A Smile
I woke up yesterday morning feeling totally lousy. I didnt sleep much during the night. Hatice coughed a lot while sleeping.Her nose was stuck...Baddin kept waking up as well.. He too i suspect was not feeling nice. Halil had a terrible sore throat..The windy day in sapanca affecting them despite the thick clothing the kids wore.. 3 in 1 ..all not feeling very well last night left me feeling letargic in the morning. And on top of that, i had to go to pazar as well .
I dragged myself out of the house after Saime came. Bought my beloved mango lipton ice tea as part of my pazar going tradition..While walking towards pazar, i saw this one lanky guy. I know him. He walks around in our area everyday. He walks and walks everyday. I suppose there is a short circuit in his brain somewhere. But this guy, he is so warm to look at coz he smiles all the time.With very polite manner, he always say hi to all he sees n sometimes he chats with them. Everyone seems to like him. Even i..
Yesterday, as i was walking, he saw me and said the usual..*merhaba abla. nasilsin?* (hi.how r u sister?). He was smiling very warmly despite the heat. And he lifted my spirit..i was feeling better. .. He may not be a normal guy..but he was there subconsciously making me feeling better... A smile..
What a wonderful thing a smile is isnt it? i remember an advertisement on tv that i used to watch as i was growing up... it would be nice if i can put that ad here..i love it very much..At that time, the government was trying to promote people to smile and the lyrics goes like this..
Yesterday, i also smiled as i walked home from pazar holding this flower in my hand..every girl deserves flowers once in a while.. if people dont give it to u..buy it urself hehehe.. i did n i felt so happy coz i love flowers..
But what made my day most importantly yesterday was to see the excitement on hatice n baddin's faces when they discovered that their selim amca and their two cousins (zeynep n elo) were on their way to our house..Gosh!! they played n played for hours and they did not get bored of each other..masyaAllah..they really had fun..laughing n chatting. Can u imagine, with 4 kids..n the house was still in harmony..n my hubby n his brother..they chatted n chatted non stop... where did they find the topics to chat??? *chuckles*..Yup..this is the life of turks.. give them good company...turkish coffee n later tea next to them..They can chat n chat without looking at the watch.. how sweet isnt it? i was just the silent worker n observer.. unlike most normal people.. i am not a chatter..well, at least not in real life..this simah in the blogging world is different of course...

For the first time ever, elo allowed me to braid her hair.
I couldnt miss that chance could i?
So here is elo's hair braided by simah heheheh
I am no beauty..
for i am fat n specky
I believe
if I smile to others
from the bottom
of my heart
That smile can be
infectious indeed..
And so..
I Smile at You
I dragged myself out of the house after Saime came. Bought my beloved mango lipton ice tea as part of my pazar going tradition..While walking towards pazar, i saw this one lanky guy. I know him. He walks around in our area everyday. He walks and walks everyday. I suppose there is a short circuit in his brain somewhere. But this guy, he is so warm to look at coz he smiles all the time.With very polite manner, he always say hi to all he sees n sometimes he chats with them. Everyone seems to like him. Even i..
Yesterday, as i was walking, he saw me and said the usual..*merhaba abla. nasilsin?* (hi.how r u sister?). He was smiling very warmly despite the heat. And he lifted my spirit..i was feeling better. .. He may not be a normal guy..but he was there subconsciously making me feeling better... A smile..
What a wonderful thing a smile is isnt it? i remember an advertisement on tv that i used to watch as i was growing up... it would be nice if i can put that ad here..i love it very much..At that time, the government was trying to promote people to smile and the lyrics goes like this..
A smile is quite a funny thing
it lightens up ur face
and when it's gone u'll never find
it's secret hiding place
But far more wonderful it is
to see what smile can do
u smile at me
and i smile at u
and so one smile makes two
smile smile
it isnt hard to do
smile for a while
let one smile makes two
smile smile
the magic shining thru
smile from ur heart
n the world smiles
with u....
it lightens up ur face
and when it's gone u'll never find
it's secret hiding place
But far more wonderful it is
to see what smile can do
u smile at me
and i smile at u
and so one smile makes two
smile smile
it isnt hard to do
smile for a while
let one smile makes two
smile smile
the magic shining thru
smile from ur heart
n the world smiles
with u....
Thanks for mama sarah for reminding me that starting of the malay version of the song... here is the song in malay..i just hope i still remember it right..
Senyum seindah suria
yang membawa cahaya
senyumlah dari hati
dunia pun berseri
senyum mu bagai impian
dalam kehidupan
kau tersenyum
ku tersennyum
kemesraan menguntum
kepada semua
senyuman mu amatlah berharga
dengan senyuman
yang membawa cahaya
senyumlah dari hati
dunia pun berseri
senyum mu bagai impian
dalam kehidupan
kau tersenyum
ku tersennyum
kemesraan menguntum
kepada semua
senyuman mu amatlah berharga
dengan senyuman
Yesterday, i also smiled as i walked home from pazar holding this flower in my hand..every girl deserves flowers once in a while.. if people dont give it to u..buy it urself hehehe.. i did n i felt so happy coz i love flowers..

2 elder cousins
hatice n zeynep
hatice n zeynep

For the first time ever, elo allowed me to braid her hair.
I couldnt miss that chance could i?
So here is elo's hair braided by simah heheheh
I am no beauty..
for i am fat n specky
I believe
if I smile to others
from the bottom
of my heart
That smile can be
infectious indeed..
And so..
I Smile at You
Have a Nice Weekend Everyone!!
Let Us live Life full of smile!!
Let Us live Life full of smile!!
Smile...coz smile will lite up your day...
Kak lady tak pernah lupa untuk tersenyum pada mereka yang selalu bertembung dengan kak lady di perjalanan....
What a pleasant entry :)
Your Halil and his brother macam KOTH and his brothers. Bila get together, entah apa yang diorang bualkan ... cakap cakap cakap sampai lewat malam ... esok cakap lagi, gelak sana sini. Just give them their coffee and watch them talk!
In fact, the sisters and SILs semua kata, kalau husband kita ajak balik, pi bancuh kopi .... sure sambung & panjang lagi cerita depa.
A very warm entry..with a big warm smile from the heart of simah ;-)
have a nice weekend at the summer house..and dream of pasir tgkorak..
nice one...
*smile* simah *smile*... enjoy ur weekend :)
p/s: kami masak laksa minggu ni ke ke ke...nyum nyum.
i remember that smile song!!! I used to sing the malay version zaman sekolah dahulu kala, senyum seindah suria yang membawa cahaya...
wujud lagi ke lagu tu kat malaysia, i wonder.
bir şey değil..i was happy..the kids were happy..the two brothers were happy..that was and is all that matters..nobody's complaining.. :0)
kak lady
mesti kak lady jenşs orang yg awek muda dan manis dipandang sebab selalu senyum... i wish i can smile all the time like u.. i should remind myself to smile more often :0) jangan sampai orang ingat saya gila sebab terlalu senyum sudah hehehehe
Queen of the house
hahahahaha akak..i can understand ur feelings totally!! hahahahaha.. tapi bila ada close knit relationship among family members like this walaupun penat tapi memang berbaloi kan?
my heart is warm n my lips r smiling to be having friends like u..walaupun ada orang tu nak kena keletek sebab tak habis habis lagi dok menyakat...grrr..eh u dapat tak name list tu..i sent it to ur email ari tu..
ni sekoq lagi suka sakat..waaaaaaaaaaaaaa..alin..masa mkn laksa..tangkap bau laksa tu dlm tube..pos pi tırki la... hehehe
mama sarah
i dah letak lyrics lagu tu dlm melayu utk u..lagu tu wujud ke tidak tak sure la.. tu kena tanya orang yg duduk mesia.. tapi i suka sangat tengok advertisement tu..ceria sungguh
simah..awak buat saya terharu ngn entri kali ni. ya..senyum tu buat kita suka, senyum yg ikhlas tu buat kita gembira.sayang kalau org tak reti tersenyum kerana ia boleh melukakan insan lain.
hepi weekend day..
Wonderful Simah. Even when I am down I will try to smile and after awhile I'll forget about my troubles. Btw, it is also awet muda cara semulajadi! I love your kids ... muahhhhssss.... *smile*.. Their cousins are cute too...:)
Have a lovely weekend..
It's true that everyone we meet deserves to be greeted with a smile. And a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks too.
happy weekend to u too..so the conclusion is...Jom kita senyum hehehh
cousins hati n baddin tu mcm barbie doll..memang cute esp yg si zeynep tu..
memang senyum dlm kepahitan pun ada kebaikan dia kan? smileeeeeee
have a lovely weekend to u too :0)
akak..betul.. senyum tu memang boleh jadi awet muda.. lagipun senyuman tu kan boleh dikira sebagai satu sedekah..:0)
hahahah...simah...kak lady ni kalau dah senyum sebab ternampak orang yang kita kenal...susah bebenor nak berhenti senyum...tu yang kadang orang lain ternampak ingat kita ketawa ngan dia...dia terus senyum jugak...
kak lady...
wahh..mcm ni memang kak lady ramai la kawan yea? bestnyaaa..
as far as i can reach the corner of my dusty mind lah kan, i dont remember my friend simah here was the one who liked to do the observation and minimum talking.. u were the one who would chatter non-stop! u were the one who would make us roll up our eyes (in trying to figure out how ur mind or logic worked!) or roll down on the floor laughing our hearts out..u must have changed a lot, my friend.. u know all these years between us.. but i still believe u havent changed much.. fat or not, u r still simah to us, tesl friends here!
u must have missed me a lot to be saying nice things to me like this!! hahahahaha *simah gelak terguling guling*
all the same.. thanks for cheering me up :0)
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