
This past week hatice has been bugging me with questions like *when r we going to Malaysia?* .,.*can I play with the cats there?* , *can I play with the purple bicycle I bought for her the last time we visited Malaysia*..She starts in her mind to dream of what to bring and what to do when she goes to Malaysia....We did talk about going to Malaysia to see my family and all...but I said one day..not that soon!!!...It could be another 3 years...or maybe 10!!! And that sweet girl..she even started to pack her toys for Malaysia!! *chuckles*.
Anyway, yesterday Saime did not come. I decided to bring the kids to Pazar since it was a wonderful sunny day..and I needed to buy some things from Pazar. Walking hand in hand with one trolley in one hand..we ventured into the world of people in Pazar.. It was good really coz I got to question the kids of the fruits and vegetables they saw. Hatice knew all naturally..though baddin needed some reminding..
Baddin has always been fascinated by ananas (pineapple)..SpongeBob Squarepants influence no doubt..both of them had been wanting to eat ananas for ages but I keep telling them *later* ..sonra cocuklar...Yesterday, I could not postpone no more...besides, i do miss the fruit. It is one of my favourite fruits in Malaysia though I never realise it till I am away from it..So i relented and bought one ananas from the seller... The guy said it was from Dubai.....whatever..ananas is ananas..
Went home...sliced the ananas and the kids were so eager to try it out..The immediate responses were...
baddin: *anne ananas sevmiyorum* (Anne I dont like the pineapple)
hatice: *O kadar guzel degil..* (Not that tasty)
I tried it too...OOoo Yikes!! What is this? It looks like Ananas...but the taste...where is that sweet smelling ananas..that incredible sweet taste that when u take a bite, the juice will run down the sides of ur mouth...THAT mouth watering ananas?? The one I have in my memory.......The one I dream of..but the one I tasted...was a real disappointment indeed....ananas ...oh ananas...come to me....
P.s ..the kids made me buy them a watch each..hatice - barbie and baddin-spiderman..
I have got a batman for a husband, a barbie for a daughter and a spiderman for a son..we are definitely an interesting specie....... heheh..luckily, i am still a human though according to halil i am a witch...hmmmm..Maybe I should start learning some spells?
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