Sapanca 2
U know what? It was the perfect time to escape istanbul last weekend. The weather report warnings said that last saturday n sunday would be extremely hot... We left istanbul saturday night n on sunday, from where we were sitting, the temperature showed that it was 39 degree celcius!!! And just imagine.. we were uphill!! I cant imagine the heat downhill there or istanbul..everywhere else it must have been over 40!! Yeah yeah i know.. so what? u would say.. after all for those living in Malaysia..that is like almost a normal temperature right?
For the first time ever, we all felt hot while in the Sapanca house..It was the first time the pool water was hot...the heat was totally unbearable. In fact, for sunday n monday for that matter, we all spent hours n hours in the pool...none of us really wanted to go out of the pool unless necessary..i was drowned in the pool of my own sweat while working in the kitchen..Even on saturday night, halil n i swam in the 12.30 midnight..the heat was unbearable..n the night after that with selim added in our night swimming....I tell u.. it was soooooo relaxing to be able to immerse ourselves in the pool in that kind of temperature.. Alhamdullillah..May Allah bless Arwah Anne for making sure that baba built that pool in the sapanca house garden..Else, we would not have been able to do what we did.. The temperature is almost back to normal today...28 degree celcius the last time i heard (Sapanca house)..
This weekend i think i have become hantu kolam renang.. Normally it was just us n baba n mıstık..This time around, selim n his family..not forgetting kerim... too decided to stay in sapanca for a few days...Where the morning bread buying which normally was halil's task became the rest of the brothers' task..That left me free to have my morning swim alone in the pool as long as i desired.. I was swimming like a maniac!! At times i joined the crowd..n at possible times..alone..i swam swam n swam.. i am no less fatter (banyak gila makan kat sana)..but i can assure it i am definitely fitter..hmmm how can u be fat n fit? *chuckles*.. well at least i feel like it.. the weekend was maximum swimming for me..even when i was XXXXtremely tired..the pool was like magic...water revitalizes my strength..I had energizer batteries in me teringat lak iklan bateri energizer masa zaman rabbit lawan lari.. ada lagi tak iklan tu yek?
The pool..the best feature this weekend..n another one as well... This one..
Comfort quest air bed...Every year, i would sleep together with the kids on this..2 single bed put side by side
but this year since they sleep like monsters.. n my body is tired of being abused from their sleeping movement on the bed..with the fear that my nose would be terribly flatten than it already is...(.ganas gila sekoq sekoq ni tidoq), last sapanca i had decided to sleep on the floor with the thick blanket underneath me(ala mcm toto la)...safer from these two cute monsters hehehehe but for 2 weeks I woke up with my right leg painful ( an indication that my back bone is not ok)...
And sweet sweet tem this weekend had bought the air bed from Carrefour so that i can sleep more comfortably..And it became like this..
After sleeping on the thick blanket, this air bed is so heavenly. I had never slept this comfortably this year..until now that is...of course it is not as comfortable as a normal bed..n it does make a lot of noise as u move..but this bed is not bad at all especially after u put thick blanket on top of it...Zzzzzzzzzzzz..

For the first time ever, we all felt hot while in the Sapanca house..It was the first time the pool water was hot...the heat was totally unbearable. In fact, for sunday n monday for that matter, we all spent hours n hours in the pool...none of us really wanted to go out of the pool unless necessary..i was drowned in the pool of my own sweat while working in the kitchen..Even on saturday night, halil n i swam in the 12.30 midnight..the heat was unbearable..n the night after that with selim added in our night swimming....I tell u.. it was soooooo relaxing to be able to immerse ourselves in the pool in that kind of temperature.. Alhamdullillah..May Allah bless Arwah Anne for making sure that baba built that pool in the sapanca house garden..Else, we would not have been able to do what we did.. The temperature is almost back to normal today...28 degree celcius the last time i heard (Sapanca house)..
This weekend i think i have become hantu kolam renang.. Normally it was just us n baba n mıstık..This time around, selim n his family..not forgetting kerim... too decided to stay in sapanca for a few days...Where the morning bread buying which normally was halil's task became the rest of the brothers' task..That left me free to have my morning swim alone in the pool as long as i desired.. I was swimming like a maniac!! At times i joined the crowd..n at possible times..alone..i swam swam n swam.. i am no less fatter (banyak gila makan kat sana)..but i can assure it i am definitely fitter..hmmm how can u be fat n fit? *chuckles*.. well at least i feel like it.. the weekend was maximum swimming for me..even when i was XXXXtremely tired..the pool was like magic...water revitalizes my strength..I had energizer batteries in me teringat lak iklan bateri energizer masa zaman rabbit lawan lari.. ada lagi tak iklan tu yek?
The pool..the best feature this weekend..n another one as well... This one..

And sweet sweet tem this weekend had bought the air bed from Carrefour so that i can sleep more comfortably..And it became like this..

After sleeping on the thick blanket, this air bed is so heavenly. I had never slept this comfortably this year..until now that is...of course it is not as comfortable as a normal bed..n it does make a lot of noise as u move..but this bed is not bad at all especially after u put thick blanket on top of it...Zzzzzzzzzzzz..
I also noticed one thing this week.. Selim, Kerim n Halil..3 brothers.. this Sapanca they really enjoyed themselves.. normally with the presence of Safa n Keremcan, they had no choice but to play with them sports (i.e Football or basketball)..but this time, the only boy was baddin n he was busy fighting with elo most of the time anyway..hatice n zeynep were in a world of their own..only in the pool they demanded a bit of attention..even then they played alone....
There 3 brothers, they just played n played to their hearts' content.. chatted at night till wee hours...just them enjoying limit....3 carefree brothers...i had not seen this very often.. it was good to see them like this..I even see a bit of the old cheerful kerim in this sapanca.
basketball in the pool
Selim n Kerim
Selim n Kerim

halil at the net.
That net is actually for collecting leaves or insects in the pool
That net is actually for collecting leaves or insects in the pool
All in all it was one hot..totally pool sapanca..7 adults n 4 kids.....I had a great time n i hope u all did as well.. Thank u for a wonderful time :0).. Saros için iyi yolculuklar.. biz her zaman gibi..Sapanca da bekliyoruz hehehehe :0)
And the song by bariş manço is dedicated to my tem..this is among his fav songs..
P.s Baddin can swim now but with 98% fear in him..therefore he still insisted on using the arm float...only occasionally we made him swim totally without support..oh boy he screamed worse than hatice!! heheh
And the song by bariş manço is dedicated to my tem..this is among his fav songs..
P.s Baddin can swim now but with 98% fear in him..therefore he still insisted on using the arm float...only occasionally we made him swim totally without support..oh boy he screamed worse than hatice!! heheh
simah, its good to have u back in this warming ni..:-)tapi ada pool, kira ok la.
hope to see more picture of u :-)dah makan banyak eh?
been there 3 times dah simah .... last year i spend 2 weeks there during winter .... i just love the people .. the food .. the bazaar ... the sultan ahmet area ... the everything .... (maybe this year i will be going there again kot ....)
i am back but i am afraid i wont be back for long *wink*...
Dah habis cuti ke, Simah?? Syok kan get together with relatives. For me, yang paling best is always the sembang-sembang (nasib baik lah dapat ipar-duai yang kaki sembang, hehehe).
So hot over there ... kat Msia pun kalau 40 degrees to panaslah .... usually aroung 37 saja.
Mana photos Simah?????
dulu masa sekolah, normal room temperature quoted in buku sains darjah 6 is 27 darjah celcius...
mr hobo
that's cool...! Maybe we can meet up the next time u come here.. I can cook u the typical turkish food..those u dont see in the shops unless u know what u r looking for... :0)
Oh blergh ... sorry for the typos.
To=tu. Aroung = around (belum tukar jadi orang T'ganu lagi tau)!
queen of the house
memang bestkan akak.. berkumpul ramai ramai.. tapi saya bila berkumpul ni bila depa bukak bab bola...adoiii...
tapi kat sapanca ni saya selalunya kat dapor..kalau saya tak masak sapa la yg nak masak..basically simah dan dapor tak boleh berenggang..bab sembang saya dengar ja...
saya khamis malam hilang balik akak hehehehe
gambar?kan saya dah letak gambar akak??? hehehe la..depa berbikini ..takkan saya nak letak kat blog kot..mati kena lempang dengan halil.. :0)....nanti the next time around saya letak other pics ok akak?
sekarang still 27 darjah ka izhal?
queen of the house
akak jangan murtad negeri akak! Kita orang utara akak!!
hahahaha..biasa la..saya pun selalu salah type..:0)
Hahaha ... kalau makang 'kepok lekor banyak sangak ... boleh kot 'ter'jadi macam tu.
Laaaa ... I mean your pics lah. Tak payahlah tunjuk gambar Simah pakai bikini tu, heheh (ala tahulah budak2 aje yang pakai bikini, kan?).
Hari Khamis pergi Sapanca lagi ke? Waduh .. lamanya holidays ni.
Simah.... minta ampun... sorry lama tak jenguk blog u... I haven't been blogging at all for the past few weeks.. Banyak kerja la..
I am back now..:)
Syoknye mandi manda.. but mana gambar u ni?
ey simah nak pi jalan lagi hari khamis??? isykh. sudah2lah tu. tak aci tau!
queen of the house
nanti nanti yea akak? heheh saya suka tangkap gambar.. normally i am not in the picture.. i am only the picture snapper hehehe..yg ada tu pun tak pakai tak leh nak letak kat sini kan? nanti bila ada gambar i letak yea?
u ni buat orang ramai risau la..*hugs* welcome back!! ala ari tu i ada letak gambar i dlm slide show..ada kat dlm entry sapanca 12-31 july..cuba cuba la tengok..
mama sarah
jom join i heheh..ala pi sapanca jer..tak de banyak scenery pun ..tempat utk melepak n merileks kan otak jer (n i love it so much hehehe).. tempat u duduk pun banyak tempat nak dilawat..lagi cantik aper.. :0)
Simah..saya pun ada tilam angin tuh kat sini. Rasa mcm tido dalam bot plak..hahah. Nak jalan2 lagi ker? Wahhh seronok eik. Saya dah nak balik Msia nih..cuti2 sommer gitu.. very hot tu...40 C.Swimming is heaven..
oh the weather, the pool and the mattress all sound sooo good. eh i have the bed. spare for guests.
waaa nak balik malaysia..jelesnya saya baca...have fun!! mesti ur family kat malaysia excited gila korang nak balik yea..
anggerik merah
memang swimmning is heaven....especially when it is relaxes ur mind as well..tu yg best tu...
this kid of bed esp for the guests memang berguna kan? it doesnt take that much space either..
Asyik pergi jalan aje dia...bilalah kita kat sini dapat gi jalan agaknya...
Anyway...enjoy your holidays...
ala saya jalan pun summer jer tu pun pi sapanca jer.. tak per nanti mak lang pun jalan yea?
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