The latest news I have heard is that.... Our Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysian Education Ministry) has banned all chat programmes on the internet for all computers in the government schools (private schools? i dunno)..... meaning those students who are thinking of chatting in YM or even in my blog's chat box... u will get this writing..
*Laman web ini telah dihalang oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) untuk dilayari. Sebarang pertanyaan lanjut, sila hubungi 1300 88 2888 atau emel kepada, atau .*
(This website is banned by the Malaysian Education Ministry.For any enquiries pls contact...bla bla bl..)
This is definitely a good move to curb students from abusing the school computers. But what about the teachers???.. Well dearest teachers...esp my TESL friends.... SABAR je la yeaa...nampaknya kena simpan duit la beli PC sendiri or chat kat rumah...Getmiş Olsun size..
if u take a good look, simah.. the notice came frm kem pelajaran msia.. not pendidikan anymore. u know, politicians.. they change things as they like it
thanks for letting me know...esok aku perbetulkan..nak bagi ank aku tidoq..esok ada guests..12 orang!!!
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