Pants cutter
It was Saturday.. A very long day for halil as usual..3 lectures, 3 hours each in 2 places...
He finished the first lecture of the day. Went out from the university, stopped at a traffic light waiting for the green light. Then, he crossed the road and stopped a taxi to go to the other university. As he was entering the taxi, he felt his thigh been blessed by a cooling breeze of the wind. Instinctly, he looked behind ..looking at his pant....and there it was..
His pants CUT from his buttock area till almost his knee area!! While waiting for the light to turn green, somebody must have cut his pants quietly, to get to the pocket where his wallet was. The guy(i am assuming is a guy) had missed the pocket by a centimetre and probably didnt have the time to cut some more. And the whole thing happened within 90 seconds without halil realizing it!!

The guy must have been a professional. Else, he wouldnt have been able to cut so sleekly without halil realizing that his wallet was in danger. Or perhaps halil was too tired at that time?I dunno..Allah must have protected him coz he came out of this unharmed..not a scratch on his skin..with his wallet intact (if not he will have to redo his identity card, driving lessons, credit cards..etc..etc...too much hassle)..The only thing that was gone is his pride.. coz for tht 90 seconds, for those who had looked at him... he was one sexy guy...underwear..thigh for all to see *chuckles*
Instead of Spongebob Squarepant with ripped pants...On Saturday, halil was the one with the ripped pants..*hugs*
Theft is like a vogue in istanbul now..For easy money, a lot of people resort to stealing to support their living..with things being so expensive in turkey, high unemployment rate......the crime rate in istanbul is very scary.. any time, u can get shot..knifed...Anything is possible..(Allah korusun).
Just 2 years ago..mahture yenge who lives on the second floor went to muyessa yenge on the third floor for drinking coffee. She left her house just half an hour, and she came home to her house in a mess..totally, jewellery gone.. The same thing happened with lutfiye teyze as well..All her well stocked jewelleries were gone ..They went happily to a vacation and came home to a home...let us just say afife teyze was so sad that she needed to buy new sets of jewellery..
There is no halal in theft ..but since people r not concerned about the punishment in the life hereafter, .......
May Allah(God) protect us all from harm...Amin...
He finished the first lecture of the day. Went out from the university, stopped at a traffic light waiting for the green light. Then, he crossed the road and stopped a taxi to go to the other university. As he was entering the taxi, he felt his thigh been blessed by a cooling breeze of the wind. Instinctly, he looked behind ..looking at his pant....and there it was..
His pants CUT from his buttock area till almost his knee area!! While waiting for the light to turn green, somebody must have cut his pants quietly, to get to the pocket where his wallet was. The guy(i am assuming is a guy) had missed the pocket by a centimetre and probably didnt have the time to cut some more. And the whole thing happened within 90 seconds without halil realizing it!!

The guy must have been a professional. Else, he wouldnt have been able to cut so sleekly without halil realizing that his wallet was in danger. Or perhaps halil was too tired at that time?I dunno..Allah must have protected him coz he came out of this unharmed..not a scratch on his skin..with his wallet intact (if not he will have to redo his identity card, driving lessons, credit cards..etc..etc...too much hassle)..The only thing that was gone is his pride.. coz for tht 90 seconds, for those who had looked at him... he was one sexy guy...underwear..thigh for all to see *chuckles*

Instead of Spongebob Squarepant with ripped pants...On Saturday, halil was the one with the ripped pants..*hugs*
Theft is like a vogue in istanbul now..For easy money, a lot of people resort to stealing to support their living..with things being so expensive in turkey, high unemployment rate......the crime rate in istanbul is very scary.. any time, u can get shot..knifed...Anything is possible..(Allah korusun).
Just 2 years ago..mahture yenge who lives on the second floor went to muyessa yenge on the third floor for drinking coffee. She left her house just half an hour, and she came home to her house in a mess..totally, jewellery gone.. The same thing happened with lutfiye teyze as well..All her well stocked jewelleries were gone ..They went happily to a vacation and came home to a home...let us just say afife teyze was so sad that she needed to buy new sets of jewellery..
There is no halal in theft ..but since people r not concerned about the punishment in the life hereafter, .......
May Allah(God) protect us all from harm...Amin...
Cingene. Must be a cingene!
That's a scary incident - kalau jadi kat org perempuan yang pakai seluar, lagi teruk!!!
Anyway, check your (shoutbox? tagboard?) - my answer to your question about that moving thing in my blog.
isk isk...seriaunya...tapi ramai juga tourists kat Istanbul kan? Take care simah...insyaAllah selamat anak beranak :)
ku keng..
i think it is someone who wears normal clothing..normal people.. cingene will attract too much attention esp if u look at the clothing...
kalau orang pompuan yg nak pencuri ni selalunya dengan selamba rampas ja beg tangan orang pompuan tu..atau lagi teruk..dia acukan pisau..suruh u hand over ur bag..dengan selamba ja..
read about that moving thing..i think i need ur help there...i dah antar email kat u..thanks for sharing the info :0)
sebab tu kalau is safer to travel in groups..less risks..jangan dok ingat nak adventure..ronda sorang sorang..bahaya...esp kalau anak dara n u look like u r lost..they have loads of tricks to rob u of ur personal belongings..
Keng bey..
mana hilang...??u ke luar negara ka? u lama dah tak update ur blog entry..i kindda miss reading ur entries..
menakutkan. syukur tak de apa2 n dompet terselamat.
moga keselamatan simah sekeluara dilindungi Allah sentiasa.
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