ubat..oh ubat..
Kids n sickness..hmm..u cant get away from it.. i am lucky though.. my sister in law, Mehveş aka Meşe is a doctor..so if anyone in the family gets sick...yup! she is the one we go to. In fact in my archive..in the first month of my blogging activity, i did write an entry about her (This lady) though i dunno how to link previous entry to present entry (if anyone knows..can u teach me please?). A very close lady doctor at hand...and this is some of the medicines we have in the house (pls take note..some..NOT all)...these r the ones we put in the fridge..there r also others in the medicine cabinet..and for who do they belong to? Yup! u've guessed it... the kids!!

We try to have our medicine cabinet well stocked just in case of emergencies..i mean if in the middle of the night one of the kids need to use a medicine....i mean come on...u will need to find the open pharmacy to buy the medicine.. at least if our medicine stock is full...the only thing we will need to do is to deal with the sick child..We r lucky though.. if we dont have a certain type of medicine, the rest of the siblings who live very close to us..most definitely will have whatever we r lacking..
I remember my last trip to Malaysia..The kids' first trip to Malaysia..I went to Malaysia on my own at that time. Halil stayed back and only joined us 2 months later as he needed to complete his Ph.D thesis in *peace*..The journey home itself was a nightmare..i will tell u about it later.. and when i was in Malaysia...Pheww..
The kids had the shock of their lives..Not only they lost the environment they were used to, their baba was not there. furthermore, everyone spoke a totally different language and they hang on to me for their dear lives..They ate very little..and my baddin who went to Malaysia as a sumo boy, returned to turkey as a slim boy...They were depressed..n frankly speaking..looking at them like that..i was too.. we were all missing halil terribly..Sickness?? Boy!! they were sick all the time..And the worst thing of all..i was and am used to the system of medicine here. If anyone gets sick..we call meşe... she will consult or check the kids when the needs arise.. she will tell which medicine to use..But in Malaysia...i had none to do so. All i could do was to sms meŞe to consult the sickness..etc... There are doctors in clinics of course..but they were giving medicines..with no name..i mean like in turkey, if u r sick with something, u buy the medicine from the pharmacy. Clinics dont give out medicines.There is a specific name for each type of medicine. But in Malaysia,clinics give out medicines.. the names are not written..n if there are names...they r not the same as the one i am used to though the functions may be the same..i went haywire then..i was mentally ..mental hehehehe Of course we did bring medicines from turkey then..but the selection was not enough..n silly me..i thought the medicines we have in turkey would be the same as the ones in Malaysia...
And this...is my other best friend in need...the vapour machine..the technical name...nebuliser..

U cannot imagine how our lives r made easier by this machine..After we came back from Malaysia..there was one day, baddin had difficulty to breathe. Halil n meşe brought him to the hospital while i stayed back with hatice at home....it was that bad that halil even asked meşe..*is my son gonna die?* after breathing using pulmicort n ventolin vapour..he was better..we had to bring him to the hospital quite many times after that for the nebuliser breathing..He was using the inhaler n taking singulair for quite some time after that..Then halil's compulsory military service came and i was left alone with the kids n my younger sister to accompany me..Baddin was one time having difficulty to breathe again..again..several trips to the hospital for the vapour machine. And I...I got really FED up with the need to go to the hospital for the nebuliser..I asked several pharmacy nearby my apt..and i found one nebuliser for a very reasonable price n bought it...it has been my best friend ever since...if the kids' nose r stuck from flu..with the normal vapour (non medicine) with the help of vapour rub..the kids' breathing become more relaxed...coughing..the same thing...it helps to release the discomfort..the technical explanation..we will have to ask those doctor bloggers to explain... i mean with this machine...i sleep much much more peacefully..a lot more better..becoz at least i know, when the needs arise...i will have at least something in hand...n pulmicort n ventolin liquid for the vapour r always nearby...Alhamdulillah, baddin seems ok now..i stopped using the inhaler for lmost 6 months now...hopefully, the need for him to use any of it will not arise in the future.

We try to have our medicine cabinet well stocked just in case of emergencies..i mean if in the middle of the night one of the kids need to use a medicine....i mean come on...u will need to find the open pharmacy to buy the medicine.. at least if our medicine stock is full...the only thing we will need to do is to deal with the sick child..We r lucky though.. if we dont have a certain type of medicine, the rest of the siblings who live very close to us..most definitely will have whatever we r lacking..
I remember my last trip to Malaysia..The kids' first trip to Malaysia..I went to Malaysia on my own at that time. Halil stayed back and only joined us 2 months later as he needed to complete his Ph.D thesis in *peace*..The journey home itself was a nightmare..i will tell u about it later.. and when i was in Malaysia...Pheww..
The kids had the shock of their lives..Not only they lost the environment they were used to, their baba was not there. furthermore, everyone spoke a totally different language and they hang on to me for their dear lives..They ate very little..and my baddin who went to Malaysia as a sumo boy, returned to turkey as a slim boy...They were depressed..n frankly speaking..looking at them like that..i was too.. we were all missing halil terribly..Sickness?? Boy!! they were sick all the time..And the worst thing of all..i was and am used to the system of medicine here. If anyone gets sick..we call meşe... she will consult or check the kids when the needs arise.. she will tell which medicine to use..But in Malaysia...i had none to do so. All i could do was to sms meŞe to consult the sickness..etc... There are doctors in clinics of course..but they were giving medicines..with no name..i mean like in turkey, if u r sick with something, u buy the medicine from the pharmacy. Clinics dont give out medicines.There is a specific name for each type of medicine. But in Malaysia,clinics give out medicines.. the names are not written..n if there are names...they r not the same as the one i am used to though the functions may be the same..i went haywire then..i was mentally ..mental hehehehe Of course we did bring medicines from turkey then..but the selection was not enough..n silly me..i thought the medicines we have in turkey would be the same as the ones in Malaysia...
And this...is my other best friend in need...the vapour machine..the technical name...nebuliser..

U cannot imagine how our lives r made easier by this machine..After we came back from Malaysia..there was one day, baddin had difficulty to breathe. Halil n meşe brought him to the hospital while i stayed back with hatice at home....it was that bad that halil even asked meşe..*is my son gonna die?* after breathing using pulmicort n ventolin vapour..he was better..we had to bring him to the hospital quite many times after that for the nebuliser breathing..He was using the inhaler n taking singulair for quite some time after that..Then halil's compulsory military service came and i was left alone with the kids n my younger sister to accompany me..Baddin was one time having difficulty to breathe again..again..several trips to the hospital for the vapour machine. And I...I got really FED up with the need to go to the hospital for the nebuliser..I asked several pharmacy nearby my apt..and i found one nebuliser for a very reasonable price n bought it...it has been my best friend ever since...if the kids' nose r stuck from flu..with the normal vapour (non medicine) with the help of vapour rub..the kids' breathing become more relaxed...coughing..the same thing...it helps to release the discomfort..the technical explanation..we will have to ask those doctor bloggers to explain... i mean with this machine...i sleep much much more peacefully..a lot more better..becoz at least i know, when the needs arise...i will have at least something in hand...n pulmicort n ventolin liquid for the vapour r always nearby...Alhamdulillah, baddin seems ok now..i stopped using the inhaler for lmost 6 months now...hopefully, the need for him to use any of it will not arise in the future.
Puan Simah,
(as from ur answer in the previous entry)Heheh..mana tau kita ni lebih berusia dari anda...ntah2 kita sebaya...heheh.. nak tanya pepehal, insyaAllah kalau dpt tolong, akan usahakan.
ha'a nebuliser ni agak handy bila sesak2 nafas tu. my nephew pun dah beberapa kali ke ED with asthma attack, alhamdulillah tak teruk sgt.so takde la nebuliser tu kat rumah.
hopefully ur anak teruna's asthma will get better as he grows up, selalunya childhood asthma goes away in teens, but some can persist.
eh iyea jugak yek? awak umur berapa sekarang? jawab jangan tak jawab heheheheeheh ..n bole tak panggil saya simah jer? puan tu rasa mcm nak gelak bila baca..no offence to u of course..:0)
i think my son has overgrown his asthma i think..Alhamdulillah so far dah lama jugak dia tak kena asthma
phew...macam kedai ubat ke ke ke... tapi oklah, senang kalau ada emergency. Kat M'sia kita ambik mudah semua perkara bila dah sesak baru la terfikir awat la tak simpan ubat itu ini :)
simah, my children pun dua-dua kalau wheezing teruk kena hantar pergi hospital to use the nebuliser. Kesian tgk. There was one time we had to go to the emergency twice daily to use the machine.
I pun byk simpan ubat dalam peti ais.:) Cough, cold, wheeze, cough wt phlegm, cold & vomitting, fever etc.... the list goes on and on... hehehehehe.. I know how you feel.. I guess all mothers do.
Take care of your kids!
Simah, I too have a stock of medicine in the fridge. My 9 yr old boy is asthmatic. Sometimes okay, sometimes kena pergi clinic 2or 3 times a month. The dr said pakai nebuliser only when absolutely needed, and so far tak pernah guna inhaler pun. But that home nebuliser looks interesting ... agaknya kat sini ada ke?
stock ubat tu semua rumah mesti wajib ada kan..rumah i penuh dgn sedilix, ubat selsema, bena-expe.-semua for hubby..i ambik mc je..bukan mkn ubat..heheh
next year maybe lain kot :-)
:o) bak kata my sister...kalau rumah i kena raid dengan orang pejabat kesihatan..bole kena tangkap la kot..
sejak dua menjak i beli vapour machine ni kan...memang hidup terus senang esp bila anak anak ada wheezing ni..u may want to consider buying it... sejak dua menjak i beli...my kakak kakak ipar pon beli sebab memang banyak kegunaannya..tak payah tunggu wheezing..
sedihkan bila tengok anak menangis menjerit tak boleh bernafas? hati ibu mana nak tahan benda mcm ni...
queen of the house
if u all ada chance,esp for asthmatic children...bila ada nebuliser ni la..hidup terasa lega.. i rasa mesti ada punya la jual kat malaysia..u may just have to look
around. i beli kat pharmacy jer. tapi my 2 sister in laws diaorang beli pakai order kat internet(same brand). nanti i tanya diaorang addy tu.
masa i survey..i tanya kat doctor kat hospital..pasal nebuliser tu..dia cakap the price range is around 200YTL (1US dollar =1.5YTL)..bila i tanya sana sini.. i bought one for the price of 75YTL..ni senang nak carry n lighter compared to the one in the hopital...made in italy..*airjolie* is the brand.
insyaAllah stock ubat u akan expand utk yg sorang tu ..siapkan je kla space...banyak ubat nak distock kan nanti hehehehe kids..they just loveeeeeeeee to get sick..:0)
man, thats an impressive stock... you could be a pharmacists... im allergic to aspirin... just thought you should know, mana tau i visit turkey and fall sick... you're the 1st i'd call... heheh...
*was here*
and the first medine i will give u is *aspirin* hahahaha
blown away
no thanks, i'll bring my own trusty panadol ;)
Simah kak lady ni kalau bab simpan ubat ni selalunya kak lady cuma simpan ubat deman selesema & batuk je....
Tapi ipar kak lady anaknya ade asthma...so memang banyak stok ubatnya...kene sentiasa berjaga2...sian kan kalau bebudak yg kene asthma ni...anak kak lady dulu pernah kene sekali...tidur malam berbunyi2...keesokan hari terus bawak dia pegi klinik...
simah..bnyknya entries saya tertinggal. balik rmh mil, lps tu payah nak bukak blog kengkawan, sabor aje.
alia pun ada asma jugak, tp ia hanya dtg kalau dia selsema + batuk berkahak serentak.mmg kena buat neb. Alhamdulillah, Huda dah stop asma dia sejak awal tahun ni, tak de guna neb lagi wlwpun dia batuk berkahak. moga2 ia berterusan. kalau asma jenis mendatang mcm ni mmg akan hilang bila meningkat usia, insyaAllah.itu kata doktor.
oh ya, pernah bagi anak2 makan madu lebah? itu pun baik utk anak2 yg ada asma. utk kanak2, sebaiknya 1 sudu teh campur air sedikit.tak blh lebih, nanti panas badan. huda n alia suka sangat, sampai ebrsudu2 tak kisah.yg saya tau tu sebab dah makan sesudu, depa mintak lagi.
pasal budak perempuan yg marah2 tu, mmg anak2 mangsa perceraian akan mengalami masalah emosi juga, paling malang jika both parents tak bekerjasama utk memastikan emosi anak2 ni tidak terjejas teruk terutama pihak yg tak dpt custody anak. anak2 akan alami culture shock..mcm simah kata, depa need hug, need a word i luv u. ia penting utk emosi depa apatah lagi depa msih kecil. ni saya tau sbb my tesis research ada kaitan ngan divorce matter terutama bab nafkah :)
siannya kat anak pasal sakit telinga tu.mmg kita tak senang duduk dgr dia menangiskan.
tak bagi dia ubat titis antibiotik ke? kalau kat sini dr.bagi antibiotik. tp tak sangka sakit telinga mcm ni blh diwarisi pula.
simah, entri angels tukan, hehe..tak mo tambah lagi ke?
oh ya, depa main dlm cupboard tu tak lemas ke bila tutup pintu?
kak lady
bila anak ada asthma ni..nak tak hendak memang terpaksa ada ubat standby..takut sangat sangat if dia stop breathing..dah la masa crisis tu breathing tu memang menakutkan..thanks 4 visitng my blog :0)
thanks for the advice..
padan la lama tak nampak dlm blog ni..rupanya u ada problem ngan pc..ingatkan awak balik rumah mak mentua balik ker..
fragile ear ni memang bole diwarisi.. hatice banyak mewarisi mcm mcm dari halil hehe
oo pasal almari tu..saya tak der la tutup sampai rapat rapat..bukak sikit bagi ada udara..lagipun almari tu dah tak boleh tutup pon..almari zaman tok kadok..
pasal tambah angels tu.. saya tunggu syikin tambah dulu!! hehehehhe
memang sedih tengok anak anak hasil perpisahan ibu bapa..apa la dosa diaorang kan? i mean budak budak tu?
sorry jawab tunggang tebalik..pc nak kena serah kat tuan balik.. nanticiter lagi :0)
Baru balik hospital. Rissa wheezing. I just might get one like u suggested!
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