Sunday, June 11, 2006
About Me
- Name: simah
- Location: Türkiye
A person who challenges herself to be out of obesity, a member of the zaim ladies recipe book,a photographer using my simple camera. Yes, i am me. Happy to be me. :0)
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Previous Posts
- A mother's love
- Masuk kampung
- language forgotten??
- Yup
- Rose type
- How can i forget??
- ubat..oh ubat..
- Discontent??
- Ear pain
- Meleklerim...My angels...
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hihihhihi... the solution is, if you dont want problems,throw away all of your money :)
How do they say it, di belakang seorang lelaki yang berjaya berdiri seorg wanita...?
ya betul!!! tangan yg mendodoikan anak bisa mengegarkan dunia..dlm sejarah byk tunjuk disebabkan wanitalah lelaki berjaya..dan kdg2 kalah..there's a magic in every women (movie: practical magis)
oopps..practical magic..
if u ever decide to throw ur money..i'd be glad to accept it heheheheh
Yup..exactly..seorang wanita mampu menaikkan dan menjatuhkan seorang lelaki...power gila kan wanita ni?
wanita..memang power gila kan? wanita tak kuat physical mcm lelaki..tapi Allah bagi kekuatan utk wanita dari segala segi yg lain..masyaAllah
hehe..blh jd matematik pulak tu..
susah nak jumpa lelaki blh berdikari tanpa pompuan kan?
heheheh... but don't let those women libbers catch a glimpse of this!
So, we are powerful women ya?
Nowadays, women = money x money, means we can also make our own money.:) Rissa tgh recovering. Thanks for ur email... so sweet.
memang susah lelaki nak berdikari tanpa wanita..lelaki ni nak disayang dibelai..kekadang mcm budak budak pulak..tapi itulah lelaki..
queen of the house
heheheh nanti tak pasal pasal my blog kena bomb ngan si libbers ni hehehe
kita memang power...tapi kalau wanita kerja sendiri..ada duit sendiri mcm u lagi la power..surirumah full time mcm i ni money power kira dependent la kepada lelaki..
Don't worry Simah. Income sendiri tu just a form of independence. Ada banyak perkara lain lagi - freedom of thinking, expressing opinions, intelligence, wisdom ... etc. Those are also some of the essence of a powerful woman... like you la!
padan la i tersedak tadi..ada orang sebut u i have loads to let us learn from each other :0)
Yes, let's! Knowledge is power...
if i throw my money and you accept it,all my troubles would go to you laaa...
Kejam lah yang women = problem tu!
Macam2 orang laki2 ni merungut pasal pompuan...tapi betullah jugak...
And yet they cannot live without women...
on second thoughts....u can keep ur money with u ...hehhe
mama sarah
if u say so...
kak lady
sebab tu kita dijadikan berpasang cannot live without the other..despite the problems one cause the other..
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