
Yup..these are 3 types of shellfish commonly found in the oceans..well at least those r the ones i am familiar of....these three shellfish..they just look the same..
The picture is kidnapped from the net. (definitely, Not the one i made).
The one anne made was smaller..shorter n plummer...
No one else cooked it the way anne did..i tried but not successful still...
Back to the midye dolması (stuffed mussel).. i have never cooked it before esp since i am eating it alone..but i have typed the recipe for u all to see in Zaim ladies recipe book
Hopefully u all will get an idea on how it is cooked...
p.s..what is oyster, clam n mussel in malay?
The answer as provided by lah by referring to her hubby's dictionary..
clam = kepah besar
mussel = kupang
oyster = tiram
cockle = kerang
Thanks lah!
Back to my previous entry..Yup!! U may have guessed it right! It is mussel. The dish is called Midye Dolması (Stuffed mussel)...Turks cook loads of stuffed veggies which they call dolma.. they stuff vine leaves, bell pepper, eggplant and even Zuchinni..It is in the fav is stuffed vine leaves made by one can make it the way she did.. i try it too..but i am still not very not giving up.. even if it takes me my whole life to experiment cooking that nightmarish favourite food of mine! oh yeah...i will NOT give up!! u hear me stuffed vine leaves???!!

This is stuffed vine leaves
The picture is kidnapped from the net. (definitely, Not the one i made).
The one anne made was smaller..shorter n plummer...
No one else cooked it the way anne did..i tried but not successful still...
Back to the midye dolması (stuffed mussel).. i have never cooked it before esp since i am eating it alone..but i have typed the recipe for u all to see in Zaim ladies recipe book
Hopefully u all will get an idea on how it is cooked...
p.s..what is oyster, clam n mussel in malay?
The answer as provided by lah by referring to her hubby's dictionary..
clam = kepah besar
mussel = kupang
oyster = tiram
cockle = kerang
Thanks lah!
i dunno..sebab tu i tanya korang apa maksud 3 benda tu dlm bahasa melayu. awak buat vine leave tu pakai daun tebal..tu yg pahit..kalau pakai daun anggur nipis..daun tu tak terasa problem buat vine leaves dolma ialah utk mencari daun yg nipis..masa early spirng daun nipis yg fresh banyak la..lepas tu..tebal gila....
yea la..yea la..u sedap buat cabbage dolma hehehehe masak jer..asalkan hubby u boleh telan :0))
betul oyster tu tiram, tp mussel tu mmg nampak rupa kupang atau lagi satu kepah..
yg clam tu tak tau...nak kata kerang jauh sangat rupanya.
gamaknya betul la tu kot? i tak boleh nak check sebab i tak der dictionary english -malay kat sini..sekarang i ada la dictionary malay-english..tapi tu utk tahap budak sekolah rendah punya..tak lengkap..
thanks lah sebab bersusah payah carik kat i know..:0)
ala bab bab dolma ni la kan...orang tua tua ja yg terrer buat.. kalu mak mentua i hidup lagi..i tak der la nak susah susahkan diri nak buat..rindu la kat dolma dia.. :0(
meletup??? biar benar!!! hahahahahahaha
yue beli monitor baru la nş yea? hahahahahaahahahahaha
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