Jodoh Pertemuan
batman : Hi, how r u?
ref : I'm fine thanks
batman : where from?
And it went on from there...These r not the exact words we used..but close enough...The funny thing is, i did not remember that conversation...I did not even remember that nickname until after quite many days later where i recieved an email from him introducing himself from our previous chat.
Yes. It is true. Halil n i met each other in a chat program. Cyberlove..One in Malaysia and the other one in Turkey.
I was doing my under graduate programme in UKM. I was also working part time at an internet cafe inside UKM itself. While working, one pc will be free for the use of the staffs. I took that opportunity to chat and and at the same time to type my thesis. Halil was trying to finish his master thesis at that time.
Now that i think back, how can u fall in love with someone without knowing who he is? How can u get to know who someone really is from just chatting and exchanging emails? Words may be used to deceive..if not he perhaps is possible. Can words represent who one is? One's look? Each party may send somebody else's photo. Cyberlove is really a risky business indeed...
True, internet is a wonderful tool for making new friends and even finding love. If one's friend or love is within one's country, within reach, then the matter is somehow simplified. One can easily meet up to decide (if it is love) whether they are made for each other. What about the ones like in mine n halil's case? We were thousands of miles away from each other. E-mails, chats n short phone calls could not ensure that we were made for each other. To see is to be sure. But in such long distance relationship, unless the guy is extremely rich, then they can meet up quite often to make sure of the decision.
I have mentioned many times in my blog. We muslims r lucky. The istikharah prayer is indeed something powerful to help one to decide. In my case, once the prayer was done, the clue pointed me to halil, despite Allah knows the obstacles, i never did look back. Yes. I was selfish. Yet, it was what i had to do to ensure my happiness.
In many cases, if one is to marry someone from another place....ok, let us be realistic.. for example even within Malaysia itself. The girl is from Negeri Sembilan for example and the guy is from Kelantan.2 different cultures in every sense. Pedas vs Manis, nogori accent vs kelate accent, the family culture and what not. Even within one's country, the differences in culture can be a reason to a failed marriage.
Imagine inter continent marriage. Aiyooo...u can imagine right? Different languages, dfferent in everything...totally scary.
But that is the beauty of life.. who ever u marry..where ever u decide to live, however the culture is one's willingness to adapt to the current surrounding that is important. If u shut urself out from change, only wanting and insisting what u want, never trying to understand what is...being ego... then hope is lost for u in anything..
Halil n i met once before we got married. We caught the chemistry while i was introducing him to the palm oil trees and rubber trees near my parents area..We got married. We have 2 beautiful angels. Like any couple, we fight, we love...and we compromise each other. 7 years is still too young for a marriage...hopefully we both will grow wiser as times goes by..
p.s Syikin n Shami.. i hope this entry has answered ur question about how halil n 1 met.
p.s.x ha i dah letak gambar i masa bersanding :0)
ref : I'm fine thanks
batman : where from?
And it went on from there...These r not the exact words we used..but close enough...The funny thing is, i did not remember that conversation...I did not even remember that nickname until after quite many days later where i recieved an email from him introducing himself from our previous chat.
Yes. It is true. Halil n i met each other in a chat program. Cyberlove..One in Malaysia and the other one in Turkey.
I was doing my under graduate programme in UKM. I was also working part time at an internet cafe inside UKM itself. While working, one pc will be free for the use of the staffs. I took that opportunity to chat and and at the same time to type my thesis. Halil was trying to finish his master thesis at that time.
Now that i think back, how can u fall in love with someone without knowing who he is? How can u get to know who someone really is from just chatting and exchanging emails? Words may be used to deceive..if not he perhaps is possible. Can words represent who one is? One's look? Each party may send somebody else's photo. Cyberlove is really a risky business indeed...
True, internet is a wonderful tool for making new friends and even finding love. If one's friend or love is within one's country, within reach, then the matter is somehow simplified. One can easily meet up to decide (if it is love) whether they are made for each other. What about the ones like in mine n halil's case? We were thousands of miles away from each other. E-mails, chats n short phone calls could not ensure that we were made for each other. To see is to be sure. But in such long distance relationship, unless the guy is extremely rich, then they can meet up quite often to make sure of the decision.
I have mentioned many times in my blog. We muslims r lucky. The istikharah prayer is indeed something powerful to help one to decide. In my case, once the prayer was done, the clue pointed me to halil, despite Allah knows the obstacles, i never did look back. Yes. I was selfish. Yet, it was what i had to do to ensure my happiness.
In many cases, if one is to marry someone from another place....ok, let us be realistic.. for example even within Malaysia itself. The girl is from Negeri Sembilan for example and the guy is from Kelantan.2 different cultures in every sense. Pedas vs Manis, nogori accent vs kelate accent, the family culture and what not. Even within one's country, the differences in culture can be a reason to a failed marriage.
Imagine inter continent marriage. Aiyooo...u can imagine right? Different languages, dfferent in everything...totally scary.
But that is the beauty of life.. who ever u marry..where ever u decide to live, however the culture is one's willingness to adapt to the current surrounding that is important. If u shut urself out from change, only wanting and insisting what u want, never trying to understand what is...being ego... then hope is lost for u in anything..
Halil n i met once before we got married. We caught the chemistry while i was introducing him to the palm oil trees and rubber trees near my parents area..We got married. We have 2 beautiful angels. Like any couple, we fight, we love...and we compromise each other. 7 years is still too young for a marriage...hopefully we both will grow wiser as times goes by..
p.s Syikin n Shami.. i hope this entry has answered ur question about how halil n 1 met.
p.s.x ha i dah letak gambar i masa bersanding :0)

Simah: Terima kasih, tunaikan permintaan saya, indah sungguh jodoh yang telah Allah tentukan, untuk kita..kalau kita menghargainya....semoga bahagia selalu,...walau berbeza, sesungguhnya di sisi Allah kita semua sama....
dulu it is very hard of me to believe cyber love.. but u prove it. congratulations! abt the wedding ring.. i lost my wedding, engagement ring 4 years ago when a pencuri came into my house. from that day i never wear any ring again.
Simah, thanks for the picture. You know, I wanted to ask you the 'where did u guys meet?' question today but Shami & Syikin have beaten me to it. :)
Such a wonderful story Simah! I love the way you said that you guys fell for each other whilst introducing Halil to the trees. romantic, my dear friend!
I pray that Allah keeps your family together forever and that your love for each other will always stand the test of time.
Wonderful Simah.
thats so sweet..Love is great, jauh tapi sebenarnya dekat. and u are very lucky simah..syukur
:) tersenyum simpul Simah dalam gambar tu, insyaAllah ianya adalah pilihan yang tepat...semoga berbahagia dunia & akhirat ...
wah hebat la story ni... cyberlove gitu... jodoh... now im thinking of interplanetary marriage... heheh...
ps-halil looks like john petrucci :D coolest guitar player on the planet... pi la masuk youtube and search for john petrucci...
aminnn..jodoh pertemuan memang di tangan Allah
thanks :0) ..i am sorry to hear about the ring... sekurang kurangnya u hilang cincin tu sebab dicuri dan bukan sebab u hilangkan..still, the loss of a wedding n engangement ring memang memilukan ..
Amin to all ur doa... memang pokok getah dan pokok kelapa sawit boleh mencetuskan cinta heheh ..i forgot to mention lantai dapur for our night till morning chat :0)
u r lucky too to have an understanding hubby. i guess every lady seeks a good life partner..i am just lucky that i found one..
alinlai masa kawin takkan nak menangis kot? heheheh saya cuma tak paham satu jer.. kenapa orang malaysia baju kawin dia tebal gila?? dah la cuaca kat malaysia tu mcm duduk dlm oven..
inter planetary marriage??? hahahhahah imagine orang earth kawin ngan orang pluto.. abis anak tu nanti muka apa pulak??
john petrucci?? jap nanti i tengok..
anak? hehehe soalan cepu emas tu..hehehehe nak jawab ker idak soalan ni yea? hehehe
what a beautiful pix simah! and what a beautiful story.
Lantai dapur tu menjadi saksi betapa hebatnya cinta cyber u and Halil. I masih terkedu dgn cerita u ni tau. Very amazing!
he he he sapa suruh pakai songket? kami hari tu pakai biasa-biasa saja, tak nak la berpanas dengan songket tu dah la 'abang bulat' cepat berpeluh kesian dia kalau bersongket-songket :)
simah!! you suka buat i nangis tau!
shahdu baca.
bestlah baca zaman kita bercinta yea tak? best juga ungkit how kita jumpa spouse kita kan? ooohhh zaman dahulu kala.
Simah...amboi sweetnya kedua mempelai tu...halil tu ensem...maner lah hati simah tak dag dig dug bila jumpa...hehehe...
Betul cinta itu suatu yang menakjubkan...kita boleh jatuh cinta hanya melalui email & chatting...walaupun kita tak kenal dengan saper kita bebual...
Moga simah akan sentiasa bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat bersama halil dan anak2 simah yang comel...
There's a saying.. If you are past the 7 years itsh, InsyaAllah the marriage will be alright!
Cinta cyber. Tahniah dan moga kekal bahagia. Cantik pic masa weeding tuh. Terkonang ler plak masa saya dolu2.
Simah..saya tabik ngan keberanian awak dlm bab bercinta ni apatah lagi ngan warga asing...dah jodohkan, tak kemana akhirnya.
Syahdunya baca citer awak panik masa cari cincin tu.dan yg best tu semua ahli keluarga tolong cari. Ingat pulak saya tertanggal gelang tangan kawin (masa bertunang dpt cincin, masa kawin dpt gelang), masa tu baru aje kawin. punyalah saya cemas giler, takut mertua marah. tp alhamdulillah, suami terjumpa kat tempat kaki di tempat duduk depan kereta.
menarik ya budaya kawin org turki ni. hehe, tak terimagin saya satu badan penuh ngna emas..
tima kasih sebab citer detail ngan kami bab temu jodoh ni :)
Sungguh happy tengok dan baca story jodoh Simah dgn Halil.
Semoga bahagia hingga ahir hayat.
Yes..I do believe two people can fall in love in cyber space....janji ada keihlasan dalam persahabatan. And you have proven that!
Best wishes...
kak teh
all compliment of tempat bersanding to along, my elder sister. Semua tempat tu dia yg hias sendiri.. saya cuma balik penang n kawin heheh saya memang adik yg tak senonoh :0)
suami mcm nak ajer..saya lak? tak kisah..tapi malas la bila nak pikir kena start to square one..ada rezeki ada la
abih tu kalau tak pakai baju special sikit masa kawin kang kempunan pulak..takkan nak pakai baju tidoq kot masa kawin? :0)
baju yg kitaorang pakai tu bukan songket pon..baju baldu ja..tapi phew..panas gila..mcm nak pengsan..lepas bersanding terus bukak heheheh
mama sarah
i suruh u gelak..u menangis pulak hehehe..mana ada unsur sedih dlm entry ni pon..
ala sesekali tu bila pikir cerita bercinta ni dejavu lak hehehe
kak lady
amin... memang love is blind..mcm mana la halil bole berkenan kat saya yg hidung penyek ni..ajaib kan?
mak lang
i do really really hope.. kalau boleh insyaAllah saya nak la sepanjang hayat jodoh ni..
wilhelm achtzehn
thanks.. teringat jangan tak teringat..bukan selalu nak kawin nih..kalau boleh sekali dlm seumur hidup la kan?
saya bukan berani..saya rasa saya ni gila hehehe orang gila ja yg buat kerja mcm ni..mental tak betul..
interesting adat ni.. tunang dapat cincin, kawin dapat adat orang jawa ker syikin?
thanks..memang keikhlasan teramat penting dlm satu persahabatan..
ke ke ke...baju baldu tu tak rasa gatal2 ke badan especially bila dah berpeluh? Ehh la ni baju kelawaq tu orang pakai pi opis tau, dulu-dulu orang pakai tido je kwang kwang kwang....
Amboi .... bagai pinang dibelah dua :) Lepas ni, kita semua kena pakat compare gambar kahwin pulak - and mine will be the most ancient-looking one (nasib baik tak black & white aje).
baju kelawaq pakai pi opis? tu diaaaaaa...*simah mulut melopong*
Queen of the house
akak..u r not that old!!! :0)..
tunjuk la gambar kawin i am curious.. :0)
Gambar kawin???? Kena korek album lama-lama dulu ...... gambar baru on Shutterfly tu okaylah kan?
queen..ok ok..thanks for the pics ..:0)
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