Normally, at this time of the year we would be in Sapanca.. running away from the istanbul heat, into the cool beauty of the trees, leisuring ourselves at the balcony, chatting, with the Sapanca big lake giving a breathtaking view if we ever decide to look down there on the lower ground, splashing ourselves in the pool.. the kids running n playing in the garden..and baba just watching them, reading the newspaper..taking his time..enjoying his time surrounded by his love ones..
This year.. only today..can u imagine? only today, halil, hatice, baddin, mısıtk (baba's helper) and i went to Sapanca..Us for a day trip in Sapanca and for mıstık..to do all the hard job..to clean the house, trim the grass,..to make the house ready for us (zaimlar) to stay in..and most importantly.. To CLEAN THe SwimminG POOL!! hehe
Just look at the pool..(my girl is always cute heheh ) dont u think it needs to be cleaned? Totally slimy, greenish in color with all sorts of insects living in it..Well.. this is the fate of outdoor swimming pool of the summer houses in 4 season countries i think (my opinion only). Summer house. The name suggests the function of the house itself. We normally go there during summer n perhaps occasionally during spring when the weather is not too cold. Hence, the pool is only used during the summer season. U may want to ask.." why dont u just empty the water in the pool before u stop coming to sapanca before the next summer season?". We cant. If we do that, the bitter cold of winter may crack the pool. Hence, the reason for the water to be as it is till the next summer.
This year.. only today..can u imagine? only today, halil, hatice, baddin, mısıtk (baba's helper) and i went to Sapanca..Us for a day trip in Sapanca and for mıstık..to do all the hard job..to clean the house, trim the grass,..to make the house ready for us (zaimlar) to stay in..and most importantly.. To CLEAN THe SwimminG POOL!! hehe

Just look at the pool..(my girl is always cute heheh ) dont u think it needs to be cleaned? Totally slimy, greenish in color with all sorts of insects living in it..Well.. this is the fate of outdoor swimming pool of the summer houses in 4 season countries i think (my opinion only). Summer house. The name suggests the function of the house itself. We normally go there during summer n perhaps occasionally during spring when the weather is not too cold. Hence, the pool is only used during the summer season. U may want to ask.." why dont u just empty the water in the pool before u stop coming to sapanca before the next summer season?". We cant. If we do that, the bitter cold of winter may crack the pool. Hence, the reason for the water to be as it is till the next summer.
Anyway, by 3.30pm all the water was out. The pool was empty except for the slimy greenish things, insects...and toys!! heheheh Mıstıkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... Yup!! our guy.. As in every year, armed with various detergants n what not, he started to tackle that yucky greenish thing..
Our mıstık at work tackling that yucky thing..
Still with that yucky green thing

Still with that yucky green thing
Can u imagine? he does this every year...Hatice n baddin was totally fascinated by this since this was n is their first time ever seeing the pool being cleaned.
Then he sprayed the green thing with water n started cleaning the pool using detergants
See how the pool is almost clean?
Of course, the kids were itching to join mıstık there so we let them for 5 minutes
The mom of the kids too couldnt help the temptation hehehe
(Just 5 minutes while mıstık was having his coffee break)
Yup!! a 97% clean pool!!
And of course these people has to get their picture snapped as well.. hehe
My 3 favourite people in the clean pool
The chemicals for the pool

Then he sprayed the green thing with water n started cleaning the pool using detergants

(Just 5 minutes while mıstık was having his coffee break)

And of course these people has to get their picture snapped as well.. hehe

The job does not end there, as in this moment, mıstık is trying to fill the pool with water. InsyaAllah by friday morning, it will be full. After that, he will need to treat the pool with chemicals.. anti algie, ph neutralizer, clorine etc..

Like i said, he will also get the house cleaned etc etc..n i suppose by saturday or sunday, only then he will come back to istanbul. What will be do without u mıstık!! Allah Razı Olsun..Çok Çok teşekkur Ederiz! That's our mıstık.. MasyaAllah he is forever helpful n with such a pure heart..
And yup.. as u may have guessed.. summer is here... the pool is slowly ready.. and slowly, ur friend simah will be slowly retreating herself to the pool in Sapanca..i am not sure of the date..maybe middle next week..?? it all depends on halil's leave permission..But for now..i am still here.. mumbling to my heart's content.. i am sooo tired now... better get some sleep.. Good nite world!! I am so glad i found friends like u all who r so sweet to me.. thank you for being my friends... :0)
Tem.. i had a wonderful time today.. THANK YOU for EVERYTHING! :0)
And yup.. as u may have guessed.. summer is here... the pool is slowly ready.. and slowly, ur friend simah will be slowly retreating herself to the pool in Sapanca..i am not sure of the date..maybe middle next week..?? it all depends on halil's leave permission..But for now..i am still here.. mumbling to my heart's content.. i am sooo tired now... better get some sleep.. Good nite world!! I am so glad i found friends like u all who r so sweet to me.. thank you for being my friends... :0)
Tem.. i had a wonderful time today.. THANK YOU for EVERYTHING! :0)
what an experience!!! tak pernah tgk gak org cuci pool, lepas ni bleh berenang-renanglah kan?...boleh join ka?
swimimg pool pulak, lepas ni ada orang tu terjun kolam debussssh2 ler...he..he, best kan ank2 ikut serta kita buat kerja...
Simah, syoknye lepas tu swimming in the pool. I take my kids to the pool too kat sini. :) Sejuknya air..... haaaaaaa.... gunakan pelampung cap anak ikan... anda pasti akan timbul. Nah, another iklan for you.. Hehehehehehe..:P
Comelnya, nak tgk gambar ur family swimming lak in ur next entry.
alaa.. i want a pool too in my house!! kalo macam ni rizq tak akan masuk umah 2 hari 2 malam lah nampak gayanya. he luvs water very much! (which kid does not like water kan)
have a splashing good time simah..two piece ke suit..?hehe jgn mare aah
boleh...mai la...
hehehe memang lepas ni terjunnn..ala kitaorang tolong cuci 5 minit jer..yg 2 jam cuci pool tu mıstık..benda hijau tu geliiiiiiii
waktu waktu panas ni mandi dlm pool memang best.. tapi kena tunggu next week.
pelampung cak ikan???? hhahahahahahha yg pakai pelampung tu anak u ker u sendiri sherin??? hahahaha
heheh suruh la suami u buat pool kat rumah.. ker suruh dia buat bath tub kat bathroom tu.. hatice n baddin kalau musim panas ni.. bath tub tu bila mandi...memang tak mau keluar..seronok berendam
tak pakai sebenang langsung!!!! hahahahahahahhh *wink*
That green slime sure looks yucky!
Uish seronoknya, ada summer house with a pool pulak dah ..... nanti post gambar ye, Simah.
By the way, during the non-summer months when the pool is not in use, tak boleh tutup dengan cover ke ...... maybe taklah teruk sangat si Mistik tu kena cuci ... slime lah, dead animals lah. Hehehe!
Alya & Ammar hari2 berendam dalam bath tub..ala2 pool gitu. Sini mana ada pool. Tentu best dan seronok anak2 Simah.
i pun rasa sungguh teruja nak tolong bersihkan with the kids. great experience
simah, lepas ni boleh lah berendam selalu. enjoy yourself - greetings sponsored by mama rock yang saiz badannya sepatutnya senang float tapi masih tak pandai float :)
eh.dalamnya pool tu, kanak2 nampaknya kena pakai pelampunglah ya..
ni mmg rmh musim panas keluarga suami simah ya?
tp nampak daki2 n lumat2 hijau tu.ayok.kena tahan tekaklah time membasuhnya.baguslah pembantu tu buat kerja, bersih sungguh pool tu dibuatnya.
queen of the house
memang yucky.. busuknya tak terkataaaaa ..nasib baik ada mıstık..satu beg plastik besar benda hijau tu mıstık kumpulkan.
nanti bila ada masa saya tunjuk gambar.. tapi kitaorang kena pi dulu la sapanca heheheh..
tutup pool dengan cover? bagus jugak idea tu akak..nanti saya kasitau kat mıstık..cuba la akak bayangkan..masa spring ja..berunu penuh kat dlm pool tu.. 2 tahun lepas..baddin dia buat apa akak tau? dia cekup anak katak dlm pool tu..terjerit gila mehveş n merve hehehehehehe
(eh betul ka spelling nama ni?)..memang kan? budak budak kalau bab berendam hehehehehe
ala kitaorang pun bertuah aja ada pool ni..ni pun adiea arwah mak halil..dia kata buat pool supaya senang anak cucu berkumpul.. she was right..
next year i panggil u n ur kids to basuh pool yea? mesti mıstık suka heheheheheh
hehehehe mama ni lawak la.. just look at me..i mesti lagi besar punya..
budak budak biasa la.. hatice n baddin kalau cousin diaorang ada la..phew..lagi la..sampai baddin nangis nangis tak nak keluar..pool tu ada bahagian tak berapa dalam dan ada bahagian dlm sikit..yg dlm sikit kira dalam 2 and a half metres.. kira boleh la nak main dive..
mcm hatice dia dah boleh pijak pool dah (bhg cetek)..dia dah boleh berenang sikit sikit..cuma dia takut ja..baddin pulak..still dok pakai float..tahun ni tak tau la..
yea..ni rumah musim panas my dad in law..dia ada la beberapa rumah musim panas tapi ni yg terdekat dengan istanbul..so mcm halil n i..kitaorang la penunggu setia kat sini..yg mcm siblings yg lain tu diaorang datang tapi diaorang selalu bercuti ke tempat tempat lain jugak..
memang la kalau tak ada mıstık..waaaa mungkin kerja basuh pool tu saya pulak kena buat hehehehehe
memang musim panas ni berendam dalam air..best gila... tapi saya rindu la air laut kat malaysia terutamanya kat langkawi..(simah pandang kat traveler..haa..tu mula la nak sakat orang tu hehehe*
Simah, best nya swimming. Had not done that for ages. Maybe this weekend..Yup, I am working but once my mind is tired I hop-in somewhere..That's what bring me here! Will not have my entry until towards end of the month to get my writing in a good shape. U take care dear....huggg
penatnya tengok orang cuci, kalau buat sendiri lagi penat!
Hehehehehe.. :)
OK update Simah. I nak tgk u wearing ur swim suit!
langkawi..?i had the same thought masa nak left my comment here, tapi ingat tak nak sakat u lagi, kesian pulak...
sekarang dah dekat bulan penuh..kalau baring kat tepi pantai at nite time memang best ni..counting stars..hmmmmmmm
anggerik merah
u take care too :0) *Hugs back*..
memang penat kalau nak buat sendiri mak lang..2 jam nak cuci pool tu.. nasib baik ada mıstık..sebelum balik istanbul saya masak kan lauk utk dia so tak der la rasa bersalah sangat torture dia cuci pool hehehehe
tapikan sherin..u wont be seeing me pakai swimwear i kat pool tu hhehehehheheehhehehehe tak der la..i kat public places ja pakai tesettur swimwear (baju swimwear bertudung)..kat pool sini i teropen sikit hehehehehehe (u can use ur imagination hahahahahah) so ..sorry dear.. i dont think i will in the pictures wearing swimwear..
sakat jer..no hal for me heheheh...memang i pun suka baring atas pasir pantai tengah mlm..one thing i love is jalan jalan kat taman lagenda waktu malam... my younger siblings n i used to do that..tapi sebelum tu pi dulu kat jeti beli kfc hehhee
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