Baba n Son
Today, 20th of June 2006 marks a history for father and son coz for the first time , halil and baddin went to the barber shop for a hair cut together. I am sure halil was really excited at the prospect. He even came home early from work just for the occasion..

Baddin..if u ever encounter this one entry one day.. YES...u slept while the barber was cutting ur hair..Ur baba couldnt believe his eyes!! While the traş makine being used on ur hair..with all the noise made..u did not even wake up!!
What a memorable baba n son first hair cut together at the barber shop...

Baddin..if u ever encounter this one entry one day.. YES...u slept while the barber was cutting ur hair..Ur baba couldnt believe his eyes!! While the traş makine being used on ur hair..with all the noise made..u did not even wake up!!
What a memorable baba n son first hair cut together at the barber shop...
kelakarnye baddin buat muka mcm tu..barber tu mesti hebat gillerr
Hahahahahahaha.. Kelakar la Baddin ni.. Geramnye melihat muka dia yg cute tu..:)
hehehe, so cute ... but his hair already looked short to me :) Or is it because I let my boys get by without a haircut until they start looking like girls????
lawak sungguh anak hang ni...boleh tido sambil dipotong rambut...erk itu ikut belah mak ka baba dia? ke ke ke...
baguih la baddin ni tak buas kat barber :) siap tidur lagi... bangun2 dah hensem :)
my sons 1st time was a nightmare... dia meronta2 macam kena rasuk pontianak... heheh...
baddin hehe biasa la tu..suka buat muka pelik pelik :0)
hehehe i suppose u share the concept of the meaning of rambut pendek sama dengan si izhal tu...selain queen of the house..u jugak mama yg rock..
rsanya ikut orang yg dari BM yg duduk kat KK tu kot? hehehehe
mamat kecik tu mcm baba dia..tak tahan panas..kena panas sikit ja..letihhhhhh..kalau mai mesia mcm mana la dia nak tahan yek?
hahaha dah dia tengok bapak dia rambut panjang..dia pon mesti terpikir..why must i have my hair cut n not be like my dad?? :0)
meronta mcm ada gambar tak? interesting ni..
He is so cute! For my son, he will cry his heart out kalo cuba nak potong rambut dia!
habislah simah dah kena aura orang BM duduk KK dah rasanya...tido je ceritanya isk isk isk... kwang kwang kwang
hihhi comel..leh tertido masa potong rambut. Semlm pun Ajzie baru potong rambut Ammar. Melalak sekuat tidak.. Fening jap. Ayah dia plak gelak tak henggat coz teringat citer dolu2..hihihi
Hahaha...comelnya badin....siap boleh tido lagi...
bencinya saya..banyk tertinggal entri awak ni..nak tunjuk muka jer.tgh kalut ni :)..
alahai baddin, boleh tidur lagi tu. alahai anak dara tu, terror posing dah..simah, cepatlah awak bermenantu lelaki ni :)
hehe i can imagine.. ala my son is already 4 years.. i had gone thru from a crying n tak reti nak duduk diam..pusng kepala sana sini style of a son while at the barber to the anne needs to hold me while getting a hair cut son..this is new..sleeping while at the barber hehehehehe urs will cool down eventually :0)
memang abissss :0)
wilhelm achtzehn
memang lawak bila pikir pasal bawak anak pi potong rambut kan? mcm mcm style depa
mak lang
:0) ..hero kecik mak lang potong rambut duduk diam tak?
kak lady
heheh senang sikit kerja barber tu kan?
buat ja kerja tu.. blog ni bukannya nak pi mana pon..awak habiskan segala apa yg patut..lepas tu berblog la sepuasnya.. Have fun berkerja keras!! :0)
anak dara saya baru umur 5 tahun syikin hehehehehe ...
Simah, see what my boys' hair looked like masa cuti sekolah hari tu. Of course, sebelum buka sekolah, kena pergi potong pendek :)
oops I boo-booed, nak letak gambar tapi silap code. Anyway just click on my message tu and the link will take you to the pic.
hehehehe rambut panjang comelnya hero hero queen... boleh booking tak? hehehehe. dia orang umur berapa akak? rambut ikut sapa? ikut akak ka?
thanks for showing me the pic...kalau rambut panjang pon comel..rambut pendek mesti lagi hensem kan?
wakakaka Simah .... nak booking boleh! I am sure kalau I tunjuk gambar Hatice to them, nanti terbeliak mata my heroes tengok your sweet girl. They will be 6 and 9 this year. Rambut ikut KOTH but la ni KOTH has gone for the Kojak look :)
kojak look????? hahahahahah anak anak dia pun kalau kojak look jugak..that photo kena snap queen..kojak family photo.. u pun kojakkan la ur hair as well hahahahahahhahah
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