Yesterday in Beyazit
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of is written..
"Spiders flee before the Basilisk for it is their mortal enemy"
J.K Rowling knows that something scares our real life..what spiders flee from is this:

Can u guess what it is..this is an Ostrich egg.It is hung all over the Suleymaniye camii (Suleymaniye mosque) in beyazit...Yup..Suleymaniye camii is one of the camii s where tourists normally go.It was built in is also among the ones we normally hang around if we follow halil to his uni (besides shopping of course!!) ...our meeting place u can say it..
Halil has done me the honour of snapping these photos for u all to see..i know these photos has done no justice to the beauty of the camii..well..this is the best our handphone can snap..hopefully it will give u the general idea of what a camii looks like in istanbul..though seeing all the camiis urself is something will catch ur breath..the splendour of the architecture see is to be impressed..
J.K Rowling knows that something scares our real life..what spiders flee from is this:

Can u guess what it is..this is an Ostrich egg.It is hung all over the Suleymaniye camii (Suleymaniye mosque) in beyazit...Yup..Suleymaniye camii is one of the camii s where tourists normally go.It was built in is also among the ones we normally hang around if we follow halil to his uni (besides shopping of course!!) ...our meeting place u can say it..
Halil has done me the honour of snapping these photos for u all to see..i know these photos has done no justice to the beauty of the camii..well..this is the best our handphone can snap..hopefully it will give u the general idea of what a camii looks like in istanbul..though seeing all the camiis urself is something will catch ur breath..the splendour of the architecture see is to be impressed..
bijak betul org tu letakkan benda tu kat entrance..
wah, yummynya makanan..lapor plak.oppss..posa ari ni
hmm sedap tu...agaknya Turkish tengok kita makan nasi + gulai kepala ikan + sayoq kangkung goreng belacan + sambal belacan sure dia kata rajinnya Melayu ni masak macam2 ke ke ke...depa masak sempoi je
simah, kan mama kata cinderella always have a happy ending. dah penat2 buat kerja kan dah dapat treat gi jenjalan :) so kalau nak look forward to the treats, kenalah jadi domenstic engineer selalu-selalu..hehe jgn mare ya..
ps - i think I'd tasted the beans before when i visited the turkish pavillion at the global village in dubai before...memang yummy, followed by turkish icecream & coffee...lagilah sedap
cabaran tu syikin.. eh posa sunat ka posa ganti?
makanan orang mesia orang turki selalunya memang tak lalu..tu yg i mlas nak impose our cooking kat diaorang..kalau i masak pon..mesti modify that cooking bagi diaorang boleh terima masakan kita...
mama rock
or maybe i kena bodek bos selalu hehehe
glad u like the beans..turks loves beans in general...
mama rock, bukanke dlm cerita cinderella tu ada fairy tolong ke?
come on simah, you can do it! kemas jangan tak kemas.
p/s: suka tengok gambar you all anak beranak - saya tumpang gUmbira
mama sarah
u tak nak tolong i kemas kerrrr??
kalau u tengok gambar kita satu family..especially utk i n halil tengok kitaorang dari bahagian tengkok ke atas aja..bhg bawah jgn tengok hahahahaha
merak etme
biz geleriz..o gun en azinda bir kac saat kendine kendine evde kalırlar önemli doğum gunu kaçmaz.. en kötu ihtimal ben bir saat falan size gelerim..sonra ben eve giderim..halil ve çocuklar sizde kalsın..ben misafirlar...onları bağdat caddesi gezmeye gotururum..
saat kaç falan olacak o gun? onu göre program yaparım..
the conclusion...GELERİZ!! göruşurus!!
Wow! Macam yg I kata that day, I suka the mosques in Turkey. Cantiknya.....
The food pun nampak yummy.. Nanti balik M'sia, u must cook for us some of those delicious Turkish meals..
Btw, another thing I love about Turkey is their coffee. Our Turkish friend served us coffee in those small cups and bila habis, dia kata boleh tgk ur nasib/future lak. hehehhee.. Betulkan? This is what they do in Turkey?:)
masak makanan turki? boleee..kat sini masakan main campak jer...
yup..exactly..halil's auntie pon do that kind of fortune telling..just for fun..sort of a tradition.. when i asked do read the fortune from the coffee cups? did u make it up...and her answer would be..*of course!*
posa ganti..selalu suami usik, eh tak minta izin dulu nk puasa. Saya cakap, posa ganti tak yah mintak izin, puasa sunat ya..hehe
hehehe :0)
dr dulu sampai la ni org "K" memang sentiasa cari jalan nak sabotaj kita..bos i skrg pun org depa, so kdg2 tu bila gaduh dgn dia mesti isu-isu sensetif agama terkeluar jugak..i kena letak firewall and great protection, bahaya depa ni...
love your family photo..:-)
i know what u mean..ala kat sini tak payah tunggu orang K..undang undang kat turki..pakai tudung tak leh masuk sekolah, masuk u..tak leh kerja ngan kerajaan...perdana menteri dah bertahun cuba ubah undang undang ni..tapi tak terdaya sampai sekarang sebab tentera berkuasa..n yg peliknya tentera tu orang kita jugak...
tu yg i tak kerja kat sini..kalu tidak...dah lama i kerja jadi lecturer n dah siap abis buat master lagi..apa nak buat kan...i lebih sanggup tak kerja dari buang tudung...dah la i banyak nak buang tudung lagi..oh tidakkkk
sabar la yea u..boss u tu betul betul sabotaj gila ka u?
take care..
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