The last of Sapanca 2006
Pictures? not many this time.. just those we snapped using halil's handphone. We dont own a digital i guess u all will have to make do with the handphone snaps.. Yeah..yeah..i know....any picture of me this time? Normally i wouldnt be in the pics.. but since a few of u keep asking for my picture ..i made halil snap this one especially for u....i make sure that i dont look too fat (though i am) this one pic *chuckles*

The kids n i..
all ready for our big trekking
A break for ice tea
Tengah jalan hatice cakap..anne panas..boleh bukak tudung? I said ok..kesian pulak..memang panas gila..there was no one around anyway..
That roundish leaves r actually wild oregano (kekik)
The smell of fresh oregano is heavenly. They grow wild..Tak payah car freshness....The fresh oregano can act as one..
Another exhausted son..his face all red
This is what we collect while doing our jungle trekking...
Red colour: sour
Blackcurrent color n soft in texture: sweettttttttt
Wild berries... Yummy!!
And too much eating wild berries will make ur tongue color...hehehe
Today, i learn one lesson... kindness..
We were on our way to istanbul. Upon my insistence, we made a detour to izmit aka kocaeli (not izmir). I wanted to go to outlet center where usually at this time of the year,the shops there usually have pretty mean sale....n i was itching to buy bla bla bla bla...for halil n the kids..There we were on the road.. not really sure which road to go ...... My instincts told me that we had missed a turn. Therefore, while halil was driving, while waiting for the red light,we asked the driver of the car next to us for direction.....He didnt get the chance to explain much as the light was green again but we heard him said...*follow my car..i will show u*. We tried to follow his far but along the way, in the traffic we lost the car. Not knowing where we were, we moved on straight hoping for the best.. Luckily, a few minutes later we saw the same driver again, waiting for us at the side of the road, shouting n pointing to a turn, telling us to go to that turn.. Halil pressed the honk of the car to express our gratitude...We continued our quest to find outlet centre..We got lost..We were about to stop the car somewhere to ask for directions from someone else when we saw behind us, there was the car with the driver who helped us to show the way earlier on. He explained the last turn we should made n Alhamdulillah we finally found the place we were looking for. Allah Razı Olsun..
Today i was impressed..i am still impressed... I many people in ur life would do such a thing? I mean the guy practically made sure we were on the right track until the end....until he was sure we were in the right lane. Would U..or even Would I go all the way to help somebody that way?? The guy must have gone out of his own destination to lead us to the right road. He was concerned... Previously. if i was in the guy's place, i would just give directions verbally...Now.. after what had happened today... my actions may be different...when u r touched by such a simple kindness like this... it made u think, isnt it? The guy need not even help us..but he did...with a total sincerity. That was n is totally obvious.. He did not drive a fancy car..But his heart is definitely made of gold. Whoever u r.. We thank u. Because of him, we had a wonderful time at the outlet centre..I managed to spend quite a lot of halil's money (hehehe) n now..i love him most!!! hahahahhahahaha
Hey!! the spending was on them!!! :0)..
What halil made me buy for myself is not countable hahahah
p.s.. this last photo is snapped a few days before sapanca
Simah..yuhoo....saya yang pertama, best nyer jalan2 dengan keluarga, sambil kutip black current, ...he..he
simah aregano yg letak dalam kuah spagetti tu ker....
aik..ada gambar ngan husb lagik...
tiada apa yang membahagiakan kita melainkan bersama orang yang kita sayangkan....
p/s: suka tengok aktivit dan gambar pokok, bunga atau buah
simah.. i never missed to read ur entry... esp. biler tgk hatice n baddin yg comel tu.. :-) Neway.. nak tanya... Ankara jauh tak frm Istanbul? Can i have ur email addr... coz ada few questions nk tanya kat simah personally... cau cin cau...
salam..simah, sukanya saya tgk gambar awak esp. gambar awak n suami. moga cinta kalian berkekalan dunia n akhirat. nampak romantis gitu awak berdua.
cantik tul rupa fresh blueberries tu.
bestla tgk barang2 kat pazar tu..awak pandai makan jeruk zaitun?
Simah, as usual, I love your family activities. You have a very strong family bond. :) And I love your picture with ur hubby, so sweet. I susah nak ambil gambar dgn MIsh, dia suka buat funny faces! Geramnya!!!!!:P hehehehehe.. Wow, the man was kind enough to guide you. :)
he he he makan berries banyak2 bila ke toilet 'output' tak jadi kaler biru ka? ok lepas ni kalau ada conf. kat Istanbul kenalah cepat2 hantar paper...kot2 dpt pi boleh melawat orang kampung ke ke ke...
as for pictures, i think your blog always shows well composed interestng pictures... im a fan of mobile phone pictures my self... check out my mobile phone picture collection at
always use a CCD image sensor mobile phone as opoosed to CMOS... heheh...
wild berries and oregano... syok gila sana neee... main petik je... kalo saya dah tak pi kedai sayur dah... jadi orang asli sapanca lagi baik... heheh...
ps-in japan i guess 7 out of 10 ppl will show you the road until the end...
iv tanam oregano masa kat kl..tapi masa nak balik..iv lupa nak amik
'sini tatau nak cari kat mana'
kalau simah buat cekodok ...masukkan sikit hirisan oregano..nanti satu umah bau piza..
hubby panggil cekodok piza
kutip wild berry yg bestnya masa masukkan berry tu dlm mulut hehehe tapi selalunya kitaorang kutip dan letak kat dalam mulut hatice..dia suka sangat wild berries..
ala sesekali saja ja tunjuk gambar dengan hubby.. susah o nak tangkap..penat dia merendahkan diri utk masukkan muka dlm snap heheh
p.s nanti la yea saya cuba masukkan gambar pokok dlm other entries..
terima kasih la sebab rajin baca blog saya..
ankara is about 5 hours drive from istanbul...
my email addy is..
fire away any questions..i will try to answer it if i can :0)
dah awak mintak sangat nak tengok gambar saya..tu saya dah letak..heheheh..tengok syikin..bukan selalu saya nak tunjukkan diri ni :0)
Amin..saya pun sangat sangat mendoakan yg jodoh kami kekal sampai ke Akhirat..sama jugak utk awak n ur lovely family.. :0)
jeruk zaitun? saya pandai.. jeruk tu depa makan masa breakfast...yg saya paling suka sekali jeruk zaitun kaler hijau..tengah tengah tu depa letak jeruk cabai merah..nanti kalu ada rezeki saya bawak balik mesia..
u cubit sikit mish tu suruh ambil gambar romantik..mish ni mesti jenis kelakar ni..
tu kena tanya hatice..dia yg perabih makan semua berries tu... heheh..
cepat la hantaq paper utk conference kat istanbul....nanti hang gila nak shopping..tapi simpan duit banyak banyak..barang kat istanbul mahaiiiiiii
the problem with halil's hp..the output is not all the time clear..kena beli yg high quality sket kot..
will look at ur photo site tonight..thanks 4 the addy..CCD n CMOS tu amende izhal? boleh explain skit?
7 out of 10??
japanese people must be really helpful then!! caya la!!
cokodok pizza?? iv..boleh mintak resepi? interesting gila ni..
kat carrefour mesti ada jual oregano..cuba iv try cari tengok..
woo.. sempat gi trekking tu! yang kutip blackcurrent yang tak tahan rasanyaaa.....
saya pun agaknya kalau orang tanya directions - most probably akan cakap verbally aje. Or kalau situasi yang lebih sesuai - lukis peta. itupun kalau saya tau jalannya!
bilalah dapat pergi turkey ni...
iyea..oregano tu yg bubuh kat dalam pizza.. terlupa nak jawab soalan tadi..sorrie..
marlina baharom
jom join kami next year ..wild berries season kat sapanca rasanya dlm dua minggu lagi abis kot..
mama sarah
insyaAllah nanti one day datang la u kat sini..bukan jauh sangat pun UK ngan turkey.. cuba cuba la check masa discount time..
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