The previous entry would have indicated how lousy my day this morning was. It was becoz of bla bla bla..bla bla bla..end of story (hehehe my explanation is very enlightening..pls try to understand it...hehehe) Alhamdulillah..i am calm now.
Halil saw how distressed i was over the matter..and suggested that we all go to sahil (seaside) area for a walk...I took a very hot hot as my body could take (that really helped to cool my temper n my sadness)..prepared our brunch...
We were eating while the tv was on...and there we saw a notice at the bottom part of the tv programme..*somebody with an AB+ type of blood needs immediate blood.Pls call......*. halil asked who in our family has AB+ ..yup.. he was looking at that person..we almost immediately decided that i would donate the blood..we called the person involved..went to that specific hospital..donated the blood..and later we went to baba for a visit..
Hey!! i had a lousy morning..that doesnt mean that i cannot make someone else at least a bit happy right? Besides... just a bit of my blood may not be able to save the person...but at least i can tell myself that i did at least something.
I dunno who was more excited over the blood donation..halil or hatice? hatice was and is curious about the whole process but she was not allowed into the blood donation room..she was quite dissapointed..u see she thinks she wants to be a doctor when she grows up....Allah knows...her life..her choices..halil...well... he recieved loads of blood esp in 1992..but he never donated one..he was excited over the whole process..i have no idea why....but he was..i on the other hand, during my tertiary education years..i donated blood every year (The red crescent society always make blood donation week once a year anyway)....but this would be the first time i ever donate my blood in turkey..that part was exciting..
I was suprised that the guy who was to take my blood simply asked me..what is ur blood type? I mean..every year when ı wanted to donate blood, they will definitely test the blood type first. But the guy today..did none of that. He could not find my blood vein easily which is not a suprise to me (it happens all the time). After the whole thing, he told be careful with my eating coz after donating blood, i may gain weight easily (yeah..sure... as if my weight is not excessive enough right?)..bla bla bla.. he was friendly...and to go out of the blood donating see the couple whose father i am donating the blood to smiling..i think everything was worth it.... i didnt do anything much..but it was enough to warm their hearts..
By the way..remember the biology lesson while we were in high school where for example those with (pls correect me if i am wrong) AB for example can recieved A or B or AB type of blood? Well, in turkey, they do not practise such system.. ıf u need AB..u will have to find AB blood..The same applies to the rest of the blood type..
We went to baba....later..suprise suprise... we actually went to sahil!! i was already a long was already 4 p.m n halil actually brought us to sahil area (by walking of course)..this is not halil...he is being extremely sweet today..i cant complain... i am happy..the kids r happy..sleeping from exhaustion now...this morning it was really terrible..n Alhamdulillah..i am smiling now..i am lucky to have these 3 sweet people to hug n to hold n to tell them i love them..Allahım ....insyaAllah bize ayrılmasın....
And to top the happiness i feel today...for dinner.. next to lahmacun (a turkish type of pizza) halil bought me this one dish (i told u he is extremely sweet today)..Can u guess what it is? For Mazhab hanafi this thing is i alone finished it up since i am shafiee.....hmmmmmmm.. have u guessed??
Halil saw how distressed i was over the matter..and suggested that we all go to sahil (seaside) area for a walk...I took a very hot hot as my body could take (that really helped to cool my temper n my sadness)..prepared our brunch...
We were eating while the tv was on...and there we saw a notice at the bottom part of the tv programme..*somebody with an AB+ type of blood needs immediate blood.Pls call......*. halil asked who in our family has AB+ ..yup.. he was looking at that person..we almost immediately decided that i would donate the blood..we called the person involved..went to that specific hospital..donated the blood..and later we went to baba for a visit..
Hey!! i had a lousy morning..that doesnt mean that i cannot make someone else at least a bit happy right? Besides... just a bit of my blood may not be able to save the person...but at least i can tell myself that i did at least something.
I dunno who was more excited over the blood donation..halil or hatice? hatice was and is curious about the whole process but she was not allowed into the blood donation room..she was quite dissapointed..u see she thinks she wants to be a doctor when she grows up....Allah knows...her life..her choices..halil...well... he recieved loads of blood esp in 1992..but he never donated one..he was excited over the whole process..i have no idea why....but he was..i on the other hand, during my tertiary education years..i donated blood every year (The red crescent society always make blood donation week once a year anyway)....but this would be the first time i ever donate my blood in turkey..that part was exciting..
I was suprised that the guy who was to take my blood simply asked me..what is ur blood type? I mean..every year when ı wanted to donate blood, they will definitely test the blood type first. But the guy today..did none of that. He could not find my blood vein easily which is not a suprise to me (it happens all the time). After the whole thing, he told be careful with my eating coz after donating blood, i may gain weight easily (yeah..sure... as if my weight is not excessive enough right?)..bla bla bla.. he was friendly...and to go out of the blood donating see the couple whose father i am donating the blood to smiling..i think everything was worth it.... i didnt do anything much..but it was enough to warm their hearts..
By the way..remember the biology lesson while we were in high school where for example those with (pls correect me if i am wrong) AB for example can recieved A or B or AB type of blood? Well, in turkey, they do not practise such system.. ıf u need AB..u will have to find AB blood..The same applies to the rest of the blood type..
We went to baba....later..suprise suprise... we actually went to sahil!! i was already a long was already 4 p.m n halil actually brought us to sahil area (by walking of course)..this is not halil...he is being extremely sweet today..i cant complain... i am happy..the kids r happy..sleeping from exhaustion now...this morning it was really terrible..n Alhamdulillah..i am smiling now..i am lucky to have these 3 sweet people to hug n to hold n to tell them i love them..Allahım ....insyaAllah bize ayrılmasın....
And to top the happiness i feel today...for dinner.. next to lahmacun (a turkish type of pizza) halil bought me this one dish (i told u he is extremely sweet today)..Can u guess what it is? For Mazhab hanafi this thing is i alone finished it up since i am shafiee.....hmmmmmmm.. have u guessed??

tiram ka kepah? ke ke ke ... pulun jangan tak pulun...depa tak makan ka benda tu? Awat? (mai kita speaking Penang...)
I'll say kepah or something similar.
I remember this story my BIL told us. He is a captain on an MISC container. One Ramadhan, he ordered the ship's cook to masak udang besar2, and ada lauk yang ada bawang etc. They invited some people from another ship (they were at port) .... turned out these people were not Shafie like us. Tak pasal2 Captain & crew kena marah .. "Haram! Haram!" or was it "Makrooh!!" they yelled.
I am blood type AB. My doc said it's a greedy blood type - you can take any type but can only donate to AB!!
kengkawan kengkawanku sayang..
jawapan dia i akan jawab in my next entry malam ni..waktu turki..lepas anak i tido..tu pon kalau my hubby tak concur pc..sementara tu.
.keep on the guessing game heheheeh
memang dok pulun pon..hatice kesian dok kempunan..dia nak try tapi tak berani..dah la tu bapak dia masa tu try to explain..u can choose nak jadi hanafi ker syafiee ker..bla bla bla..the differences...mana la budak tu nak paham heheh
orang mazhab hanafi depa kalau udang dan seangkatan dengannya depa consider sebagai ulat ulat laut....sebab tu makhruh..mcm yg si lah cakap tu...mak mentua dia panggil udang ulat hahahaha
memang benda tu makhruh utk depa..tapi tak la sampai haram.. heheh tak dapat nak bayangkan perasaan your BIL bila dapat response mcm tu...abis tu apa jadi? diaorang jamu apa kat tetamu non syafiee tu?
lah..thanks for the cyber hug..its nice to know that i have friends out there..
queen..hehe does that mean we r also the greedy type..personality wise..?? i know i am greedy for seafood since i rarely eat one here..:0))
How very nice of you to donate your blood. I'm sure the family you donated for was very appreciative. I used to donate blood back in the early 90's because I have a rare blood type (it's a negative type). But then when this mad cow disease came about and since I had lived in Europe for 4 years in the early 90's, I am no longer allowed to donate.
it feels good to be able to do something good, isnt it?
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