Mari Bersampan

Yeah..let us start rowing...this time the rowing of the boat..aka sampan is at the sea. Frankly speaking..i had never been on a sampan at sea before...until today... a canoe..i had been..a ferry i had been..even on a ship..but a small wooden sampan? nahhhhhhhhhh...
It so happens, u can rent a sampan for 8 YTL / hour....It was one very different experience i can assure u.. a small sampan..i think 5 people can sit in our case..halil rowing the boat...showing his manly strength...baddin with a totally scared face...he kept saying in turkish..baba lets turn back hehehehehehehe...hatice? she was cool. Even if she was scared..she didnt let her fear show.. was i curious whether i could row the boat myself?? of course i was!! ..i even tried...n the sampan didnt even move anywhere!! hehehehehehehehe..
Ladies..i suggest u leave the rowing of a sampan to the male specie..:0) The best part was when there was a big engine boat passed us... naturally, big waves started to form...n the sampan was moving up n down with the waves...totally cool it was..n totally scary u bet... hehehehe
And row row row ur boat..

but he had fun in the end heheheh

Ladies..dont try this.. :0)

We had a wonderful sampan experience..tem..sağol :0)
wah seronoknya simah :)
pernah naik sampan kat sungai masa kecik2...kita dok seronok sakan, maka dah pucat muka sebabnya org kata sungai tu ada buaya ke ke ke... budak2 biasalah mana tau takut.
row row row your boat, gently down the stream, if you see a crocodile, dont forget to scream (mr bean's version whihc happens to be Lil'N's fav version)
I am so bad with rowing, and i think the last time i tried doing it, the boat kept going in circles..hahahha
sampan in the sea... menakutkan wooo... anyway i think it must have been great excercise neee...
dah lama kami tak naik sampan, last time kat putra jaya heheh... dalam man made lake... oh yeah... kat sini ada juga naik, electronic sampan kat Jusco :)
nasib baik hang tak kena baham heheheheh
mama rock
at least it moved heheheheh for me if it hadnt been for the waves, it wouldnt have moved an inch even..not to mention the teasing i've got from halil *chuckles*
memang scary.. orang yg mabuk laut lagi la coz u keep moving...up n down n up n down with the waves... but it was fun! :0)
electronic sampan kat jusco? kat jusco pun ada sampan..interesting ni :0)
oh saya pernah row a sampan kat UK dulu. Tapi kat lake. macam nak mampus. muahahahahha. samalah kita.
Berani you, Simah? Hahaha, I think kalau I, nak gerakkan the oar pun tak boleh. Tak pernah try pun. It all boils down to the fear of water (sebab tak tahu berenang).
simah, i pernah naik sampan kat tasik je. Kalau island hopping kat pulau-pulau naik speed boat.hehehehe.. Letih kan? I tumpang bagi semangat kat mish je la. :)I love your family activities!
Simah...u ni bestlah...macam2 aktivit bersama famili...tentu semua tu jadi kenangan anak2 dia bila mereka dewasa nanti...
biar lelaki kat dlm hidup kita ja row..biar diaorang tunjukkn kemachonan diaorang kan? hehehhe
Queen of the house
i like these kinds of activities.. but the oar..memanggg berat akak!!
next time pi bersampan halil promised us that kitaorang yg bersampan..n at one point...kat laut dlm..away from everybody...*terjunnnnnnnnnnnn*..tak tau dapat tak buat sebab sumer is slowly over..kalu tak next year kot ..
family outing is always nice :0) ..island hopping dengan speedboat?? bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaa :0)
kak lady
saya kalau boleh nak anak anak active.. i personally love camping..tracking..absailing etc..etc.. dah biasa sejak sekolah lagi..
my kids camping ni susah kot sebab baba diaorang tak kasi..tu yg kalau boleh saya nak diaorang buat apa yg baba depa bagi.. biar lasak sikit..bila lasak nanti self confidence depa pun akan enjoy life at the same time.. :0)
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