Watermelon juice
Remember the pasar malam (night market) in Malaysia where there will be at least one seller selling all types of drinks? sugar cane juice, soy drink, honeydew juice, air mata kuching, milo ,watermelon juice...etc etc etc..the variety is heavenly..
THere i was yesterday...remembering the drinks we have in Malaysia..and what do u know?? half cut watermelon was there in the fridge..calling me...begging me...*pls sacrifice me..i am ready!!* there was this unstoppable urging for me to drink watermelon juice..Yup..u guessed it.. with the help of the kids..we used the fruit juicer to squeeze the watermelon juice...

The water melon juice we squeezed
The result???
Hatice tried it..*chuckles* i could tell that she didnt like it much.But being hatice..she finished her glass without much complain..
Baddin?? hehehe he tasted it and told me directly.."Anne bu tadı iğrenç!" (The taste is terrible!) heheheheh as usual, the direct speaking baddin..
Halil? The moment he saw the drink he somehow contemplated his fate "another of simah's weird something i will be forced to try" ..he took his time before trying it out..He tasted it once and immediately gave me his glass of the watermelon juice.."here..u finish it up, he said" hahahahahahahaha
In the end, i was forced to drink all of the juice all by myself..waaa..minum air tembikai banyak banyak...kembung perut ooo...Another lesson in turkey..Türks cannot understand the beauty of the taste of iced water melon juice! hahahahaha...well...their loss, not mine...still ..personal preferances should be respected, right? I remember a question halil asked me..."water melon is already juicy. Why do u need to squeeze the water out anyway?".. well..i think in this case..for my family..unless i have the urge to drink water melon juice, they will only eat the fruit..n not drink the juice..
while i am busy writing this entry, the kids as usual will start to bug their mom...in retaliation hehehe i snapped their pics... here r my kids with their latest poses...(p.s-this is the mess of the study room :0))
Hatice tried it..*chuckles* i could tell that she didnt like it much.But being hatice..she finished her glass without much complain..
Baddin?? hehehe he tasted it and told me directly.."Anne bu tadı iğrenç!" (The taste is terrible!) heheheheh as usual, the direct speaking baddin..
Halil? The moment he saw the drink he somehow contemplated his fate "another of simah's weird something i will be forced to try" ..he took his time before trying it out..He tasted it once and immediately gave me his glass of the watermelon juice.."here..u finish it up, he said" hahahahahahahaha
In the end, i was forced to drink all of the juice all by myself..waaa..minum air tembikai banyak banyak...kembung perut ooo...Another lesson in turkey..Türks cannot understand the beauty of the taste of iced water melon juice! hahahahaha...well...their loss, not mine...still ..personal preferances should be respected, right? I remember a question halil asked me..."water melon is already juicy. Why do u need to squeeze the water out anyway?".. well..i think in this case..for my family..unless i have the urge to drink water melon juice, they will only eat the fruit..n not drink the juice..
while i am busy writing this entry, the kids as usual will start to bug their mom...in retaliation hehehe i snapped their pics... here r my kids with their latest poses...(p.s-this is the mess of the study room :0))
Simah, your kids are soooooo adorable!!!! Cutenye nak cubit cubit cubit.. hehehehehe :)
My fav la air tembikai tu.. sedapnya. I pun kekadang buat juga kat rumah. Mish suka epal juice so we usually make that with the fruit juicer.
Why do you think that they don't like tembikai juice ya? Sedap apa?
Simah..water melon juice is my fav..but i was told not to drink at this early stage..merah2..nampak sedap..
cutenye Hatice and Baddin :-)
cubit jer heheh nanti bole la i cubit cubit anak anak u jugak heheheh
ala biasa la dia orang tu.. benda pelik sikit mana dia orang suka.. nanti one day i cerita benda benda yg orang mesia tak payah jamu orang turki..one day i tulis yea..tungguuuuuu
eh awak tu jangan makan minum tibai tibai aja..tunggu lepas meletup minum yea..sabarrrrrrrr..
sementara tu i minum on ur behalf!! hahahaha jahat jahat
air tembikai tu sedap..tapi dia orang jer yg tak biasa...rasanya kalau dah terbiasa tu suka la tu..mcm i dulu masa baru datang turki..i did not like any of the turkish food..bila dah terbiasa tu..sedap jugak.. sama ada biasa n tak biasa ja..
OK, I will cubit them the moment I see them. Comelnya...:)
OK. I'll be waiting for your list.
maka ibu nya juga yang tepuk tangan sebab dapat semua juice tu!!!
tunggu..tapi not so soon..nak kena collect my mind dulu on what to bebel
mama sarah
it was more of the anne nak termuntah sebab perut kembung terlampau minum air tembikai..i never like drinking alone... no fun there..
ooo..ada org happy dpt kenakan i..tak pe..;-)
isk adakah air tembikai rasa pelik...sedap apa???Tak pa mak dia boleh buat sikit je untuk diri sendiri :) ayunya anak dia ...kirim salam ok :)
mesti la happy hehehe :0)
org turki kan pelik..tu yg depa rasa air tembikai tu pelik..:0) ..nasib baik buat tak banyak sangat..kalau tidak nanti sapa la nak habis..kembung perut saya!! tak lagaht nak minum dah..heheheh
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