To Learn to Swim
I have been thinking. We Malaysians r sooo very lucky. We have such beautiful beaches almost everywhere... even if u live in the city, the beach is let us say maximum 2 hours drive from the beach??? And yet quite a lot of us do not know how to swim.... (my assumption)
Take me for instance. .. As i was growing up.. before istanbul, my home was in Penang n later langkawi n then again Penang....Much too often, i went to the beaches.... countless batu feringgi..countless pantai tengkorak... Yet for those 24 years... had i learnt to swim??? Did i know swimming??
I would put that to fear. In my case, nobody ever offered to teach me to swim. My dad being a custom marine officer (before retiremnent) naturally knows how to swim. but he never offered to teach me to swim.. well to be fair, he was away most of the times anyway.. and i had this one case of almost drowning experience in telaga tujuh when i was in form 3 (do u still remember mat kie?).. if My teacher dearest cikgu Hashim had not rescued me, i would be an arwah at the moment..u would be referring to me as the late simah right now...i owe cikgu hasihm my life i think.. so my fear of swimming was only natural even if my dad had offered to teach me..
To think again, without the case of *almost drowned* thing..i think i would have still be afraid to learn to swim....My personal opinion is.. for learn to swim.. the enemy of learning how to swim is not the technique itself.. it is the fear within oneself..
To float in the water.. it is easy enough.. let urself free..u can easy as ABC..i think everyone can do it...What made people cannot swim is this fear..the fear that * i will sink*..I started to brave myself to swim when i was in my matriculation years in PPP...I remember how we girls used to book a bus n together we all went to the itm pool for an hour or two.. At that time even i could somehow swim.. i could go to the deeper part .. but this one fear that i would sink affected my logics n made me a coward in the water regardless of the times Mary or sham meow or dayah tried to persuade me not to be afraid.. i was still afraid till the end of my tertiary education..
I was still afraid even after i came to turkey. Slowly with halil's persuasion i managed to overcome my fears. I was a weak swimmer then..The SEA?? woah.. i never dared go anywhere least not where my feet could not touch.. It was that one çeşme trip..where we stayed at Afife Teyze's summer house there for a week n Meşelar was there as well that for the first time, together with halil, i actually went swimming in the sea....That was the first time there were people (Meşe n teyze) who looked after the kids at the beach while halil n i romantically swam together..n he taught me a few techniques on how to avoid the waves..etc..etc..etc..
I never look back after that..the only problem is.. halil wont let me swim anywhere else other than edremit..n since hatice will start her pre schooling soon.. edremit is like a bye bye for us for a very very long time... tu la yg nak balik mesia.. nak berenang...
When i look at hatice n baddin.. again what held them back in the early stages of swimming is the fear *i will sink*. Alhamdulillah hatice had overcomed that fear..but baddin is still much too full with it.. how do u overcome that *i will sink* feeling?? i have no u know?? Would u like to share it with me? For myself, it was halil's gentle persuasion. For hatice it was Zeynep who subconsciously acted as her motivator...baddin? i dunno...
To learn to swim in the pool vs to learn to swim in the sea..which one is easier?? There r the pros n cons of course. For instance;-
---- if u learn to swim in the sea, the salt water supports ur weight. Therefore, u swim much much easier. What about the waves?? It does affect the swimming lesson right? To have the waves splassssssssssssh on u all the time as u try to swim....i dunno..what do u think?
----if u learn to swim at the pool, there will be no waves. But no support as in the salty water. Hence, u swim much much more harder...but at least if u r afraid u can touch the ground. But then, that would be bad coz u wont be forced to overcome ur fears.
What do u think? What about U?
It feels funny though..ı was living in Malaysia n i took the beach for granted i am somehow without heart longs for it... i suppose all my life trees n beaches..they i adore...i still dream a lot of them..

Take me for instance. .. As i was growing up.. before istanbul, my home was in Penang n later langkawi n then again Penang....Much too often, i went to the beaches.... countless batu feringgi..countless pantai tengkorak... Yet for those 24 years... had i learnt to swim??? Did i know swimming??
I would put that to fear. In my case, nobody ever offered to teach me to swim. My dad being a custom marine officer (before retiremnent) naturally knows how to swim. but he never offered to teach me to swim.. well to be fair, he was away most of the times anyway.. and i had this one case of almost drowning experience in telaga tujuh when i was in form 3 (do u still remember mat kie?).. if My teacher dearest cikgu Hashim had not rescued me, i would be an arwah at the moment..u would be referring to me as the late simah right now...i owe cikgu hasihm my life i think.. so my fear of swimming was only natural even if my dad had offered to teach me..
To think again, without the case of *almost drowned* thing..i think i would have still be afraid to learn to swim....My personal opinion is.. for learn to swim.. the enemy of learning how to swim is not the technique itself.. it is the fear within oneself..
To float in the water.. it is easy enough.. let urself free..u can easy as ABC..i think everyone can do it...What made people cannot swim is this fear..the fear that * i will sink*..I started to brave myself to swim when i was in my matriculation years in PPP...I remember how we girls used to book a bus n together we all went to the itm pool for an hour or two.. At that time even i could somehow swim.. i could go to the deeper part .. but this one fear that i would sink affected my logics n made me a coward in the water regardless of the times Mary or sham meow or dayah tried to persuade me not to be afraid.. i was still afraid till the end of my tertiary education..
I was still afraid even after i came to turkey. Slowly with halil's persuasion i managed to overcome my fears. I was a weak swimmer then..The SEA?? woah.. i never dared go anywhere least not where my feet could not touch.. It was that one çeşme trip..where we stayed at Afife Teyze's summer house there for a week n Meşelar was there as well that for the first time, together with halil, i actually went swimming in the sea....That was the first time there were people (Meşe n teyze) who looked after the kids at the beach while halil n i romantically swam together..n he taught me a few techniques on how to avoid the waves..etc..etc..etc..
I never look back after that..the only problem is.. halil wont let me swim anywhere else other than edremit..n since hatice will start her pre schooling soon.. edremit is like a bye bye for us for a very very long time... tu la yg nak balik mesia.. nak berenang...
When i look at hatice n baddin.. again what held them back in the early stages of swimming is the fear *i will sink*. Alhamdulillah hatice had overcomed that fear..but baddin is still much too full with it.. how do u overcome that *i will sink* feeling?? i have no u know?? Would u like to share it with me? For myself, it was halil's gentle persuasion. For hatice it was Zeynep who subconsciously acted as her motivator...baddin? i dunno...
To learn to swim in the pool vs to learn to swim in the sea..which one is easier?? There r the pros n cons of course. For instance;-
---- if u learn to swim in the sea, the salt water supports ur weight. Therefore, u swim much much easier. What about the waves?? It does affect the swimming lesson right? To have the waves splassssssssssssh on u all the time as u try to swim....i dunno..what do u think?
----if u learn to swim at the pool, there will be no waves. But no support as in the salty water. Hence, u swim much much more harder...but at least if u r afraid u can touch the ground. But then, that would be bad coz u wont be forced to overcome ur fears.
What do u think? What about U?
It feels funny though..ı was living in Malaysia n i took the beach for granted i am somehow without heart longs for it... i suppose all my life trees n beaches..they i adore...i still dream a lot of them..

Hatice n her new swimsuit
Pink as usual

Baddin n his new swimming trunk
Red coz he loves spiderman

Both siblings posing together
Pink as usual

Baddin n his new swimming trunk
Red coz he loves spiderman

Both siblings posing together
I will go missing again..the usual place.. will be back before the 20th... U can guess our activities by now there.... i have an armut (pear) tree to finish....that is my mission this sapanca hehehehehehehe
scientific fact:1. pear, cherry n apricot helps u go (buang air besar)
2. peach does the opposite.
If u have diarrhea (i think this spelling is wrong)...dont eat anything else but boiled potato without even the salt. Eat loads of banana to help strengthen the body. Drink loads of plain water...roll coffee with lemon juice or lime juice into small balls. swallow helps..
scientific fact:1. pear, cherry n apricot helps u go (buang air besar)
2. peach does the opposite.
If u have diarrhea (i think this spelling is wrong)...dont eat anything else but boiled potato without even the salt. Eat loads of banana to help strengthen the body. Drink loads of plain water...roll coffee with lemon juice or lime juice into small balls. swallow helps..
Simah, let me tell u my secret.. I can't swim tooo... I tried i did, I even took classes last year at our pool here but I have fear of drowning. Mish tried to help of course but I am stil unable to fight this fear of mine. I still go into the pool with the kids but I make sure they have their floats withh them.. I really wanted to learn, especially after the tsunami incident but tak boleh juga. I had to quit my swim class... sedih nye..
toinggg...terkena batang hidung..cuma boleh float, pegi snorkelling pun pakai life jacket, i do have that fear since my childhood as i live by the river and seeing people drowning at least three times a year due to depression,careless,mabuk todi, ajal..or hantu air? (orang tua2 cakap)
simah, lupa nak mention about how gorgeous ur kids looked! comelnye.....
hehe...saya pun tak reti berenanglah simah. tp teringin nak p belajar gak..cuma tarak masa aje.
bestlah awak dpt support drp ur husb. utk belajar berenang.
eh, tgk suami awak adik beradik berkumpul bersama masa kat spanca tu, nampak hub. mrk erat sangat..mmg stail family relationship kat sana camtu ya? maksudnya abihkan msa bersama pada musim2 tertentu?
best ya tidur atas tilam air tu? teringin plak nak merasa tidur :D
Simah ... I pun tak tahu berenang. Takut macam Syerin. Keep saying I have to let the kids learn, but so far tak jadi apa lagi. Cuma sorang je yang boleh swim in our family - my husband! Agaknya sebab right kat belakang rumah dia ada sungai.
Eh Sue - rumah you tepi sungai mana?
simah tumpang lalu..
sungai kedah tu..dekat seberang perak masuk dari restoran bunga tanjung lama, jalan terus sebelum flat Sbg Perak..pernah sampai ke Queen?
I dah masuk 2 sessions (10 classes each) of swimming class. Up till now I can swim tapi... ada tapinya tau. Swim without amik nafas. Once I keluarkan muka dr air untuk breath.. terus dah tak boleh!
Jom..sapa nak berenang..ajzie boleh ajar. FOC aje utk kawan2 blog..Tp dimana yea???
its 230pm and i havent showered... its a great day and im smiling :)
primal fear la ni yang buat simah tak reti berenang masa dulu2 yea??? ni dah dok layan sapanca sure kuak kupu2 dah hebat ni sampai boleh terkeluar dari air la orang kata heheh...
you have a good one too :)
i canswim but satustyle aje. now ayooo so no stamina
I thought i could swim, tapi the last time pergi rasanya dah tak boleh lagi sebab dah tak larat. gemok sangat. hahaha.
dulu2222, i rasa leceh nak swimming sebab kita ni pakai tudung. payah nak swim tutup aurat. pastu keluar dari air, baju melekat2 dkt badan. tak syok lah.
yang paling best swimming pool dkt kuala terengganu. sebab dia ada separate pool utk perempuan sahaja. tapi kena pakai swimming suit/ or leotard. segan nampak kaki gemuk pulak. isykhhh banyak alasan daaaaa...
salam. awak sihat tak Simah? risau plak blog ni tak berupdate
salam simah
cakap apsal swim...IV boleh berenang tapi IV tak leh float badan..puas aIV cuba..means IV kena always kayuh kaki dan tangan..penat seh..
kata coach ygajar tu..
awak ni songsang baby ke
kata IV
mcam tu lah mak saya kata
hmmm patutla tak boleh float..
kengkawan saya dah balik..i am sorry for the late reply.. ni pun tengah kecoh ni.. nanti bila sempat saya lawat blog kengkawan yea??
p.s syikin..maaf buat awak risau
jangan sedih..dont give up... bila kat dalam pool tu..kat tempat yg tak dalam tu cuba u just let urself go..relaxkan ur muscle n jatuhkan diri kat dlm air..dont move a thing..cuba float mcm tu...
ala bila dah bole float tu..nak berenang tu dah tak lama dah tu..
thanks :0)
kelaurga hubby saya ni depa memang erat.. tak payah tunggu summer utk berkumpul mcm tu.. dah sorang abang ipar duduk depan pintu kitaorang..2 orang abang dia duduk blok sebelah ja..kakak n bapak halil duduk kat apartment sendiri yg dlm lebih kurang 10 minutes drive..Alhamdulillah la depa ni rapat gila...selalu sangat jumpa each other..kalau tak jumpa..mesti tiap ari bukak tepon... mcm la duduk jauh sangat hehehü
dah pi berenang dah?
queen of the house..
akak ni selAlu tk berendam kat dlm sungai tu?bestnya...
silalah lalu..
tu panik takut tenggelam l tu..boleh punya..u ada masa banyak lagi..
cepat kengkawan..ajzie nak balik malaysia tu..cepat suruh dia ajar korang berenang..
i buat kuak kupu kupu with my weight? abis air pool tu terlimpah keluar nanti hehehehehe
asalkan bole swim sudah kan? i pun swim main tibai aja hehehe..asalkan tak tenggelam cukup..
mama sarah
memang banyak alasan u ni la hehehe ala swim ja..jangan conscious badan tu..i lagi la kes teruk.. ni bila swim dengan kak ipar..dengan depa pakai bikini badan slim gila..waaaa lagi la conscious gila..
mintak maaf bagi awak risau... saya terlesap lagi terjun air..
ibu vogue
hahahahahahaha lawaknya cerita iv ni hahahahha
ala bole float tu..cuba la lagi..
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