Still standing
Yup..i have not fallen...fallen into that no reason depression.. i suppose the istanbul heat is catching up on me. And it is not even as hot as Malaysia!! Gee how pampered i have become over these years...
The great recipe to overcome depression for women..
Never fail that one *chuckles*..tonite halil, the kids n i went to Carrefour. I needed to buy some things from there..And I knew that Peacocks ( a clothing shop in the carrefour building)is starting the 70% discount sale today..What i didnt know is that every other shop is making crazy discounts as well..If only i had the time to walk around the shops...
End of season sale is always my favourite..Everything is like sooo cheap.I always make it a point to go shopping every end of each season sale.. shopping for what? shopping for who?? I shop mostly for the kids.. like tonite i shop some clothings for next year's summer. We save a lot this way.. Just like tonight, i bought 1 long sleeve sweater, one long sleeve t-shirt, one short sleeve t-shirt n a 2 pack short for baddin ..For hatice i bought her a skirt, a sleeveless t-shirt and a fancy sort of overcoat (Hmm.. i bought 1 material less for hatice, i will have to make it up to her later)..The total price of those things should be around 132YTL but tonite i only paid 58YTL..That is like half price cheaper right? And the best benefit of all the shopping tonite is.. i spent money n therefore i feel much much better now hheheheheh Women huh??
Earlier on in the morning, i brought the kids to the playground. As usual, the 2 cousins (Zeynep n Elo) were there. We went quite late..around 11am..n by 12 noon we had to leave the playground since baddin needed to go for his friday prayer with halil (by 1pm)...a quick bath today for him n lunch took almost one hour..It was really a rush today..n in that rush i kidnapped halil's handphone (it is fixed now) n snapped the kids at the playground...
The kids eating ice cream
(Except elo..she refused the ice cream i bought her)
Who's that girl with the headcover?
Yup! O benim çiçeğim
..The flower of my heart...
Playing the balancing game..
eh eh nak jatuh...
Playing with the sand
*Elo sen baddin sarılamazsınki*
(Elo u cannot hug baddin)
and she did..
(her reverse talk psychology)
I was rushing to the playground this morning.
n look what i ended up wearing on my feet at the playground!!!
See u all on wednesday...i will be missing again starting tomorrow night hehehehe..clue: Splashhhhh!!
The great recipe to overcome depression for women..
Never fail that one *chuckles*..tonite halil, the kids n i went to Carrefour. I needed to buy some things from there..And I knew that Peacocks ( a clothing shop in the carrefour building)is starting the 70% discount sale today..What i didnt know is that every other shop is making crazy discounts as well..If only i had the time to walk around the shops...
End of season sale is always my favourite..Everything is like sooo cheap.I always make it a point to go shopping every end of each season sale.. shopping for what? shopping for who?? I shop mostly for the kids.. like tonite i shop some clothings for next year's summer. We save a lot this way.. Just like tonight, i bought 1 long sleeve sweater, one long sleeve t-shirt, one short sleeve t-shirt n a 2 pack short for baddin ..For hatice i bought her a skirt, a sleeveless t-shirt and a fancy sort of overcoat (Hmm.. i bought 1 material less for hatice, i will have to make it up to her later)..The total price of those things should be around 132YTL but tonite i only paid 58YTL..That is like half price cheaper right? And the best benefit of all the shopping tonite is.. i spent money n therefore i feel much much better now hheheheheh Women huh??
Earlier on in the morning, i brought the kids to the playground. As usual, the 2 cousins (Zeynep n Elo) were there. We went quite late..around 11am..n by 12 noon we had to leave the playground since baddin needed to go for his friday prayer with halil (by 1pm)...a quick bath today for him n lunch took almost one hour..It was really a rush today..n in that rush i kidnapped halil's handphone (it is fixed now) n snapped the kids at the playground...

(Except elo..she refused the ice cream i bought her)
Who's that girl with the headcover?

..The flower of my heart...

eh eh nak jatuh...

(Elo u cannot hug baddin)
and she did..
(her reverse talk psychology)

n look what i ended up wearing on my feet at the playground!!!
Yes.. Hatice has decided to wear the headcover. She suprised me actually. On the 1st of August, she asked me about me wearing the headcover i.e when i started wearing it..why i wear it etc etc. On the 2nd of august, we were about to go out of the house when she asked me* Anne, baş örtu bana takar mısın?* (Can u put the headcover on me?) I could not believe my ears. I took one of the headcovers that my brother joe sent from Malaysia n put it on her. She now wears her headcover everytime she is going out...Well.. the fact that she is wearing shorts n short sleeve t-shirt with her headcover is another thing of course.. she is still small.. plenty of time to teach her things.... to dress the proper way..
True. I am happy that she is wearing the headcover. But secretly i feared that she is wearing it to please me... to make me happy. That is not the reason to wear a headcover.Thus, today on the way to the playground i asked her the reason of her wearing the headcover. she told me that she wanted to please me. She also said that she wanted to try wearing a headcover. Well.. that is good enough for me.. We chatted some more. I told her that if she is wearing the headcover for me then it would be the wrong reason to wear it.
I told her that she should remember 2 things. In her life, whatever decisions she make, she should make them
1. For herself... not to please other but to please herself.
2. because that decision is the right decision for her
And in everything, i want her to try to enjoy feel the pleasure of what life has to offer..
She said *ok*.. how much she understood... i do not know..but these r the things i always tell her when she is alone..just like i always tell her...that once i am old n she is grown up..if i am still alive.. i do not want any material things from her.. the only things i will ask from them (i tell baddin this as well) r a kiss n a me they would be much much more worthy than any diamond or gold...and once i die... a fatihah ...
This matter of the headcover, i never push hatice to wear it. I believe in freedom. There is no use in forcing her to do the things she doesnt want to n r not ready for.. how long this wearing the headcover will last, i dunno.. i just hope that she wont have an emotional conflict when she has to take off her headcover to go to school...
And as for baddin? the sister wears the headcover.. he doesnt want to be left behind as well..he wears his cap hehehe
True. I am happy that she is wearing the headcover. But secretly i feared that she is wearing it to please me... to make me happy. That is not the reason to wear a headcover.Thus, today on the way to the playground i asked her the reason of her wearing the headcover. she told me that she wanted to please me. She also said that she wanted to try wearing a headcover. Well.. that is good enough for me.. We chatted some more. I told her that if she is wearing the headcover for me then it would be the wrong reason to wear it.
I told her that she should remember 2 things. In her life, whatever decisions she make, she should make them
1. For herself... not to please other but to please herself.
2. because that decision is the right decision for her
And in everything, i want her to try to enjoy feel the pleasure of what life has to offer..
She said *ok*.. how much she understood... i do not know..but these r the things i always tell her when she is alone..just like i always tell her...that once i am old n she is grown up..if i am still alive.. i do not want any material things from her.. the only things i will ask from them (i tell baddin this as well) r a kiss n a me they would be much much more worthy than any diamond or gold...and once i die... a fatihah ...
This matter of the headcover, i never push hatice to wear it. I believe in freedom. There is no use in forcing her to do the things she doesnt want to n r not ready for.. how long this wearing the headcover will last, i dunno.. i just hope that she wont have an emotional conflict when she has to take off her headcover to go to school...
And as for baddin? the sister wears the headcover.. he doesnt want to be left behind as well..he wears his cap hehehe
Have a Happy Weekend everybody!!
See u all on wednesday...i will be missing again starting tomorrow night hehehehe..clue: Splashhhhh!!
god bless hatice..i love this entry. i love kids. i love ur brainchild. take care, sis!
new receipt? hehe~ bleh la kid try kat NZ ni..makana kat sini sgt boring~
Simah dear,
ahhh.. shopping is exactly right! The more I get stress-up to more I shop..hehehe...horrible me!
I am speachless to read yr advice to Hatice and Baddin abt the choice in life and what you wish from them when you grow old! It struck my mind..exactly that is what I wish to have when I grow old. Material can't replace love. May you have a good weekend too dear!
tak pe pelan-pelan...insyaAllah bila dia dah besar dia boleh faham yang benda tutup kepala tu 'wajib' bukan untuk ikut-ikut saja :)dah tempah baju raya ka? ke ke ke
ehhh lupa plak nak tanya...skrg ni trend pakai kasut sebelah lain ka kat sana kui kui kui...
yup saya pun sama...the more I stress up and more lah I belanja..
Wahhh seronok simah dah start beli baju2 raya nampaknya...huhuhu.
u're living in my fav city in the whole wide world ... I envy you !!
I think it is good that you explain and still let herwear despite that she wanted to please you. Jinak-jinak orang kata.
Shopping eh? Jeez I wish I can do that without guilt.
And going splashing again. Bestnyaaa
Sebelum shopping stress, masa shopping LEEEGAAAA...after shopping stress again sebab masa shopping tu lupa segala2nya....That's me!
ayoyoyoyo shopping... hope the malls have lounge chairs for the husbands...
alamak... your kids are very cute lah! geramnyaaa.. rasa nak picit picit...
sejuk hati baca pasal hatice. tapi bab selipar sebelah lain tu kelakar lah. what were you thinking???
hello simah,
u ni dulu satu batch dgn ray, roy, shahril, siti etc ye? TESL ukm kan? I dont think u remember me...but i taught u guys VB2223. But u weren't in my tutorial class. It's nice to see u r well settled and happy. The children r beautiful.
mula-mula tengok tak kenal cute,
selipar tu fashion baru kot..stylo!! ;-)
sapanca again??have a good time simah
salam simah, gembira saya dpt masuk blog awak semula. tu.
oh ya, bab hatice nak bertudung tu alhamdulillah. tak pe dia bertudung gitu2 aje sbb belum period lagi, so tak de tanggungjawab dosa pahala.. yg penting dia tau bila dia bertudung tu bukan takat utk pleasekan simah saja bahkan utk dptkan keredhaan Allah apatah lagi dia dah baligh nanti. so, apapun berlaku, dia akan istiqamah dngn tudung..insyaAllah.
u take care too..good luck in ur studies..
new recipe? tak sempat nak snap gambar lagi..kat sapanca memang i cook for the whole army setiap hari..tapi kat sana kalut tak terpikir nak snap..n again halil's hp is gila balik....i will try to add an entry as soon as i can.. :0)
anggerik merah
hehehe but we r women after all..if we dont shop who will?? let us all be horrible together heheheh
InsyaAllah...hang pon tolong doa doakan la yea yg minah sekoq ni akan teruskan usaha memakai tudung walaupun banyak cabaran dia nanti..
baju raya? mana ada..tiap tahun korek baju lama pakai.. baju cuma beli utk budak budak jer..:0) abang bulat dah beli kat hang kain baru?
tu bukan baju baru..tu beli baju utk summer 2007 hehehehe..baju raya beli masa nak dekat raya..masa tu yg hatice n baddin nak pilih baju depa sendiri..nak tunggu depa berkenan..adoii..
mr hobo
thank u for visiting my humble blog..jangan main envy envy..mai la melawat negara ni.. :0)
i wont force her to do anything.. explanation is all i can do...tak guna jugak nak main paksa paksa kan?
i feel less guilty shopping coz i dont shop often n if i shop it would be for the kids n halil..bila beli utk diri sendiri adoi... terasa mcm rugi ja..kalau beli utk depa rasa happy ja.. :0)
mak lang lupa satu..bila shopping best...bila balik rumah tengok bank account kurang adoiiiii ..but we women do what we have to do kan? we must shop!!
terima kasih kerana mengunjungi blog saya..
itu soalan cepu emas...awak nak sponsor???
the husband n the kids sit down n eat ice cream while waiting for the mother mengempiskan wallet hehehehe
marlina baharom
picit jer..itu pun kalau diaorang tak lari dari u dulu heheh
mama sarah
tu kes kalut la tu.. bila balik istanbul dari sapanca ja mesti banyak sangat hal nak settle..semua kerja kalut.. :0)
..i think i remember us calling u miss radziah kan?? i think i remember u..this is such a pleasant suprise...!! thank u for visiting my humble blog..:0)r u still with UKM?
take care :0)
hatice kan sentiasa cute? hahah saja fishing for a compliment ni hehe
tu style baru pakai kasut...shoe fashion of the year...:0)
awak dah sihat dah? rindu la kat awak..
saya berdoa sangat yg hatice dan baddin akan membesar menjadi anak anak yg beriman..syikin tolong doakan sama yea?
Simah, I love the advice u gave Hatice and she seemed to be so mature to understand things. I oun tak tahu how I would talk to rissa about this but then again I have more than 10 years to think about it! :)
U take care and shop till u drop tau!
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