My Wedding Ring
All stomachs full. I managed to do a bit of plate cleaning before mıstık (baba's male house helper) threw me out of the kitchen. Well, i wont complain. I dunno why, i always end up wetting (not my pants but) the front part of my t-shirt whenever i enter the kitchen for cooking or cleaning.And the irritating part would be,halil or baba or even mıstık would tell me to change my t-shirt everytime. *Ah..ur t-shirt is wet..u will get sick..go change*, they would say..I never did listen to them anyway.Hey! in Sapanca i enter the kitchen a thousand times a day. The kitchen is my escape from looking after any little ones hahahahaha (no offence to anyone).There is no way i would change my t-shirt a thousand times.
They even bought or more correctly, my dad in law gave me money by force a few years back so that i would buy myself an apron to use in the kitchen in Sapanca.It is still there in the kitchen. hung at the kitchen door. I do use it sometimes..if i feel like it..
Anyway, back to the story. Yup dinner was over. I was in the living room when i realised that my finger felt light. My wedding ring!!! It was gone!!! My heart felt like it was broken into pieces. In front of the crowd, somehow crying, i told halil that i lost the wedding ring. I immediately started crying so bad that i rushed to the bedroom upstairs. Everybody was panicked. Simah was crying. Everybody looked everywhere in the house to find my ring. The balcony, underneath the couch, the garden, everywhere!They even tried to find it in the pool..just in case it fell there while i was swimming during the day (trying to find a white gold ring in a pool at night? hehehe) hope..nobody saw anything. After thinking that i was calmed down a bit, i went downstairs. The flow of tears again came flooding by especially when the ladies tried to comfort me. wedding one n only beloved wedding ring..... I cried like i never cried before in front of everybody.I am not the type to cry like that..if i cry, i prefer to cry in my room n no one will know about it..but this time, the loss was so deep, i could not contain myself.I was sobbing so bad that my body shook so terribly.
And suddenly, özlem (my sister in law) appeared from the kitchen holding my ring!!!! And where did she find that ring?? It was inside the pressure cooker, together with the leftover rice for dinner!! The ring must have slipped inside it while i was washing the rice!!! It seemed that everyone that day had eaten white gold rice!! heheheheh..Thanks özlem for finding my ring. Thanks everyone else for trying to look for my ring.
My reaction towards the loss shocked me. I never knew that i prized my wedding ring that much. I thought if one day i lose the ring, i wouldnt mind at all. How wrong i was. It may not be a fancy ring. Just a plain white gold wedding ring to match halil's silver colored wedding ring. Yet, that is the ring that has *halil* written underneath it. That is the ring given to me after our nikah. That is the ring that symbolises our love..mine n his, our union of love. I guess that was the reason for my total devastation that night. Yes. The ring is still with me...i will definitely take it out before i cook or take a bath..though i somehow live in fear that i will lose it one day..coz i dont want to.
So anyone out there yang teringin nak makan Nasik Cincin Emas Putih.. sila la datang ke rumah saya..boleh saya masakkan mana tahu..mungkin nanti boleh jadi awek muda??? heheheheheh
There is a tradition in the turkish culture which we did after our nikah in Malaysia. After the akad ceremony in Pejabat Agama Kepala Batas, we all went to my parents' house. I was not notified of this at that time. It was all a shock to me as well. After we reached our home, halil's mom took out 2 rings tied to a ribbon at each end. The groom would put (sarungkan) a ring to the bride's finger and the bride would do the same with the other ring. Then, there would be doa and the dad (in our case halil's dad) would cut the middle part of the ribbon. There was a bit of confusion for our case coz we(halil n i) could not determine which ring belonged to whom coz white gold n silver looked the same to us. Luckily there were names written underneath each ring. So..i got to wear the one meant for me and halil got to wear the one meant for him. i was so relieved that the akad was over that it never crossed my mind about the wedding ring. I wouldnt even ask for a ring if i hadnt got any.Yup, i was that weird. And yes! i got one wedding ring. I asked meşe today the symbol of the 2 rings tied to the ribbon.. From what i understand, when 2 rings r tied to a ribbon or string, it symbolizes the link that will be created in between the future wearers of the 2 rings. When the rings r worn by the wearers, the future is then created. The ribbon n the string will then be cut to represent that the rings r with the owners, who r unique to himself or herself; together they will sail the journey of a marriage together.
another culture in turkey.. for engangement n wedding ceremonies, people usually give jewelleries to the bride.. necklace, bracelet, ring, gold coin,money etc..etc.. Normally,the bride will wear all the jewelleries she get from the people on her during the wedding. So u can imagine right (esp those rich people), how many gold or even pearl they get and all those on the bride's body??? Ni kira perfect target utk pencuri la ni..the weight should be tremendous!! i remember a somebody ..a singer perhaps in turkey. This one girl got married n she received i think 15 kilograms of gold from somebody in a form of a necklace!!!! Gilaaaaaaaaa ..tu satu hadiah aja..u can imagine la other gifts kan? The family must be extremely ultra rich!! She was like a gold goddess, glittering with gold.Of course that is not in my case.. i did not know the culture then. For our wedding dinner in istanbul in hidiv kasre, i only wore the one i got from anne n baba. Simplicity i think is best.
Back to memory lane..these were snapped after the ribbon was cut. We took off the ribbon from the rings and again exchanged the wedding ring..The guy in green is my dad..

They even bought or more correctly, my dad in law gave me money by force a few years back so that i would buy myself an apron to use in the kitchen in Sapanca.It is still there in the kitchen. hung at the kitchen door. I do use it sometimes..if i feel like it..
Anyway, back to the story. Yup dinner was over. I was in the living room when i realised that my finger felt light. My wedding ring!!! It was gone!!! My heart felt like it was broken into pieces. In front of the crowd, somehow crying, i told halil that i lost the wedding ring. I immediately started crying so bad that i rushed to the bedroom upstairs. Everybody was panicked. Simah was crying. Everybody looked everywhere in the house to find my ring. The balcony, underneath the couch, the garden, everywhere!They even tried to find it in the pool..just in case it fell there while i was swimming during the day (trying to find a white gold ring in a pool at night? hehehe) hope..nobody saw anything. After thinking that i was calmed down a bit, i went downstairs. The flow of tears again came flooding by especially when the ladies tried to comfort me. wedding one n only beloved wedding ring..... I cried like i never cried before in front of everybody.I am not the type to cry like that..if i cry, i prefer to cry in my room n no one will know about it..but this time, the loss was so deep, i could not contain myself.I was sobbing so bad that my body shook so terribly.
And suddenly, özlem (my sister in law) appeared from the kitchen holding my ring!!!! And where did she find that ring?? It was inside the pressure cooker, together with the leftover rice for dinner!! The ring must have slipped inside it while i was washing the rice!!! It seemed that everyone that day had eaten white gold rice!! heheheheh..Thanks özlem for finding my ring. Thanks everyone else for trying to look for my ring.
My reaction towards the loss shocked me. I never knew that i prized my wedding ring that much. I thought if one day i lose the ring, i wouldnt mind at all. How wrong i was. It may not be a fancy ring. Just a plain white gold wedding ring to match halil's silver colored wedding ring. Yet, that is the ring that has *halil* written underneath it. That is the ring given to me after our nikah. That is the ring that symbolises our love..mine n his, our union of love. I guess that was the reason for my total devastation that night. Yes. The ring is still with me...i will definitely take it out before i cook or take a bath..though i somehow live in fear that i will lose it one day..coz i dont want to.
So anyone out there yang teringin nak makan Nasik Cincin Emas Putih.. sila la datang ke rumah saya..boleh saya masakkan mana tahu..mungkin nanti boleh jadi awek muda??? heheheheheh
There is a tradition in the turkish culture which we did after our nikah in Malaysia. After the akad ceremony in Pejabat Agama Kepala Batas, we all went to my parents' house. I was not notified of this at that time. It was all a shock to me as well. After we reached our home, halil's mom took out 2 rings tied to a ribbon at each end. The groom would put (sarungkan) a ring to the bride's finger and the bride would do the same with the other ring. Then, there would be doa and the dad (in our case halil's dad) would cut the middle part of the ribbon. There was a bit of confusion for our case coz we(halil n i) could not determine which ring belonged to whom coz white gold n silver looked the same to us. Luckily there were names written underneath each ring. So..i got to wear the one meant for me and halil got to wear the one meant for him. i was so relieved that the akad was over that it never crossed my mind about the wedding ring. I wouldnt even ask for a ring if i hadnt got any.Yup, i was that weird. And yes! i got one wedding ring. I asked meşe today the symbol of the 2 rings tied to the ribbon.. From what i understand, when 2 rings r tied to a ribbon or string, it symbolizes the link that will be created in between the future wearers of the 2 rings. When the rings r worn by the wearers, the future is then created. The ribbon n the string will then be cut to represent that the rings r with the owners, who r unique to himself or herself; together they will sail the journey of a marriage together.
another culture in turkey.. for engangement n wedding ceremonies, people usually give jewelleries to the bride.. necklace, bracelet, ring, gold coin,money etc..etc.. Normally,the bride will wear all the jewelleries she get from the people on her during the wedding. So u can imagine right (esp those rich people), how many gold or even pearl they get and all those on the bride's body??? Ni kira perfect target utk pencuri la ni..the weight should be tremendous!! i remember a somebody ..a singer perhaps in turkey. This one girl got married n she received i think 15 kilograms of gold from somebody in a form of a necklace!!!! Gilaaaaaaaaa ..tu satu hadiah aja..u can imagine la other gifts kan? The family must be extremely ultra rich!! She was like a gold goddess, glittering with gold.Of course that is not in my case.. i did not know the culture then. For our wedding dinner in istanbul in hidiv kasre, i only wore the one i got from anne n baba. Simplicity i think is best.
Back to memory lane..these were snapped after the ribbon was cut. We took off the ribbon from the rings and again exchanged the wedding ring..The guy in green is my dad..

Simah, tak nampak muka u la dlm gambar kawin tu... cheating la.. Nak tgk gambar muka u..:)
So sweet.. I pun kalau hilang agaknya mesti nangis teruk. hehehehehehe..
Syoknya, culture orang Turki macam tu ye? My brother pun bila kahwin my sis in law ikut tradition pakistan on the SIL side kena bagi barang kemas banyak. Haahahahaha... Sama la dgn adat orang Hindustan pun kan?
adoi...1st time dengar NASI CINCIN EMAS PUTIH... seblm ni pernahlah makan nasi hujan emas, nasi minyak, nasi ayam madu ... ok kalau ter'sesat' ke sana I will request for that ke ke ke... Alhamdulillah selamat, dlm periuk rupanya :)
heheheh mesti la cheating heheh nak tengok muka i pi cari kat archive the first month bertajuk *the first meeting* or something like that heheheh
i rasa kalau u hilang ur wedding ring mesti banjir satu malaysia..tak payah nak tunggu bah
hindustan-turki memang ada persamaan..tak payah tengok org hindustan kawin..orang india pon lebih kurang jugak rasanya...depa pon pakai banyak barang kemas banyak bila kawin..
Alhamdulillah jumpa..kalu tidak...waaaaaaaaa
kalau tersesat kat sini mai jangan tak mai...nasik cincin emas putih sentiasa menanti :0)
alahai...kesiannye you mesti dah panik gileerr kan masa tu..
nasib baik jumpa. ada cincin disebalik nasi simah..hehe
i pun pernah terletak dlm tisu pastu terbuang dlm tong sampah..cari2 muka dah pucat..last2 my MIL kata "kita beli dgn duit sendiri, Insyallah ada "..malunye i masa tu, careless..hilang cincin mcm dah hilang nyawa :-(
tu dia..kes u lagi teruk.. *hugs* tak dapat i bayangkan u masa ni kira dah beli cincin baru tak? Tak per..rasa bagaikan hilang ni tambah dah satu nyawa..nyawa kecik tu..lagi best :0)
bole bole..nanti i masakkan hehe
waa u lagi teruk sampai simpan dlm laci..tapi asalkan tak hilang..memang berbaloi kan? i dont blame u la.. lepas hilang ari tu baru i tau value cincin tu..ampun tak nak hilang dah
awww....sentimental tu...itu cincin harus di insurance kan...
biar hilang berat bdan jangan hilang cincin itu ye simah.....
am happy all ended well...
Simah, nangis sakan...sungguh...itu baru hilang cincin...he..he..he, semoga bahagia suami isteri, teringin nak tau cam maner awak buleh bertemu jodoh ngan hubby....citer sikit buleh...
maksud tersirat sudah difahami..iyea Mr idham..saya TAHU saya GEMUK...:0)
memang saya bersyukur sangat jumpa cincin tu.. kalau nak beli baru pun tak sam dengan yg tu..
bole citer..syikin pon pernah tanya saya soalan yg sama.. nanti la saya citer dlm my next entry..tungguuuuu
still wearing the same ring..selongkar dua2 tong sampah baru jumpa dlm gumpalan tisu..nasib baik :)
so now, bila blk kampung, bekas cincin pun bawa sekali, i tak pakai all the time..
selongkar sampai 2 tong sampah??? hehehehe nasib baik jumpa..lepas tu you mesti mandi abis satu sabunkan? :=)
since that incident, i dah jadi extra alert, kalau tak pakai cincin letak dlm bekasnye..jgn dok sumbat dlm tisu lagi..i ingat sampai bila ni.
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