Once upon One week

We just got back from sending the 4 guests to the airport. Yes. They were here one full week. Thursday to thursday.
I cant lie by saying that i do not feel sad that they have left. I do. Inanmicaksınız ama.. i do feel sad inside...
True. I dreaded the fact that 4 people i barely know in my life wouldl be coming..n my teacher wont be one of them..True, i was worried about the sleeping arrangement. True, i was very jumpy at the fact that this was the first time that many guests will be coming to my home, staying over for a week.. and i dunno how to be a gracious host. True to many things...
Hatice n Baddin were the happiest to have someone from Malaysia staying over our house for that one week. They have people to play with (bully) that i think the guests r quite in phobia of my kids right now hehehehehe Hatice was busy flaunting her English as well n baddin was just right behind her saying things in English as best as he could. Hatice suprised me really. Indeed, she has a lot to learn when it comes to the english language but she proved that with an enhancement of vocabulary..she will be able to speak decent English. The basic grammer framework of english is already planted in her brain. I am really happy about that. Baddin needs more work but he is interested in the language as well.. I do not forsee much problem for him to learn english in the future.
Anyway, Yup! my kids managed to converse somehow with the guests..and for that duration i think the guests began to love the kids a lot..My daughter..hmm remember how i used to fight with her everyday just to get her to comb the hair? For that one week, she would not leave the room (after she woke up) without combing her hair!!!!! Baru kecik dah pandai nak impress orang heheheheeh

It was all totally turkish cooking all the way. Me cooking Malaysian food?? hahahaha.. jangan buat lawak...mana i reti...but i did cook cucur kodok pisang (mashed banana fritters),cucur kodok ikan bilis (anchovies fritters), roti telur n bihun ala simah n

One thing i noticed about Malaysians is the "KeTcHuP"...akak " Cili Sos"..Where ever we go, we cannot live without them!! I remember my sister yana who came here last year. In the flight, she asked for "chilli sauce" from the air hostess and she got a blur look in reply. The guests did the same thing too. For those first timers..Only in Malaysia we call cili sos (Malay) as Chilli sauce ..Everywhere else in this world, the Malaysian chilli sauce is called "KetChUp" ..though "kichap" in Malay will be referred to as "Thick Soy sauce". And the amount of ketchap that we Malaysians consume!! hehehehehe U can imagine right?? 6 people at the eating table ..and 5 were attacking the ketchup to go with everything even omelette!!! Halil was impressed at the speed of the lifetime of the ketchup bottles in our house!! :0)
We, Malaysians eat using our hands. Turks eat using forks n knives. The guests in a turkish home?? They ate using forks n spoons. I am not making fun of everyone pls dont get me wrong. This is a Malaysian specialty i think because i remember before i coming to turkey, if i am to ever eat anything using forks like eating bihun sup or mee kuah, i will also use forks n spoons. It is only after i come to turkey that i learn that u eat everything with forks n knives.
Another interesting culture i notice is the position of the forks n knives on the turkish tables. The westerners i.e in normal restaurants for example, the fork will be placed on the left side while the knife on the right side. The westerners eat using the left hands. Because we are muslims n we use the left hand to clean our private parts after the *big business* in the toıilet, we all eat using the right hands. Therefore, the position of the fork is on the right side.
And soup eating... I think (i am not sure) but i think Malaysians when they are served with soup n bread, we tend to *cicah* (what is cicah in English? i forgot the term)..the bread on the soup.I remember doing it too in Malaysia especially when i was eating my fav chicken or mushroom cream soup at pizza hut.

The food..it was really interesting to see them try the turksih breatfast. I noticed that the guests did not like cheese (even my sister yana when she was here). They all tried the cheese once but i could see that cheese is not their cup of tea. I dont blame them. Malaysians r more into nasi lemak n that sort. Salam ..

The drinks -- Let us just say that we had a great laugh when i managed to force 2 of

Tea was the norm in the house of course..for breakfast n any other time of the day. I think they have enjoyed the experience of drinking the tea from the small turkish tea glass n the fact that u can choose whether to drink a dark or light tea and the amount of sugar to add inside the tea coz sugar cubes will be added by the drinker herself or himself .

There was one point hatice asked me "Anne, bu Malaysialar kokusu mu"?? (Is this the smell of Malaysians?) Can u guess why? She is for the first time being exposed to the smell of minyak gamat n bam halia or pokok serai?... that the guests were using *chuckles* .. it was weird for her smell bud..and that question was asked to me again by halil at another point. heheheh Tu la... orang turki...biasa biasakan la dengan bau orang malaysia!! heheheheh i pon dah lama tak bau benda ni walaupun i ada segala ubat tu..tak pernah pakai pon ..sebab orang turki tak tahan bau dia ..

And anyone... DONT BRing the LAdieS from MalaySia to PaZAR (the weekly market)!! hahahahaha I think somebody shopped at least 200 Turkish lira while somebody was there!! hahahahahahaha
That is among the main highlight of that one week..Why am i using red for the writing? MY SON is right behind me as i type..never leaving me behind for one minute...bugging his mom coz he wants to play the game on the pc ...(tapi i dah lembutkan kaler merah tu sebab sakit mata nak baca nanti)
It is true..it is always nice to have someone from the homeland coming to the house. I was reluctant at the beginning but during all that time, i think i have changed my mind..i was sad in the end..The kids were sad as well..I had tried my best to be a gracious host..exerting myself to the limit beyond my capabilities. We have created a bond among us for that one week..even halil...
To the guests..Kalau ada apa apa kekurangan dalam layanan kami semasa semua berada di sini..kami sekeluarga mintak maaf. Semoga bertemu lagi disuatu hari nanti :0)
Have a nice Weekend everyone!!
I have put up a notice to halil n kids...
Friday anne is on holiday!! hahahaha
I have put up a notice to halil n kids...
Friday anne is on holiday!! hahahaha
Syok I baca cerita you Simah. You know I didn't know what to cook for our Turkish friend when he came for dinner. I takut dia tak suka M'sian food so I masak Lasagne, Roast Beef..hahahaha.. Terjadi western and Italian pula. I truly tak tahu apa nak masak masa tu. kalau I masak kebab, mesti dia kata dia punya lagi sedap. :P
Masa Raya baru I confident sikit beri dia makan ketupat rendang semua. Alhamdulillah dia suka makan masakan malaysia sebenarnya. :)
Your kids are so cute. They are not shy with the new guests..
Have a nice weekend, Simah!
what a great week simah..and tahniah, bukan senang jadi tuan rumah utk tetamu dr jauh
once, i had 45 guest from penang for 3 hours kat sini pun dah gelabah..
it's always nice to play host to guests from homeland, glad you enjoyed it! dah, pergi rest pulak :)
have a nice weekend to u too!!
masak makanan western mesti orang turki suka punya..cuma depa kebanyakan tak tahan pedas...
dia orang makan rendang?? hahaha caya la!! dia orang duduk dekat rumah u ker sherin?
amboi mak oii..sampai 45 orang? mana u sumbat dia orang? rumah u besar gila la ni gamaknya yek?
mama rock
mana nak restnya mama..masa ada guests..budak 2 ekor ni pandai pulak tak sepahkan rumah...guests balik ja...sana sini depa baling mainan..back to the old roputine :0)
Seronok baca...macam2 boleh tahu. Thank you simah for the good info.
Selamat berhujung minggu!
Kalau gi sana teket berapa inggit ah? Kalau ada duit nak gi lawat Simah kat sana!
Simah, the turk married a Malay lady and they are residing in Taman Tun, which is 10 mins away from my house. Dia biz partner hubby I. Makan semua rendang, kuah kacang pun.:)
I love turkish cofee! Tea I tak pernah cuba lagi Simah. Syok ye, olives galore... :)
Gambar guests tak da ke?
mak lang
saya pon masih belajar adat orang sini..jadi sama sama la kita belajar dlm blog ni kan ? sharing is good after all.. :0)
Kalau mak lang nak mai sini..Silakan..kami sentiasa menanti..tapi kalau tak cukup ruang nak tido...tido dlm bath tub bole? hehehehe ..
tiket kalau dari turki dlm lebih kurang dekat 1000 US dollar..dari malaysia..last year punya price check la kan..harga dia dlm 2750 ringgit Malaysia..return ticket..tu harga MAS..tak tau la kalau ada discount ker..Saya 2 kali balik malaysia musim tengkujuh sebab masa tu aja la dari turki ada discount..cuma harga 600US mcm tu.. iyea la masa banjir sapa nak mai malaysia kan?
ooo mcm tu ka... in that case datang sini..i boleh preparekan turkish coffee as much as u want..
ni kira my blog ni memang berguna la utk u nak understand ur hubby's business partner..i am so glad.. i rasa la kan..ur turkish friend tu dah terasimilasi kat budaya malaysia sebab tak semua orang turki dapat terima makanan malaysia.. iyea la mesti bini dia pon masak makanan malaysia kan? mana isteri dia nak tau pasal turkish food sangat unless la kalau dia pernah tinggal kat turki..
bestnya olive. yum yum. ini la sorang malaysian yg pelik, suka makan olive...heheh (saya la tu).
dulu, masa kat adelaide, pergi rumah sister sorang ni, turkish. dia jamu kami makan sungguh2. sedap (as for me suka nak try masakan baru) walau ada kekawan bg komen berbeza. coffee dia, tak yah citer aa..pekat likat, tapi nak lagi... :D
bila la boleh sampai ke turkey ni...?
lupa pulak nak cakap.. believe it or not..i lupa nak snap gambar the guests..i was too busy cooking n feeding the guests n otak penuh fikirkan hatice punya school problem sampai lupa nak snap gambar diaorang pakai hp halil..nanti la i mintak kat depa emailkan gambar yg diaorang tangkap tu..
mai la sini bila bila free..like i told sherin.. nanti saya masak banyak banyak turkish coffee boleh la faez minum..
kalau faez seorang malşaysian yg pelik..mcm ni mesti best nak jumu makanan turki kat faez..semua mesti faez bantai..sedap ka..tak sedap ka.. :0)
Simah, sibuk sampai gambar guest pun lupa nak ambil. Kelakar la you ni, nasib baik sempat ambil gambar cucur.:)
Mmg, ur blog is very useful for me to understand their custom better. Thanks. Hmm, isteri dia kata, hubby dia boleh makan semua masakan M'sia kecuali .... jeng jeng jeng.. yg ada belacan!:O
That day they invited us makan lunch,wah.. I dok berangan dapat makan kebab but instead makan masakan Thai - tom yam & ayam padprik. Tapi mmg sedap betul because wife dia mmg pandai masak. Yg mengagumkan, the Turk pun makan juga padahal ada cili padi!:)
Yup, Turkish coffee! turkish coffee! then you read me my fortune ye Simah..
Hi simah, 1st time dropping by from Kak Nong's blog:) Your stories are very interesting, I've always wondered what it feels like to live abroad, especially in the exotic Middle East. Shall drop by again soon:D
simah, dalam sibuk layan tetamu, anak nk masuk sekolah, sempat lagi tu;is blog yea?
my ex boss orang arab. diaorang pun makan roti, humus, cheese, olive etc.. i rasa kalau i tercampak kt timur tengah and turkey, rasanya boleh hidup lagi kot.
i ingat boss i kata, why you malaysian eat rice 5 times a day? and never get fat?
Simah ...syioknya baca pasal perbezaan culture org2 Malaysia & Turki...
Memang seronok bila menerima tetamu dari negara sendiri bila kita merantau...mcm rasa hilang segala rindu di Malaysia...
i am sure u have had a great time with ur sis.. kenapa cepat sangat di balik?
hehehe u tak tahan sucuk? ala sucuk biasa aja... hubby u selalu tak makan pastırma????
wei..gelin orang turki..makan olive weiiiiiii ehehheheh..how can u not like turkish breeakfast???? *wink*
tu gambar cucur i kidnap kat internet la cik kak oii..masa depa kat sini satu gambar pun i tak snap..memang terlupa gilaaaaa
memang tabik la mamat turki tu sampai boleh tibai tomyam...kira mamat ni flexible jugak la...
iyea la..nanti i buat kopi turki kat u n baca ur fortune (mcm la i reti yek?) heheh
thank u for visiting my humble blog..hope to see u again soon :0)
mama sarah
blog i tulis selalunya lepas tetamu tido..or i cut n paste dari forwarded emails ja..blog kan my mental theraphy :0)
Malaysians punya nasik org turki panggil *lapa pilav* sebab tak berminyak n tak bergaram...that is not the case for the middle eat rice..tu yg malaysians (not including me) tak gemuk :0)
kak lady
or terasa lagi rindu nak balik mesia bila tetamu nak balik..
yg bestnya dah ter renew la my stock of maggie mee n perencah kari hehehehe
i visited ur blog but cannot leave a comment there..it does not allow comment..
my advise to ur friend..whatever she decides for her future relationship..if posible..accompany it with sembahyang istikharah..
Came earlier to read. A nice weekend to you too darling.
syok betul tengok makanan you simah... sure sounds like youve been a super hostess...
nak tanya, orang2 turki ni macam orang2 jepun ke tak reti cakap omputeh???
ps-i can live without sos cili, benci aku sos cili hahaha... sos tomato sedap dan sos cili siam sedap... heheh... sos cili biasa gives me heartburn...
Hi Simah,
Tried to email you an invitation to join friendster but your email address was not valid. Thanks for your advise for my friend.
It's a bit tedious but you need to be a friendster member to leave comment on my blog:) Long story why my blog is on friendster, hehe...Not much detail needed for signing up though, I think just name, location and age:D.
hehe sama ada i super hostess ke tidak tu kena tanya tetamu tu sendiri.. i just did what i could as the host..
orang turki tak la teruk mcm orang jepun..tapi depa tak la mcm orang malaysia.. ada yg tau ada yg tak tau english...mcm taxi tu..tak semua yg boleh cakap english...kemungkinan besar if u come to turkey kena la pakai sign language..
ooo ko suka mkn cili manis manis yea? padan la u manis hahahahaha
i think i was a friendstar member ages ago..tapi dah tak ingat my username n password..nanti la one day i suppose i kena register jugak coz my lil bro pakai blog friendstar...padan la i cannot comment on his blog...now the secret is revealed..thanks :0)
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