Back and going again
Sapanca..going to sapanca isnt about going places.. it is not about visiting many places the way tourists do.. it is about...staying in one place...
Thinking of what to cook everyday
Sitting in the garden with each other
looking at sapanca lake from the garden
Working in peace with the sound of different birds cirping to each other
reading something that the heart desires..
scribbling something while waiting for anne to prepare the food
Going to Sapanca Pazar
playing basketball in kirkpinar
playing football in the garden
talking to her cousin zeynep on the phone
Eating Barbeque food whenever the appetite asks for it (that is like much too often? hehehe)
and the pool..hmmm
Tv to the extreme minimum, no computer, no dishwasher to wash the dirty cutlery, no washing machine to wash the dirty laundry (adoi..sakit tulang belakang) n no saime to iron the clothes (i hate ironing) ..Everything is manual..everything is back to basic..where the only entertainment is each other's presence..and mıstık to do all the hard job hehehehehe..


Tv to the extreme minimum, no computer, no dishwasher to wash the dirty cutlery, no washing machine to wash the dirty laundry (adoi..sakit tulang belakang) n no saime to iron the clothes (i hate ironing) ..Everything is manual..everything is back to basic..where the only entertainment is each other's presence..and mıstık to do all the hard job hehehehehe..
Yes dear friends.. i am back for now.. We got back last night but by the time the kids went to sleep, i had only enough energy to transfer myself from baddin's bed to my own bed. Tomorrow (wednesday) we will be leaving again for sapanca for another 10 days break.
It was good. The kids had enjoyed the pool tremendously.The environment was very peaceful. This time though instead of lazing around, baba was busy working, putting on his final touches on his autobiography.Halil was busy playing with the kids. Being a couch potato that i am, i was happy just watching them from the kitchen. Mıstık doing whatever else that needed to be done...n so on so forth.
Selim, funda, Zeynep,Elo, Safa n Merve came for a one day visit on sunday... So the crowd increased that day... more noises... more happy n smiling faces.. Safa n Merve will join us in Sapanca tomorrow..n slowly the number of people in sapanca will increase as everyone will start coming there..the happiest?? the Kids of course!!
Yes. Sapanca is about staying in the housing area, enjoying the open space of the house. We do go down to the town everyday of course. To buy the bread for breakfast in the morning n if need to, again we will go down to buy whatever necessary from the market..meat..vegetables..what not. I personally think that the road to n pro the sapanca house is sooo scary... it is narrow..if i am to drive, i think the road is only fit enough for one car.. but how can 2 cars fit that road, i have no idea.. (the main reason why i refuse to learn to drive in istanbul).. the road uphill is so scary to me..

To make the matter worse, there was one day..when we went down in the morning to buy the bread for breakfast. When halil was about to turn right to enter the road uphill towards the house, the guy told us to come back again in half an hour since they r doing something with the road. And we were back there half an hour later. The road was different totally. They had put small rocks on the road..Half way towards the sapanca house, we encountered this..
Yup.. one road stroller..n two more trucks in front (one not evident in the pic)!!..dup dap dup dap...waaaaaa... so scary.... we later managed to pass the stroller n while going uphill, we had to follow these 2 trucks.. one spilling that black thing on the road (mortar??) and one truck drivining in reverse position dropping the stones n us following them...
ı tell was waaaaaaaaaaaa i dont want to repeat that experience ever.. as I was n am scared of that road.. phew!! what an experience..
The pool?? The pics will have to wait another 10 more days hehehehehe.. jangan mareee hehehe..
when we first entered the pool the first day, baddin was crying... anne!! it is cold..i am cold.. the first 5 minutes, he wanted to go out. Then, for about 10 minutes, he refused to let me go even though he had the arm float with him... Another 10 minutes we were swimming hand in hand holding his one hand while we swam to the deeper part of the the second day, he was swimming on his own with the float savely tucked around his
Hatice? She was better. Since she could somehow swim, she was busy polishing her skill. The only problem was to make her swim to the deeper part. Everytime halil tried to make her swim at the deeper part, she cried. It went on until the end of sunday. I think the presence of Zeynep somehow influenced her to be braver. Yesterday, she was swimming with 70 percent of her fears gone. And guess what? she has learnt to dive as well!!! Bravo hatice!! Bravo halil for the training..:0)
I'll see you again by the end of the month!!
It was good. The kids had enjoyed the pool tremendously.The environment was very peaceful. This time though instead of lazing around, baba was busy working, putting on his final touches on his autobiography.Halil was busy playing with the kids. Being a couch potato that i am, i was happy just watching them from the kitchen. Mıstık doing whatever else that needed to be done...n so on so forth.
Selim, funda, Zeynep,Elo, Safa n Merve came for a one day visit on sunday... So the crowd increased that day... more noises... more happy n smiling faces.. Safa n Merve will join us in Sapanca tomorrow..n slowly the number of people in sapanca will increase as everyone will start coming there..the happiest?? the Kids of course!!
Yes. Sapanca is about staying in the housing area, enjoying the open space of the house. We do go down to the town everyday of course. To buy the bread for breakfast in the morning n if need to, again we will go down to buy whatever necessary from the market..meat..vegetables..what not. I personally think that the road to n pro the sapanca house is sooo scary... it is narrow..if i am to drive, i think the road is only fit enough for one car.. but how can 2 cars fit that road, i have no idea.. (the main reason why i refuse to learn to drive in istanbul).. the road uphill is so scary to me..

To make the matter worse, there was one day..when we went down in the morning to buy the bread for breakfast. When halil was about to turn right to enter the road uphill towards the house, the guy told us to come back again in half an hour since they r doing something with the road. And we were back there half an hour later. The road was different totally. They had put small rocks on the road..Half way towards the sapanca house, we encountered this..

Yup.. one road stroller..n two more trucks in front (one not evident in the pic)!!..dup dap dup dap...waaaaaa... so scary.... we later managed to pass the stroller n while going uphill, we had to follow these 2 trucks.. one spilling that black thing on the road (mortar??) and one truck drivining in reverse position dropping the stones n us following them...

The pool?? The pics will have to wait another 10 more days hehehehehe.. jangan mareee hehehe..
when we first entered the pool the first day, baddin was crying... anne!! it is cold..i am cold.. the first 5 minutes, he wanted to go out. Then, for about 10 minutes, he refused to let me go even though he had the arm float with him... Another 10 minutes we were swimming hand in hand holding his one hand while we swam to the deeper part of the the second day, he was swimming on his own with the float savely tucked around his
Hatice? She was better. Since she could somehow swim, she was busy polishing her skill. The only problem was to make her swim to the deeper part. Everytime halil tried to make her swim at the deeper part, she cried. It went on until the end of sunday. I think the presence of Zeynep somehow influenced her to be braver. Yesterday, she was swimming with 70 percent of her fears gone. And guess what? she has learnt to dive as well!!! Bravo hatice!! Bravo halil for the training..:0)
Now we all have double skin tone..burnt faces.. and to think that the sapanca house was just like spring.. it was not sunny least not like down there.. here, it is a world of its own..the pool is still cold as hey!! who cares right? once u swim for 5 minutes, the body temperature will adjust to the pool's coldness..

Hatice n baddin both with burnt skin n though it is not obvious in this pic..both with reddish cheecks..
Halil...the kids.....n i.. we spend our summer in sapanca like this every year.. n we still cant get enough of it... the magic of sapanca.. it is true.. it has captivated my heart truly..i am bewitched.
Hatice n baddin both with burnt skin n though it is not obvious in this pic..both with reddish cheecks..
I'll see you again by the end of the month!!
sapanca seems to be a very nice place to have a peaceful life. not like kl. urrggghhhh!! very hectic!
Rasa macam seronok sgt. kat Sapanca tu...hehehe....cuti betullah ni...cuti dari membuat macam2 kerja rumah kan?...bila lagi nak cuti....rehat betul2...tapi bab ironing tu...kak lady suka...meh hantar baju kat sini kak lady ironkan... :P
memang sapanca is a great place to escape the hective life of the city..memang ramai orang istanbul escape mai sapanca.. beradik la..left right building..hectic..traffic.. we live there..jadi nak complain banyak sangat pon tak boleh la kan..bila ada chance nak escape tu..apa lagi hehehehe
kak lady
*simah bagi satu bakul kain utk kak lady iron* :0)
eh akak suka iron baju? first time saya tengok orang suka seterika baju... ni mesti akak menyanyi ker sambil iron?
memang akak..cuti dari buat mcm mcm kerja rumah.. terutamanya bersihkan rumah..kalau rumah kotor sikit pon..buat tutup mata jer la hehehe lepas tu panggil mıstıkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....bila lagi nak pekena mamat tu buat kerja teruk teruk hehehe
sekarang tak ramai yg datang lagi memang saya cuti sakan la..tapi lepas ni.. penattttttt...nak kena masak utk satu pasukan tentera..pinggan mangkuk tak henti henti kena basuh..nasib baik ada mıstık..boleh la buli dia.. bila dah jadi anak menantu yg muda ni dan mak mentua dah meninggal ni..kira bab dapur saya la take over..
yg bestnya bila rasa penat..rimas panas..terjun pool..sapanca hidup memang peaceful..memang letih..tapi memang worth it.. :0)
QOTH pun nak hantar baju bagi Kak Lady iron!!!
Simah, sounds like you and family are having a wonderful time! Seronoknya ...... anyway, miss your entries. Cuti dari buat kerja rumah tapi jangan sampai relax sangat ... nanti 'ter'expand apa yang tak patut, hehehe. Have fun for the rest of the break.
lahai awat kena wait for 10 days for the pool pics??? pakai film ke???heheh... get som shots of those turkish women in their tutup aurat bathing suits would ya... heheh...
Queen of the house
akak..hantar jer baju tu kat kak lady hehehehe
cuti lama lama..mcm mana nak tulis entry pun dah saya terlupa akak!! hahaha..
kat sana memang the risk of *mengexpand* apa yg tak patut memang tinggi hehehe..good food..good company...loads of iced Coke.. nasib baik la ada pool..konon kononnya bole kurus la swimming.. (not) hehehe
yup..pakai filem..
nak sponsor electronic camera yg boleh terus download pi pc tu ker? ? bole bole..saya sanggup terima heheheheh :0)
enjoy sapanca again. The big family get together I can imagine. Bestnya.
Take care!
i thought that i'm gonna see a pink swimwear..i hate ironing, especially men's wear.
have a great holiday in sapanca
wah seronoknya! make sure banyak2 buat laps, nak hilang kan apa2 yang baru di makan tu. mama ni kalau pergi vacation mesti naik badan - makan cam tak ingat dunia!
anggerik merah
thanks :0) hope u will get todo the family get together real soon too..
pink swimwear? next entry heheheh
u enjoy ur days as well..see ya soon :0)
mama rock
saya pun sama la mesti badan think again, my body tak pernah turun pun berat dia hehehehehe..
i like that idea..enjoting each other's presence. I think it is good for a change. tapi even better kalau ada washing machine lah. adoi!!
you are goiing somewhere again?
yup..a washing machine n a dish washer in sapanca would be nice :0) sakit pinggang nak basuh baju adoiiii.. (look at how pampered we r nowadays kan?)
yup..going to sapanca again.. till the end of the month..
hehehe aci aci..tengok gambar diaorang 3 ekor tu kan best dah..gambar simah yg tembun ni kat pool tunggu 10 hari lagi ..tungguuuuuuuu..hehehehehe..jangan pengsan tengok ke *expansion* secara melintang udah hahahaha
kat kirkpinar ada internet cafe tapi kalau saya cuba pi mesti ada yg kena ketuk nanti hehehehe
yeah..halil dah nak siap.. Sapanca here we come..Simah over n out..
i will miss u all..waaaaaaaaaaaa tak boleh nak bebel 10 hari waaaaaaa
hooorayyy hooorayyy it is a holi holidayyyyyy!!
Ah best nya....jeles hamba!!
Sounds like a wonderful vacation. I would love to go somewhere peaceful without all the hustle and bustle. No phones, no tv, that would be my dream place. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time. Loved the pics and the stories. And the kids learning to swim, how wonderful!
bestnya p tempt percutian family.
rindu lagi ngan simah nampaknya ni.
simah, kita genglah..saya tka suka iron baju..tpi terpaksa..huhuhu
simah, awat lama sangat pergi tempat yang tak de internet connection ni!!! your Sapanca sounded sooo pleasant, serene and calm. Especially the swimming pool. tapi tak de internet connection simah oiiiiii!!! macamana hang boleh tahan ni?
Hai, coti nampak, wah best nyer, jangan lupa kirim gambar cantik2 kat kami.
selamat bercuti.
i'll be having a longgggg holiday soon.
Will miss you!! Seronoknya asyik pergi jalan je...
Enjoy and take care...
Bestnya! Interesting and relaxing:)
wah bestnya :) makan makan, minum minum... best best :)
wahhh seronoknya.. Tp sure rindu nak baca cerita shima
wahhh seronoknya.. Tp sure rindu nak baca cerita shima
kepada semua..
simah dah balik dah...amboi...banyaknya kerja nak buatttttttttttt.......
rindunya kat koranggggg
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