Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sapanca (12th -31th July 2006)

Did I mention that Sapanca is pronounced as *sapanja*? Anyway, in this Sapanca stay, i had seen a lot of things going on...a lot of development n i think it is only fair that i conclude this one Sapanca in a note form...


The Beginning
- She did not know how to swim properly. She was scared..99% scared.

The middle
- She had learnt to swim but was afraid to go to the deeper end. It was practically her crying vs halil's orders for her to swim where her feet could not touch the ground.Trust me..there were loads of crying on hatice's part.

The End
- She can swim anywhere she feels like it..deep or not deep.
-She can jump into the deeper part of the pool
-She can dive wonderfully that she managed to pick the pecks (penyepit baju in malay or mandal in turkish) when thrown at the middle deep floor part of the pool. She needs to work on her diving at the deepest end of the pool..
-She can swim on her back
-She is trying to do butterfly style swimming..that needs more practice n i think more strength?

The Conclusion
-Her development in swimming this year is very fast n unexpected
-her swimming developed faster with the presence of the other cousins n vice versa. Hatice was afraid to swim at the deeper end at the beginning. She was afraid but with Zeynep's presence, she did it. She managed to overcome the bulk of her fears.Zeynep too seing that hatice could dive felt motivated to learn how to dive as not to be left behind. Each motivated the other subconciously.
-hatice is officially a swimmer in the pool. U cannot image how proud i am of her now. She deserves the new gold earring we got her 100%.
-And she has lost the fatty tummy she had last year from too much swimming. U bet she is extremely proud n happy to be able to fit into the jeans whch was not very comfortable last year... Yeahhhhhhhh çiçeğim benim..!!


The beginning
-He was scared to even enter the pool let alone swim with only the arm float. Last year, he wore both the arm float n the round float in the pool.

The middle
-he was happily swimming with the arm float. Most of the times trying to run away from his dad coz halil loves to throw him bodily into the water.

The end
-He jumped into the pool repeatedly n happily many times.
-On the last days, halil took out his arm float, brought him to the middle of the pool with me waitinga few metres away from them,and by force n crying, baddin was forced to swim towards me in order to save his life. When he needed to, he could swim.

The Conclusion
-I need to feed him more fresh milk everyday so that by next summer, he will grow taller n can easily touch the not deep end part of the pool.
-Next year will be baddin's turn to learn to swim properly. Halil's job of course.


Overall Conclusion
- Perhaps it is the weight. Perhaps it is the age but i find myself massaging his back n legs much too often this summer. His knees r not very well n he is somehow overforcing those knees overtime n overwork. Tem..Be CareFUL!!
-To read n to finish reading a book in sapanca for halil is an achievement indeed..he did both sports n reading...finishing the book at that!!..a history made..
-Being a kid at heart himself, halil has proven himself a good entertainer for the kids.
-And tem..geee THANKS for throwing us out of the room every morning so that u could get an extra half an hour sleep..dont u know that we were on holiday?? Grrrrrrrrrr.. *wink*
-Thanks for teaching hatice to swim..:0)

-This summer she suprised me by wanting to learn how to cook. Will make a different entry on this topic later. But for that one week, under my strict supervision, she had prepared one time the turkish coffee for dinner, chocolate chip cake,sosisli börek, chocolate pudding n a special Apple pie for her mom. Bravo merve!! pictures n elaboration in another entry...

-He played with the kids whenever he felt like it. There was one time mıstık, halil n ı went to pazar. For almost that 2 hours while we were away, safa looked after n played with baddin around the house. I was n am eternally grateful.

-A regular to Sapanca house but grew to become a stranger to the house after a few years of not coming there. He was clueless of what the sapanca summer house entails. He wandered around the house aimlessly..after a few days of staying there i think he is now re acquainted to the house once again. However, Kerim no longer has access to the cooking in the kitchen AS i had forbidden him to enter my unofficial territory. I think he deserves a break from doing anything...especially cooking. ..though brutal Sapanca mosquitoes.. U all r free to bite kerim!! heheheh

-The most worked person in Sapanca. What will we all do without u??

-It is good for all siblings to get together in the open space of the sapanca house where the kids can either play with each other nicely or fight till they cried..Togetherness is always good....
-Zaim siblings -chat chat chat
-Zaim brides -chat chat chat
-Zaim n Tarım children -play fight play

where in the end...
-Exhausted mıstık
-Exhausted parents
-Exhausted Siblings
-Exhausted children
-Happy Day


The kids form their own grouping..

With safa n merve around

Safa - keremcan-sports
merve-zeynep-hatice -girls' stuffs

Without safa n merve


Keremcan at times went out of the children's grouping to join the adults in sports.. MaşaAllah.. he is talented n agile in sports.


-I think i have brushed up my skill in making köfte. What do u expect..just this sapanca i think i had prepared at least 5 kilograms of köfte!! U cant help urself but be better after that right?
-When i am exhausted, i get angry. Need to go to an anger management course with robert de nero hehe
-I love to swim especially around 8am or 9pm ..ı think that is the time when the pool is the best.I find swimming relaxes my mind. Especially when i am in an emotional turmoil... i must swim.
-I must have eaten at least half of the young armut (pear) on the tree. The taste reminds me of guava (jambu batu) of my favourite fruits in Malaysia..So forgive my finishing the fuits alone hehehe anyway, i dont see anyone else eating it.. :0)

-Need to kill my kilo..very very difficult.. ..waaaaaaaa

-Hatice wants to be alone with just halil n i. In Sapanca, she had the opportunity twice. She was so happy. To be without her brother. I dont blame her but this kind of things is only very rarely possible. I feel sad for her but i hope she can understand this fact as well..we all move as a family unit n not as separate parts.

-To teach ur kids to swim;

1. u have to force them. I remember the story of mesut teaching safa to swim when safa was younger. He just threw safa into the pool n safa learnt to swim at that very moment.
2. first let the kids learn to swim in whatever be able to stay afloat. Only after then, the learning of different styles of swimming should be introduced (this is my own conclusion after watching hatice)
3. Cousins, or peers can be a good reinforcer n motivator.

-Ice Tea - a tradition- a must buy if we all go down to town alone. Lemon ice tea for baddin n mango ice tea for halil, hatice n i.
-Dont forget to spread the baby oil on the skin after the pool. If not the skin will go terribly dry. As for the hair, the use of hair conditioner is extremely recommended...

Well..i think that is about it..i may forget a thing or two..but i think this year sapanca development is something i feel important for me to write this year.. Hey!! it is not very year ur daughter learns successfully swimming right? n my son? We will see the next Sapanca.. I still have hopes for him...:0)

Enjoy the slide shoW!

These pictures below r a courtesy from funda n her new digital at this moment, meşe n family r on holiday somewhere in turkey n halim n family r in bodrum. Selim n family will start the holiday this 5th.. I am so glad to be home at the moment... but i think i am starting to miss the open space n the pool in sapanca again heheheheh


Blogger Izhal said...

wah, laju depa belajar berenang neee...

betullah, my lutu pun kalo over enjoy sure sakit2 la...

6:23 AM  
Blogger sue said...

i miss a lot of things here, not feeling well.

looks like u had a great time in Sapanca, byk achievement that ur much awaited pink swimsuit..?

8:02 AM  
Blogger simah said...

u jgn over exert lutut tu..jangan sampai jadi mcm halil udah..dia patutnya kena operate lutut tu..saja dia tangguhkan..

whats wrong? r u not feeling well boz of the pregnancy or something else? take care yea?

sapanca was good..a peaceful place...yup my much awaited pink tapi saja tangkap jauh jauh n blur sikit sebab i feel so conscious of my weight..nampak hodoh ajer..i desperately need to lose weight..

take care tau.. jgn kerja kuat sangat.

10:16 AM  
Blogger anggerik merah said...

Welcome back. Enjoy reading the story..bestnya swimming.

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

isk, nak kena pi cari tempat bleh berenang2 la sblm puasa ni... berenang bulan puasa terbatal plak puasa ke ke ke...


1:13 PM  
Blogger simah said...

anggerik merah feels good to be back..:0)

berenang jangan tak pi berenang..bulan posa tak lama lagi dah..sapa yg tak posa ganti lagi posa la yea? hehe.

9:51 PM  
Blogger FaEzHussain said...

wahh, bestnya ada summer house.
mmg plan nak gi swimming class over here, but unfortunately time was limited, so insyaAllah balik malaysia nanti whole family masuk swimming class kut.... :D

10:22 AM  
Blogger simah said...

belajar berenang tu senang jer faez..yg menyusahkan orang belajar berenang tu is the fear bila nak ke tempat dalam..rasa takut tu yg jadi d worst enemy in learning how to swim..

7:38 PM  

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