only you are not
But I accept this fate
So should you...

I LOVE YOU..always...

For those of you in love, for those of u who think u have found the guy of ur dream..To follow ur heart is of the norm but if it with the blessings of Allah as i did when i performed the istikharah prayer..try it and dont be afraid of the sign u will get....if it is a *no* u get...dont continue with this relationship.....just remember..Allah knows best..

My dream...

My dream is to be able to buy a printer..colored laser jet printer preferably so that i can print out all my entires in this blog...2 photocopies for each entry..stack them up and put them in 2 separate files... so that when the kids r all grown up..Hopefully with Excellent English (insyaAllah..amin)..they will be able to read all my babblings about them...the main real reason why i am updating this blog documentate as my fading memory grows fader..

But just think..when will i be able to buy this printer?...and trust me..i have so many wants...My wants? hmmmm..The main ones at least...
1. Malaysia
2. A car of our own
3. handycam
4. Magic bullet
5. 4 storey havuzlu kosk-pink colored- *wink at tem*

ooo wants are endless!! hey! i am after all a woman!!.. I dream...of this and that... will I get them? That..Allahualam (Allah knows)....but it is not wrong to dream right???? Like in cinderella's song...

*dream is a wish ur heart makes..when u r fast dreams u will lose ur heartache..whatever u wish for you keep.*... and yup! i am keeping my dreams alive...and saving money bit by bit as well to get at least one of my dreams...*chuckles*..

P.s -even if none of my dreams above never do come true..materialwise, hatice promised me that when she grows up.once she finishes her education..find work ..and when she earns her own money, she will buy me 2 pillows and a least i have that to look forward to....I wonder what baddin wil promise me hehehehe .. we will see....

Hatice in telekung

My sweet angel

This is Hatice with the telekung (Malaysian praying suit) sent to her by her Along teyze a few months ago..(Hatice made that special request to her teyze) We will buy Baddin some sort of jubah (robe) as soon as we can ..but so far Alhamdulillah..with the gentle persuasion of halil, baddin too has started to join in the prayer at home as addition to the friday prayers of course..hatice ? no problem..she is a sweet girl.. she prays when i pray...the only problem is with the mom.....I should observe my prayers more carefully will indeed be a pity if because of kids are lazy to pray..This world is full of challenges..It is the parents' job to install iman within their kids' hearts so that they will not stray from the right path..And that is my worst fear as a mom..I am lucky that Halil does make a lot of effort in instilling the islamic values in i do what i can..May Allah protects my children from the wolves...Pls pray for me ...

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Fruits of the Day


Malta Eriği

Time to show u the fruits i love... bought from my beloved pazar naturally...Strawberry...hmmm ...who wouldnt know strawberry right? In Malaysia it is only found on the highlands such as the Cameron Highland. In Turkey, it is a spring fruit. ..very short when u wanna eat it..grab it now! There are a few choices of strawberries..the big sized one or the cute small ones (tarla) should watch out if it is the big sized ones coz unless it says *organically grown*, then most probably it is hormon added. That is why,if i buy the strawberry, i will make sure it is as small as possible (coz halil loves it like that as well), and it is clearly stated there hormon free. How do u choose the strawberry? It is simple really.. just put the strawberry near ur nose..smell it. If u smell the fresh aroma of it. If not...dont bother!! It wont be nice..

The second fruit there is what we call *Malta Eriği*.. i have no idea the name of this fruit in English. If anyone knows..please tell me. I will really appreciate it. It looks so unappetising, i know..It looks as if it just fall to the ground..lebam ja..peel the skin... if u love the masam(sour) taste type of fruits..(waaaaaaaaaa lapaq mempelam muda cicah dengan kuah rojak waaa..ben yesil mango ozledim demek)..this is the fruit u will like as well..Nope..we dont have it in Malaysia.....again, this is spring fruit..

Well folks!! till next fruits to introduce.. Adios!! and Guys!! I still dream of nenas and mempelam muda!! ..rojak buah...hmmmmmmmmmm yummy!

Please note:
Upon reading this entry, my sis in law Funda
searched the latin name for the malta eriği, then she cross searched from latin to english and here is her findings...

malta eriği - turkish
eribotrya japonica - latin
loquat - english

Thanks funda!!

Bed sheets..

Dearest friends..

A few nights this week, it was either I could not wake up to wake baddin up or ı did wake him up but he did his small stream release more than once during the night...and therefore..i am proud to announce..i am running out of the bed sheets!! Oh boy... I think i will need to buy more bed sheets if possible...

During the problem of course..the toilet problem is settled. I realised it after 4 days ago when instead of insisting that *ben kucukkum* (i am small) son proudly told me.. *ben buyudum* (i am all grown up now)...though of course his age never changes..he is still *iki bir* (two one) and not 4 years old as he should..

Another topic..

The sister...hmmmmm.. let see... we went to buy pants for her the other day.. We tried and tried many pants..nope..*i dont like pant this anne*... nope..*it is not comfortable anne*...nope... *i like the other color anne*... MasyaAllah she is big for her age..but to find the pant she likes and can fit her comfortably...took us almost an hour!! She is definitely living up to her title as a *girl*...hmmm... i wonder once she is all in her teens... how will she be in choosing her clothes *winking at merve* heheheheh.....meseeeeeee tips plsssssss

Baddin is the other type of course.. if we u like this? Do u want to buy this? on very rare occasions he will want to buy something or really like something..his usual answer would and will always be...*no..i dont want anything*( Yippie!! no need to buy anything for baddin!! we can save our money!!! heheh ) But of course as parents, u have to be equal..if u buy something for ur daughter, u have to buy something for ur son too... and as for our son, when he says he doesnt want to buy anything. sometimes it is difficult to make him try the thing out as well..But once it is bought...once he has put it on (shoes-t-shirts etc..etc)...then yup! he will like it..always..

2 different kids...2 differents ways...
headache..headache...but indefinite JOY.. MasyaAllah

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Should we bribe our kids?

Today is thursday. is pazar day! 9.40am..ding ding...saime came..I got ready to go to pazar as usual. Gave the kids their breakfast...gave halil his breakfast...

me: "Çocuklar, ben pazarı gidiyorum" (Kids..i am going to pazar)
Baddin approached me and cried
baddin : " ben de pazarı gidiyorum"(I am going to pazar too)
me: "ama hava bülutlu. Olmaz" Ben sana oyuncak alalım. Olur mu?"(The weather is cloudy.U cant.I will buy u toys from pazar)
baddin : "gitmek istiyorum"( i wanna go)..crying
me: "Bak..abla casper cd ya açıyor"(Look!! ur sister is turning on the casper cd!!)

baddin ran to the couch and stayed there till ı came home almost one and a half hour later.

hmm..the magic of Casper!!


The latest news I have heard is that.... Our Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysian Education Ministry) has banned all chat programmes on the internet for all computers in the government schools (private schools? i dunno)..... meaning those students who are thinking of chatting in YM or even in my blog's chat box... u will get this writing..

*Laman web ini telah dihalang oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) untuk dilayari. Sebarang pertanyaan lanjut, sila hubungi 1300 88 2888 atau emel kepada, atau .*

(This website is banned by the Malaysian Education Ministry.For any enquiries pls contact...bla bla bl..)

This is definitely a good move to curb students from abusing the school computers. But what about the teachers???.. Well dearest teachers...esp my TESL friends.... SABAR je la yeaa...nampaknya kena simpan duit la beli PC sendiri or chat kat rumah...Getmiş Olsun size..

Bad Prank

Bed time usual, halil's job to do it.. Hey!! i have limited turkish and telling stories (unless i have to) is NOT MY JOB... ..besides, halil and his fantastic brain..he can come up with loads of nice to the islamic stories of course..he is a wonderful story teller..

There I was..exhausted again.. lying on the bed in the master bedroom..waiting for the stories to end..YUp.. it ended.. Anne's time to stay in the kids' bedroom till they sleep... *Anneeee neredesin* (Anne where are you) Hatice started calling me. I thought ı would pull a little prank. So I hıd behind the bedroom door quietly. Halil, hatice and baddin started looking for me.. They entered the master bedroom and I ...*BooH*...i said to Hatice.. she looked at me..hugged me...and cried..*o O O.. What had I done?* ..BAD Prank simah... I just scared the hell out of my daughter...she thought I was missing...and that prank lasted only 20 seconds!! ..Dearest Mummy of the world..remember my bad prank...dont do it to ur child..

Time to sleep for me too.. Good night World....and as usual, my dearest tem is babbling to himself in the other room *chuckles*..temmmmmmmmmmmm where is my one minute huggggggggggggggg?? good nite world..Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Malay Song

Yup! Turkish song time is over... Now for those not familiar with the Malay is a song for your entertainment. It is some sort of a folk type song.. (Malay Turku)
Singer: M. Nasir
Title: Langgam Pak Dogo

Here is the Lyrics for all to see...


tabik sikik bjale pengasuh
kalau banyak blari
arok tibo menuju
ai di pade luah sejano.. pade.. che wea..

Rindu menikam dek cinta Sita
Hilang bekas hilang sisa amarah
Bongkar akar bongkar mimpi Suralaya
Datang bingung berpaulan diambang yuda
Ajak menung bawah panji wilmana
Apa hikmah tersemat di balik perintah!

Temu hulu hilir menyusur
Adat hidup temukan mati
Jangan tuan duk nengung sugul (terus masygul)
Adat wira haruh tehe uji

dan kalau begitu aku berjanji
Hadapan teman ku yang berperkerti tinggi
Titian takdir seruncing manapun ku seberangi
Di mulut naga gemala sakti terkunci
Kan ku sambar ku rampas jadikan bukti

c/o :
Langge Dogo langge keramat
Bisik-bisik dale kelambu
Lagok bodo tapi bersengat
bele ngelik (Sambil elak) dia main siku

Riwayat bermula dari dahulu
Pandang belakang tersangatlah jauh
Perlu menyilang irama dengan lagu
Kapal belayar usah dilabuhkan sauh !
Asal debu pasti pulang ke debu
Dari tegap bertimbuh baik rebah merempuh

Bersambunglah litar (petir) dentung dente
Hujan tak turun laut berlimpahea
ghalik (Asyik) merancang dendam sribu male
koho sie koho bergando rawea
(Siang menerang semakin berganda rawan)

Keronsang terlekat kerana peniti
Hujung pelangi pula sebabkan igauan
Tidak terlintas nyawa dipertaruhkan dikandung badan !
Sesaat berangan terlepaslah habuan
Ikan tak dapat umpan pula hilang

Thanks Intan for the song and Lyrics..
I do agree with is a cute song..

A follow up story

Yenge came yesterday....She thanked me for the apple pie and the pogaca...she told me that she told the guests..*I dont have a living daughter..but ı still have a few daughters to help me..for example this Malaysian bride*.. I am not trying to promote myself or anything..that is not the point...

The point is... it must be hard for an elderly alone...having lost her husband and children years ago.....and to continue life alone. I think in occasions like this, she does feel the pressure of what she is missing coz when women get together, they gossip...they talk about their husbands..about their children..their grandchildren....and yenge..has only the memory of her husband and children..Yes, true..she has us...we can be considered as her children and our children can be considered as her grandchildren..

BUT are the feelings the same as her having her own children..her grandchildren? Someone to make loads of noises...someone to mess up her extremely tidy and clean house? someone to drive her crazy? Someone to shout to....?? She accepts her fate...She is not complaining...Allah is the Almighty after all...but for us still living...a reminder to myself as well...we should make an effort to visit her more often and what not..Life is after all enriched with the enrichment of the Silaturrahim..

my bro n family

they as a family..

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I was just browsing on the net...looking for ideas on the geng Mahsuri blog..Just for fun.. i typed my school's name... and there it was... the school logo...the school song.. and a few snaps of the school's main buildings!!...Memories came flooded in..Yup..I have created the blog..I dunno how many will join in... i dont even know where they are except kie... who may know several others.. Hopefully thru words of mouth, our batch will slowly join in... Bukannya apa...saja nak tanya khabar...After all...Friendship long ago can always be rekindled, right? geng Mahsuri... if u think u r one of us...pls go to

and let us exchange news and gossip with each other...

What did ı do???

2 days ago, I promised Halil's auntie (yenge) that ı will cook her apple pie and pogaca (see Zaim Ladies Recipe Book) since she is expecting around 12 guests today. She is after all not so young anymore.. .it is normal that I offered to cook something at least..though she refused to let me cook other things for her...

YEsterday after Fenerbahce...I felt so exhausted.. It must be the fresh air... or the fact that I had not been out in the open like this for ages with halil n kids.. Last night, I thought I would prepare the apple pie first.I did... I baked 2 apple for us and one for yenge. Ours was just from the leftover dough anyway... out of the oven..both apple pie with the delightful aroma of the apples....I transfered the apple pie to another plate...and accident I cracked the pic into two....BYE BYE Apple pie....!!! Waaaaaaaaa I wanted to cry then...I couldnt give her the other apple pic coz it was small..meaning... I had to make another one!!

I put the kids to sleep. Already extremely exhausted from the outing...went to the kitchen..and prepared the pie dough again..something was wrong!! It did not fold into shape easily. It cracked everywhere...the dough I mean...(Can dough crack???it did!!) I modified...added more butter..which made it still cracked....I gave up.. I was in no mood to think...threw the dough into the bin...tidied up the kitchen and drank my iced coke and went to sleep...

Woke up this morning..again, I tried..the same thing again!! Angry at myself coz i do make a fairly good apple pie...but since last night..WHAT THE Hell is WRONG with me!!!??? dough...rubbish bin again!! (Pls forgive me Allah for such a waste!).. I managed to calm down for a while...looked at the recipe book again...The secret is revealed... I forGOT to add in WATER!!'! It said there...bir fincan su (one small turkish coffee cup of water)..That was why the dough wont hold the structure...the magic of H2O..*hitting my head...argh stupid stupid simah*

Ok...that pie in the oven and cooking... now time for poğaca...First I prepared the dough for the meat filling... no problem there.. Then, time to prepare the second dough for the white cheese filling.. I more yogurt left!! was 8am..the shops were closed. But I needed to prepare this before the kids woke up.. The obvious choice was of course ozlem...her kids are always awake at that time... knock knock...I asked for one glass of yogurt from ozlem...she had just a bit...I took all..I had no choice...I was desperate...Cooked the pogaca..all settled.....gave the kids their breakfast...came to the pc to calm down a bit and ...

*ding dong*..mistik (baba's house helper) came......he came for something...bla bla bla..bla..bla bla bla....I erupted my volcanic temper...It was none of his fault...but added to my already unstable emotion...he took the full blow of my temper.. ..I am lucky coz he knows me well enough not to be offended...offered him turkish coffee as the usual (my peace offering as well)....calmed down a bit..apologised to the time he left the house, I was at least smiling again..

It is only 11am now...and i am exhausted mentally and physically..I am not complaining about having to cook for yenge...ı would do more if she lets me.. ıt is an honour for me that she trusts me enough to cook something for her...

The house is in a mess...the kids need my attention... I need to do some least the pogaca and apple pie are ready...

my iced coke with slices of fresh lemon is what i need right now...I asked cemal abi (the apartment caretaker) to buy me the coke..we have coke in the house...but since halil n i r on diet since yesterday, he bought light coke. It tastes or no diet...i will go for my normal fattening, hazardous coca cola...i deserve one after all these stress...

ı need a hug too..that i will get from my kids...baddin is too skinny to hug..(that never stop me from hugging him too much of course) but hatice is just huggable...

What had happened was simply because I went against the few rules of cooking (at least for myself). Cooking is my joy...but..

1. Never cook when I am exhausted
2. Never cook when I am panicked
3. Never cook when I am in no mood to cook

coz it aint worth cooking when i am in those moods.. Nothing will turn out right!!
endure me my friends.. endure my babblings..I am after all...a simple housewife...

Monday, April 17, 2006


Halil n kids

Me and kids

During our typical stone throwing activity

With one of the islands (ada) as the background

Daughter and dad

Too exhausted to describe...Am totally relaxed now...happy from the outing..These are a few of our poses for out for the tulips.. beautiful arent they? Pls note.. 4 lemonade and 1 small glass of turkish tea cost 17.50YTL.. Dearest family n friends.... the next time we all go there in a crowd.. I think we should bring our own tea... paying a lot for a few cups of tea or other drinks over there aint worth it..

Hatice's Favourite song Lyrics

Yup..that song is in Dora the Explorer...before I forgot the it goes..

A musician I am
And I am playing on the go

I play the flute
tik tik tik
You play the flute
tik tik tik
I play the Moracas
shika shika shika
You play the moracas
shika shika shika
I play the drum
bam bam bam
You play the drum
bam bam bam
I play the trambone
bomba bomba bomba
You play the trambone
bomba bomba bomba
I play the harmonica
zum zum zum
You play the harmonica
zum zum zum

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Child Labour

Hatice!! Baddin!!! Like Cinderella's cruel step mother I called on my preys..." peel the onion!",
" prepare the bread crumbs!" *chuckles*

The truth is Hatice-my number one cooking fan is into cooking now. Yesterday, hatice, baddin and I prepared pudding together.

Today, is kofte (meatball) preparation I spread the newspaper on the floor (pls excuse the kitchen mess)..both eager to help....They helped to prepare the breadcrumbs, added in ingredients like salt, kofte harci and what not...Both had tears falling from their eyes from the effect of onion (or u could say the step mom had just physically abused the children hehehe) and...all ingredients inside the bowl....minced meat added...MiXiNG tiME!!!!!

Baddin was like..*anne ..ben istemiyorum..ben seyrediyorum* (I dont want to do..I am watching)..but hatice...*anne ben nasıl yapacagım? böyle mı?* (How will I do this? Like this?)...I showed her from the mixing and kneading the meat to the shaping of the meatball...explaining step by step...questioning her on the steps to prepare the kofte..reminding her of what to do and what not to do...and all that while she was listening and actually doing it pretty well!!

How much she has learned, I dunno. What does it matter anyway...She is only five and yet she is willing to put her hands inside the bowl containing all the sticky actually work her hands into it...and with full interest!! I dunno about the future...but whoever plans to marry her one day... i am confident that their kitchen will be filled with the wonderful aroma of home cooking...May Allah not let her interest and skill die...after all, the way to get to a man's heart is thru his stomach..

And as for baddin?? Being a guy and all..i hope he will want to help in the kitchen...after all being a man and being able to cook does not affect the machoness of a man..women love men who can cook..It is a known fact to be assured that many professional chefs all over the world are mainly men!!


"Home is Where the Heart is"

All my growing up years, I always thought I understood what it meant...But I didnt really...not until the year 2000.. That was when I really start to understand the meaning of it.

It was 7 months after I got married ...7 months after I have relocated my life in istanbul. A young bride I was..still slim (not fat and ugly like i am now) and was experiencing my new life in a nervous way....deep down terribly missing my life in Malaysia mom, my dad, my siblings...the food..everything!! I mean who wouldnt?? I had lived all my life in Malaysia. That life runs thru my veins like a shadow..

It was in Sapanca when Ozer abi called us to tell that he heard that there was a promotian for cheap flights to Malaysia by the Malaysian Airlines System. I got excited. But I knew Halil and I could not afford the price...But he said, *ok*..We will try to find a seat. He said he wouldnt
be able to come with me since he had classes..he could not take a leave in the middle of the term..And I said ok..

I was devastated when I was told that there was no seat left. It was an awfully cheap priced ticket flight that all seats were booked.We put my name under the waiting list...You cant imagine how many prayers I had made to Allah or how many yassin I had read to calm down the turmoil I felt.. The longing I had to see my family.. But no news...sad and somehow deflated...I accepted the fate and tried not to think much of my home in Malaysia..

Until one day...we recieved a call from the travel agency that somebody cancelled a seat and YES!! I could go home!! I had 2 weeks to pack. I told my family of the news..that I would be going home for 21 days...alone..

Yes.. I was home. Yes. I was experiencing life with my family again..chatting with my siblings....eating my favourite food..all of those...the complete set..Yet, something was missing. Halil was missing. I missed him like hell. We talked on the phone everyday. I would call him and he I. It was like our courting days again. One missing the other terribly. Maybe we were a newly wed young couple..maybe that was the reason of this missing each other... or so I thought..

But 4 years ago, when I went to Malaysia the second time with my kids..(halil stayed behind since he was trying to complete his Ph.D thesis) for two and a half months... the same thing happened. We were missing each other crazy... perhaps even more....I could not stop smiling when he joined us in Malaysia. That was when the joy of life..the joy of staying in Malaysia with my family was complete

It was then I understood what that one phrase means..Home is actually where the HEART is...Yes, before I embraced a life as a wife, my heart was with my family....Dont get me wrong... My heart is Still with my family in Malaysia..I miss them terribly still...this longing to see with them ....will never change.. But the focus is changed least the load of it...

My heaven is now under my hubby's feet (Syurga di bawah tapak kaki suami)..and together with that responsibility....that is where I place my the loving embrace of my husband and children...

I understand now that Home is not defined by the geograpy is not the talk of which country is better to live in or which country not nice to live in..nor does home mean that u must be showered by all the comfort and glitters of dont need a bling... It is the talk of the heart....the heart defines the home... and MY heart belongs to him...and when i am with him...when he looks at me with the look that says.."I love You"...YES..I AM HOME...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Turkish Song

Just wanna let those not familiar with
the turkish language

to listen to this turkish song..
singer: Tarkan
Title: Dudu
Tune up the volume guys

Budak TESL 6


tadi masa aku dok main main message dgn handphone aku..teringat lak nak sms kat lia....ala si Zaliah member kita tu la...dia kan mengandung..lama tak antar email kat aku..risau gak aku..mana la tau kot kot dah meletup...rupa rupanya minah tu la ni kat hospital..dah la mengandung sarat..nak due lak....lepas tu kena batu karang lak...sakit oo kena batu karang..sakit mcm nak beranak.. aku tau sebab halil kan baru ja kena... so sesapa yg rasa nak contact dia ka nak tanya khabar aku letakkan no handphone dia kat dlm bahagian comment utk entry ni.. tak nak la letak kat public kan..sekurangnya kat comment tu terselindung skit..

cerita terbaru shida dah kawin...gambaq aku dok tunggu mona baya aku tau dah sarat mengandung..yg lain lain tu apa la gamaknya citer depa yek?

sesapa yg tau citer la sket..aku kat sini outdated sikit..

The Latest Statistics..

Statistics of what? Of Baddin and his loo adventure of course.NOw I think he is over prima (diapers) totally.. If he needs to go, he just does it himself...cleans after himself even.He only calls me to clean him up for the big business. And at nights, he only wet his bed twice so far..both of which I took total blame since I was too tired to wake up to bring him to the loo..Bravo baddin... Now he discovers the pleasure of releasing the excess of his body without the diapers...One stage over...Alhamdulillah..

p.s to use white for the writing is swell but when u wanna edit do u see the white writing when you have white background supporting it? hmmm

Fear Factor..

Halil is watching a program called fear factor...i suppose there is a program such as this in every country...ı dunno..

Anyway, what is happening now a cubicle, a girl wearing only a bra and a pantie is placed in a cubicle divided into 3 sections.. her legs, her middle (tummy ,breast till neck) and her head. What they will do is that they will put ALIVE RATS inside the first section (legs), then live SNAKES in the middle section and lastly live CRABS at the upper section..Can u imagine urself in her position..with all those rats, snakes and crabs crawling all over you?? ..igrenc yaa.. TAM madness...instead of overcoming the factor of fear..I think the girl will have more nightmares for at least a YEAR!!

Friday, April 14, 2006 ananas...

This past week hatice has been bugging me with questions like *when r we going to Malaysia?* .,.*can I play with the cats there?* , *can I play with the purple bicycle I bought for her the last time we visited Malaysia*..She starts in her mind to dream of what to bring and what to do when she goes to Malaysia....We did talk about going to Malaysia to see my family and all...but I said one day..not that soon!!!...It could be another 3 years...or maybe 10!!! And that sweet girl..she even started to pack her toys for Malaysia!! *chuckles*.

Anyway, yesterday Saime did not come. I decided to bring the kids to Pazar since it was a wonderful sunny day..and I needed to buy some things from Pazar. Walking hand in hand with one trolley in one hand..we ventured into the world of people in Pazar.. It was good really coz I got to question the kids of the fruits and vegetables they saw. Hatice knew all naturally..though baddin needed some reminding..

Baddin has always been fascinated by ananas (pineapple)..SpongeBob Squarepants influence no doubt..both of them had been wanting to eat ananas for ages but I keep telling them *later* ..sonra cocuklar...Yesterday, I could not postpone no more...besides, i do miss the fruit. It is one of my favourite fruits in Malaysia though I never realise it till I am away from it..So i relented and bought one ananas from the seller... The guy said it was from Dubai.....whatever..ananas is ananas..

Went home...sliced the ananas and the kids were so eager to try it out..The immediate responses were...

baddin: *anne ananas sevmiyorum* (Anne I dont like the pineapple)
hatice: *O kadar guzel degil..* (Not that tasty)

I tried it too...OOoo Yikes!! What is this? It looks like Ananas...but the taste...where is that sweet smelling ananas..that incredible sweet taste that when u take a bite, the juice will run down the sides of ur mouth...THAT mouth watering ananas?? The one I have in my memory.......The one I dream of..but the one I tasted...was a real disappointment indeed....ananas ...oh ananas...come to me....

P.s ..the kids made me buy them a watch each..hatice - barbie and baddin-spiderman..
I have got a batman for a husband, a barbie for a daughter and a spiderman for a son..we are definitely an interesting specie....... heheh..luckily, i am still a human though according to halil i am a witch...hmmmm..Maybe I should start learning some spells?

Thursday, April 13, 2006


You came when I was a mess
You came when I needed someone to hold on to
You guessed what I was
Yet you accepted who I was

I had been praying
Praying for an escape
Escape from the choices
I had to make
I knew
Was wrong to make
Escape was
a privilege to me

I prayed
I prayed
Miracles do happen


Sent me

It is your love
The power that heal
And for all that is worth

Joe's Kids..

3 siblings...

In the living room

Eating ice cream in front of the house?

After waiting and waiting for the pics...waited i did...sampai dah nak berjanggut be able to see the faces of my nephew and nieces (the youngest I have not seen at all) of my brother's.....FINALLY....
here they are!!! Courtesy of the dad...Arent they cute?hey! where's the pic of the mom n the dad of these kids? JOEeeeeeeeeee....

They are:
Muhammad Afif B. Johari  
Date Of Birth - 15/6/1999

Irdina Zakira Bte. Johari
Date Of Birth - 16/11/2001

Izzati khairina Bte. Johari
Date Of Birth - 31/12/2003

Time to collect the the data of the rest of my nephews...
what a terrible mak lang i am...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Yeah..Halil just called me...menikus or something..i have no idea how to say the word in turkish or to translate it in english..basically there is something wrong with his knee...he cant put pressure on that hurts..

It seems Halil is following everybody...soon after Halim got his taş (batu Karang)..halil followed soon after...Mediha abla recently had undergone a surgery from Halil has one too..hopefully like mediha Abla he wont need the surgery..

Like Mese said, it is not something unexpected anyway...That is the leg where he had that big accident in 1992...that iron is still inside his leg...occasionally he has pain in that leg anyway.And the fact that he went to the military service esp for that 3 months...the pressure on the leg must be over excessive. Now, plus the weight he has gained and the lack of exercise.....what he got now shouldnt be a suprise...I really hope he will get well..Getmis Olsun tem...I really hope you wont need to go thru the operation...

he's back...anyway..he said if he needs to go thru surgery he will do it in summer...hmmm...what about the pool??

A Wonderful Sahil Walk

2 few days ago, the sun was up...cloudy in the morning but the weather picked up after noon...a perfect day to go on a family outing. We decided to go to the caddebostan sahil seaside area where we can walk and the kids can play at the playground area...yeah...spring is almost here grasses are being planted...or will be planted.. smal spring flowers are being planted bit by a week or two i suppose, total spring can be seen there... spring...hmmm..i loveee spring...

Ready!! GET SET!! GO!! And here we jump!!!! and jumped they did, TWICE!! Luckily no scraped knees or I would have scolded halil for sure *chuckles*..we r a family who do not do the ordinary most of the this is nothing definitely...

Just look at this...this is a nice concept I have to admit. The town authority (belediye) are putting up these kind of seats all over the seaside area where people can sit perhaps after tired of walking...and perhaps while sitting, they might wanna read Turkish POETRY??? ..The back part of the seat is with the specific picture and name of the poet. The front part as seen below is where they print the poetry of that specific poet. It is an effort to be admired definitely especially in order to preserve one's culture....poetry do need to preserve one's culture. But my concern is..the seats are weather bound...when we went there..the seats were freezing cold to sit on...and as the weather grows hotter, so will the summer when the scorching sun will be shining brightly, will the people be able to sit on the very very hot seat and not burn their bumps...??? That is yet to see...still i applaud the effort...

Anne...I am tired........ said hatice

Baddin not wanting to be left behind continued...Anne I am tired too...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

And there they go...hand in hand...leaving me all alone lagging behind...abandoned..*sobs* *sobs* ...

hehehehhehe.. Of course after that they turned to me...running..and we asked the kids..*anne kim tutuyor?* (who will hold anne?) and *baba kim tutuyor?* (who will hold baba?)..We r lucky though...they dont fight on who will hold who...usually hatice prefers the dad and baddin prefers was indeed a nice walk...on a sunny, a bit windy spring day...
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