
Halil eating it with relish while watching a sports' programme
and the world cup has not started yet!!
and the world cup has not started yet!!
Yes..that is kiraz in turkish and cherry in english. They may not look much to you in the picture, but there are at least..and i least 7 kilograms of kiraz there in that wooden box. The source? Halit's cherry orchard.
U see..halit...halil's cousin has this kiraz (cherry) orchard at an agricultural land area in Iznik..almost 2 hours journey from istanbul. He pays someone to nurture and look after it. And every year, the caretaker will call him to tell him to pick up the cherries before they are spoilt. The deal is like this... every year halit will pick up as much cherries as he possibly can..and the leftovers ..the ones halit does not pick ..will be sold..and trust me..every year there are lots of cherries at halit's orchard..And this is not just any ordinary kiraz..i thought napoleon is the best..but halit's one...i think (if i am not mistaken) is *irnik*..the taste is very sweet and delicous....very plummy..watery..and when u put one kiraz in ur mouth and the juice splash inside ur mouth...hmmmmmm..u can only imagine the heavenly feeling of eating the juicy n plum kiraz..
i have always loved is among the fruits i cannot live without when in season. Unfortunately, it is also a very expensive fruit.. Therefore,i can only buy a bit every pazar...restraining myself from eating it too much coz hatice is also a maniac of kiraz..and bless halit and his kiraz orchard..i get the chance to savour the taste of my beloved fruit without limitation..i mean this is fresh kiraz u r talking about..plucked from the tree....the taste is as fresh as one can imagine..totally delicious..last year when my sister was here while halil was doing his military service out of istanbul...yana too fell in love with kiraz..Next to köfte..she has been dreaming of it ever since too..she had the chance of tasting both the napoleon ones and halitz kiraz..even if she is able to find kiraz in malaysia..after eating the ones here the taste of kiraz somewhere else will be bland..that my dearests is a fact..not an opinion.
This talk of kiraz reminds me of a story.. it was i think a month or perhaps two after i first went to malaysia (alone)..we were invited to halit's kiraz orchard... so with the rest of his family n siblings..we all went there..i had never seen kiraz then (i saw some in pazar) but this is...kiraz hanging on the trees.. fresh..calling me with a smile...and to be plucked n eaten just like that..At that time the kids present were already busy eating the kiraz..i was a bit shy...but once i started..hehehehe..i couldnt stop..i think i was busy eating the kiraz for around 20 minutes before i joined the rest of the adults clan who were then plucking the cherries from the trees. U cannot imagine how happy i was kiraz inside the plastic kiraz inside my kiraz inside the plastic kiraz inside my mouth.. (ni kira orang kampung tak pernah tengok kebun cherry la ni heheheh) and the best part was..i get to do that while climbing trees!! i loveeeeeee climbing tree!! :0)..too much eating the end result.. the good thing about kiraz is that it somehow cleanses the inside part of ur digestive system..but too much eating kiraz???? YUp!! u've guessed it!! toilet upon toilet.. i kept going to the toilet after that...i mean...i must have eaten at least 3 kilograms of kiraz then!! My journey to the toilet even at the orchard was...non countable..!!! i dream of going to that kiraz orchard again.. that was the first n the last time we went..the years after that..we still get the invitation..however, fate was not in our hands..there was one year hatice was sick..then baddin got sick..etc..etc..
The kiraz halit brought us this year? halil, hatice n i (baddin does not like fruits) devoured a lot of the kiraz..i think only 2 kilograms are we r both fasting (sunat) during the day i can only look..but after 8.30pm!! hehehehehe my evil hands will probably cannot stay away from that plum kiraz..
And in turkey as i have discovered..there are two types of cherries.. one is kiraz (sweet cherry) and one is visne (sour cherry).. kiraz is eaten as it is.. but visne is too sour that normally it is made into jams or fruit juice...if u have one day the chance to eat kiraz ..sweet..plumy it..i think any Malaysians will like this one least i do..
U see..halit...halil's cousin has this kiraz (cherry) orchard at an agricultural land area in Iznik..almost 2 hours journey from istanbul. He pays someone to nurture and look after it. And every year, the caretaker will call him to tell him to pick up the cherries before they are spoilt. The deal is like this... every year halit will pick up as much cherries as he possibly can..and the leftovers ..the ones halit does not pick ..will be sold..and trust me..every year there are lots of cherries at halit's orchard..And this is not just any ordinary kiraz..i thought napoleon is the best..but halit's one...i think (if i am not mistaken) is *irnik*..the taste is very sweet and delicous....very plummy..watery..and when u put one kiraz in ur mouth and the juice splash inside ur mouth...hmmmmmm..u can only imagine the heavenly feeling of eating the juicy n plum kiraz..
i have always loved is among the fruits i cannot live without when in season. Unfortunately, it is also a very expensive fruit.. Therefore,i can only buy a bit every pazar...restraining myself from eating it too much coz hatice is also a maniac of kiraz..and bless halit and his kiraz orchard..i get the chance to savour the taste of my beloved fruit without limitation..i mean this is fresh kiraz u r talking about..plucked from the tree....the taste is as fresh as one can imagine..totally delicious..last year when my sister was here while halil was doing his military service out of istanbul...yana too fell in love with kiraz..Next to köfte..she has been dreaming of it ever since too..she had the chance of tasting both the napoleon ones and halitz kiraz..even if she is able to find kiraz in malaysia..after eating the ones here the taste of kiraz somewhere else will be bland..that my dearests is a fact..not an opinion.
This talk of kiraz reminds me of a story.. it was i think a month or perhaps two after i first went to malaysia (alone)..we were invited to halit's kiraz orchard... so with the rest of his family n siblings..we all went there..i had never seen kiraz then (i saw some in pazar) but this is...kiraz hanging on the trees.. fresh..calling me with a smile...and to be plucked n eaten just like that..At that time the kids present were already busy eating the kiraz..i was a bit shy...but once i started..hehehehe..i couldnt stop..i think i was busy eating the kiraz for around 20 minutes before i joined the rest of the adults clan who were then plucking the cherries from the trees. U cannot imagine how happy i was kiraz inside the plastic kiraz inside my kiraz inside the plastic kiraz inside my mouth.. (ni kira orang kampung tak pernah tengok kebun cherry la ni heheheh) and the best part was..i get to do that while climbing trees!! i loveeeeeee climbing tree!! :0)..too much eating the end result.. the good thing about kiraz is that it somehow cleanses the inside part of ur digestive system..but too much eating kiraz???? YUp!! u've guessed it!! toilet upon toilet.. i kept going to the toilet after that...i mean...i must have eaten at least 3 kilograms of kiraz then!! My journey to the toilet even at the orchard was...non countable..!!! i dream of going to that kiraz orchard again.. that was the first n the last time we went..the years after that..we still get the invitation..however, fate was not in our hands..there was one year hatice was sick..then baddin got sick..etc..etc..
The kiraz halit brought us this year? halil, hatice n i (baddin does not like fruits) devoured a lot of the kiraz..i think only 2 kilograms are we r both fasting (sunat) during the day i can only look..but after 8.30pm!! hehehehehe my evil hands will probably cannot stay away from that plum kiraz..
And in turkey as i have discovered..there are two types of cherries.. one is kiraz (sweet cherry) and one is visne (sour cherry).. kiraz is eaten as it is.. but visne is too sour that normally it is made into jams or fruit juice...if u have one day the chance to eat kiraz ..sweet..plumy it..i think any Malaysians will like this one least i do..
biasa la..kat sini pon sama.. i bila dah tak tertahan baru beli banyak skit..tak tahannnnnnn tengok..lah..suruh la ur in laws tanam pokok kiraz kat ur bahçe tu..
puan simah,
i love cherries too.
dulu went for cherry picking ms undergrad di australia. best sgt but time tu ramadhan, tak dapat nak pick n telan. masa iftar, berbuka dgn cherry aje.
gonna miss the lovely juicy cherry bila balik malaysia nanti.
it is really really lovely..i think sesapa yg pernah makan fresh cherry memang akan angau .. u bila plan nak balik malaysia?
I have 2 types of cherries in my yard. one is for making jellies and juice and the other is for eating fresh. I have the northern sweet cherries for eating fresh. However this year, we had a late freeze (or was it my trees bloom too early) and i ended up with only a handful of them. My peaches are about ready to be picked. I love cherries esp the succulent bing and sweet ones.
grapes are plentiful too ahnging on the canopy. happens sometimes..ymaybe your cherry trees r on vacation this year :0)
yum yum..peaches..only apricot is out at this time of the year..peaches will follow soon..u r one lucky one to have all those trees in ur yard..i am jelous..:0)
thanks 4 visiting my blog
I teringat masa kecik bila nak buat biskut raya, ceri merah ni mesti berebut..especially kat atas samperit..
is it hard to plant those?
i have no idea..tak susah kot..jaga mcm jaga pokok lain..kena bagi ubat jgn ulat serang...winter protection etc..
ceri merah? heheh i pon teringat something like that...mesti kalau raya biskut ceri merah..ceri kaler hijau tak lari punya..kat sini masa baru mai dulu i punya la cari ceri tu..tak jumpa!! still tak jumpa... yg jumpa fresh cherries ja..tu kalau balik mesia i will make sure ceri merah tu i angkut balik turki..
oh yes, cherrie yang makan tak boleh henti punya. same like you, when I had too much - to the bathroom i go :)
hahaha we r one of the kind! that's cool..really cool..:0)
terliur2nya saya bila baca...mula2 ingatkan mcm anggur
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