Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Yeah..Halil just called me...menikus or something..i have no idea how to say the word in turkish or to translate it in english..basically there is something wrong with his knee...he cant put pressure on that hurts..

It seems Halil is following everybody...soon after Halim got his taş (batu Karang)..halil followed soon after...Mediha abla recently had undergone a surgery from Halil has one too..hopefully like mediha Abla he wont need the surgery..

Like Mese said, it is not something unexpected anyway...That is the leg where he had that big accident in 1992...that iron is still inside his leg...occasionally he has pain in that leg anyway.And the fact that he went to the military service esp for that 3 months...the pressure on the leg must be over excessive. Now, plus the weight he has gained and the lack of exercise.....what he got now shouldnt be a suprise...I really hope he will get well..Getmis Olsun tem...I really hope you wont need to go thru the operation...

he's back...anyway..he said if he needs to go thru surgery he will do it in summer...hmmm...what about the pool??


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