Meleklerim...My angels...
Before u PLAy this videoclip, make sure U turn off the song player at the side bar coz they are basically the same song :0) Trust me.. THiS ViDEO CLip is Worth watching!!
Biliyorum sen bir meleksin bana yardım icin gönderildin
I know U r an angel U r sent to help me out
Biliyorum sen bir meleksin zor günlerimde cikageldin
I know U r an angel In my hardship U appear
yüzümü güldürdün başimi döndürdün acımı dindirdin yolumdan cevirdin
U make me laugh U spin my head U heal my pain U change my way
eglendirdin sakinleştirdin ehlileştirdin ve daha bir sürü şey
U entertain me up U calm me down U tame me up And so much more
canım mısın sen benim mısın her şeyim mısın sen hoş geldin melek sefalar getirdin
Arent U my life? Arent U mine? Arent U my everything? Welcome my angel U bring blessings
ya gelmeseydın yetişemeseydın beni bulamasaydın ne yapardım yarım kalırdım melek
If U didnt come If U didnt reach me If U couldnt find me What will i do I will be half full my Angel
Biliyorum sen bir meleksin seni sevmem icin gönderildin
I know U r an angel U r sent for me to love
Biliyorum sen bir meleksin son demlerimde cıkageldin
I know U r an angel Sent to me before my time is up
I know U r an angel U r sent to help me out
Biliyorum sen bir meleksin zor günlerimde cikageldin
I know U r an angel In my hardship U appear
yüzümü güldürdün başimi döndürdün acımı dindirdin yolumdan cevirdin
U make me laugh U spin my head U heal my pain U change my way
eglendirdin sakinleştirdin ehlileştirdin ve daha bir sürü şey
U entertain me up U calm me down U tame me up And so much more
canım mısın sen benim mısın her şeyim mısın sen hoş geldin melek sefalar getirdin
Arent U my life? Arent U mine? Arent U my everything? Welcome my angel U bring blessings
ya gelmeseydın yetişemeseydın beni bulamasaydın ne yapardım yarım kalırdım melek
If U didnt come If U didnt reach me If U couldnt find me What will i do I will be half full my Angel
Biliyorum sen bir meleksin seni sevmem icin gönderildin
I know U r an angel U r sent for me to love
Biliyorum sen bir meleksin son demlerimde cıkageldin
I know U r an angel Sent to me before my time is up
This song is my Princess' favourite..The one and only reason i am putting this in my blog this week...Çiçeğim..senin icin her şey yapardım..tabiki..Şekerim icin da.. size çok çok seviyorum....
Dearest mothers' of the world.. i am sure u all can connect this song to the pleasure of being a mother..
Dear traveler..i am soooo happy for you...truly am. Now i dont feel guilty putting this song up. I have been postponing it with u in mind. I have a gift for u... here...

mothers in waiting -have faith! :0)
Those in Malaysia..hope u guys have had a wonderful time this weekend with ur love ones...cutiii jangan tak cuti...
Kat sana cuti bila? Maklang dah into the 3rd day!
that theatre with the pop corn holder seats,reminds me of george bush's country ;)
Puan Simah,
ur kids are so cute. little genies in the cupboard heheh.
btw this is hasema website
i've been thinking hard about visiting turkey (thinking aje la, surf the net for flight price belum buat lagi :D)
Such a lovely song!:)
You children are sooooooo cute! :)
Comel, comel,comel...
Boleh cubit pipi tak?
Comel, comel, comel....
ke ke ke cute duduk dlm almari tu :)
Simah..thanx a lot, 've bought few books on that since last year..:)
so now i kena refresh everything, kat internet pun byk info on every minute detail..
hatice is so cute, baddin i'm sure will be a handsome's the weekend?
mak lang..
kat turki cuti summer holiday akhir bulan ni...
i am dreaming of sitting in couple's seat..tapi ngan anak 2 ekor..tak der chance la.. :0)
akak..thanks for the to turkey la kan selalunya ada certain season like now (MAS) selalunya ada discount..almost half price every year (turki-malaysia-malaysia-turki)..tapi sebab akak dari UK...tak tau pulak ada discount tak from there...
n the last news i hear from my sister..if u have student card, the ticket price to istanbul is around 1000RM aja..
cubit ja... i pon selalu cubit pipi depa..i try to hug n kiss n cubit their pipi as much as i can...bila dah besar nanti mesti dia orang malu dng open affection ..:0)
budak budak..hehhe
hahaha i can imagine u now..excited tip toe..very careful with everything..mulut senyyum melebar jerr...bla bla bla hahahahaha a good thing too of course..
thanks..anak anak doa is..bila besar jadi anak orang udah (decent people)..jangan jadi anak katak ...:0) ...
my weekend was good good..happy esp after i read ur last riddle clue
u take care ok!?:0)
thanks for visiting my blog..hope to see u again soon :0)
Simah Merhaba !
Beni unutmussun !!!!
Hepinizi opuyorum.
Dr.Mediha TARIM
mediha abla..hoşgeldin!! *hugs*
seni unutmadım...*how can i forget* yazılı tam senin için :0)okumaya buyrun..
thanks for visiting my blog... bu adress meşe mı verdi..? sen burdasın heheh biraz şok oldum..yine bekleriz :0)
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