Child Labour

Hatice!! Baddin!!! Like Cinderella's cruel step mother I called on my preys..." peel the onion!",
" prepare the bread crumbs!" *chuckles*

The truth is Hatice-my number one cooking fan is into cooking now. Yesterday, hatice, baddin and I prepared pudding together.
Today, is kofte (meatball) preparation I spread the newspaper on the floor (pls excuse the kitchen mess)..both eager to help....They helped to prepare the breadcrumbs, added in ingredients like salt, kofte harci and what not...Both had tears falling from their eyes from the effect of onion (or u could say the step mom had just physically abused the children hehehe) and...all ingredients inside the bowl....minced meat added...MiXiNG tiME!!!!!
Baddin was like..*anne ..ben istemiyorum..ben seyrediyorum* (I dont want to do..I am watching)..but hatice...*anne ben nasıl yapacagım? böyle mı?* (How will I do this? Like this?)...I showed her from the mixing and kneading the meat to the shaping of the meatball...explaining step by step...questioning her on the steps to prepare the kofte..reminding her of what to do and what not to do...and all that while she was listening and actually doing it pretty well!!
How much she has learned, I dunno. What does it matter anyway...She is only five and yet she is willing to put her hands inside the bowl containing all the sticky actually work her hands into it...and with full interest!! I dunno about the future...but whoever plans to marry her one day... i am confident that their kitchen will be filled with the wonderful aroma of home cooking...May Allah not let her interest and skill die...after all, the way to get to a man's heart is thru his stomach..
And as for baddin?? Being a guy and all..i hope he will want to help in the kitchen...after all being a man and being able to cook does not affect the machoness of a man..women love men who can cook..It is a known fact to be assured that many professional chefs all over the world are mainly men!!
Cakap pasal lelaki suka memasak, aku mmg suka masak! betoi hang mcm hang cakap pompuan mmg suka lelaki pandai masak! bukan setakat masak lain kerja yang boleh lelaki buat mesti pompuan suka...ini pengalaman aku sendiri...until now seterika baju kerja wife aku yang seterikakan..bukan nk menunjuk atau nk jatuhkan maruah tapi dunia hari nie masing2 ada kalau sama2 buat kerja akan jadi ringan...satu lagi buat susu utk kedua-dua anak aku sebelah mlm dan siang...tugas nie aku lakukan dari dulu sampai sekarang!aku memikirkan kalau wife aku boleh mengandungkan zuriat aku 9 bulan 10 hari, apa pengorbanan aku sebagai seorg suami selain mencari nafkah utk mereka...apa yang penting kena ada give and take...
memang aku pon is about give n take...
waaaaa bertuah la bini hang... dah la dapat laki romantic..pandai masak lak tu...suka menolong lak tu..
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