Merve-cooking - Sapanca 2006
Allah Bismillah...The moment she enters the Sapanca house. Her destination is always n without fail..the couch in the living room...immediately, she will turn on that one very old n dying whatever is on the tv...n i do mean everything that is on..totally glued to the tv..24/7..that is unless someone drags her out for some sort of sports..or perhaps a bit of pool......and to think...... think that this one teenage girl (who does not enter the kitchen unless to find her coke) had prepared;
1. Turkish coffee for dinner
2. Milfoylu Sosisli Börek
3. Chocolate Chip Cake
4. Chocolate Pudding
5. Apple Pie
is something unbelievable, right??
She was under my strict supervision n instructions during all the cooking processes of course. But that is not the poşnt rşght? The point is... biraz zar zor....but she made it...and she definitely suprised everybody..n i think had made her mom very proud when she cooked the apple pie that day to celebrate her mom coming to Sapanca.That was Merve's proud achievement for that one week she was with us in Sapanca..
Merve n the mixer..u can guess how often she uses that machine right?
The end result of the usage of the mixer..
A wonderfully delicious chocolate chip cake..
What do u think she is trying to make now??
Yup...milfoylu Sosisli Börek..
Safa n Merve..2 Siblings
Picture snapped while Merve was preparing the Apple Pie for her mom..
At that time, Safa was busy eating the dough (hamur) of the apple pie hehehhe
The only problem with the cooking lessons daughter was jelous!! She did not say it but i sensed that there was this burning sense of uneasiness in hatice as she saw me giving out instructions. She was n is used to helping me out while cooking that to see my attention was on someone else was unbearable to her. That was why after merve left Sapanca i deliberately let her prepared her favourite Cinnamon Cookies...As u can see..that was one happy girl that was...

Even today, it is assumed that girls should be able to cook. It comes to the territory of being a girl no matter how modernized one is (Yeah right...Beyonce dont know how to cook ..what is wrong with take aways???). I myself never learn how to cook properly until i was married..But i dont really blame the men for wanting a home cooked food..especially if it is prepared by his beloved wife...n just think if u have a child n u still do take aways for the meals..wouldnt u feel ashamed when ur child says to someone else..*my mom doesnt know how to cook*....
My personal opinion is.. i want to be able to cook because..
-not because i want to satisfy the society.
-not because i am a girl..after all many famous chefs r men
-not because i want to show off my cooking...
i want to be able to cook because i want to feed my family n when i cook..i feel relaxed.. it is my mental theraphy..since it is something i enjoy doing.. What about u? Why did u learn to cook?
Anyway... The conclusion is.. BRAVO MervE!! She has the interest.. She has the talent.. There is hope for her still.. I think Everyone is Proud of her.. Aferin Merve!! Evlenmeye Hazır Mısın??? hahahahahaahahahahahahahahha
1. Turkish coffee for dinner
2. Milfoylu Sosisli Börek
3. Chocolate Chip Cake
4. Chocolate Pudding
5. Apple Pie
is something unbelievable, right??
She was under my strict supervision n instructions during all the cooking processes of course. But that is not the poşnt rşght? The point is... biraz zar zor....but she made it...and she definitely suprised everybody..n i think had made her mom very proud when she cooked the apple pie that day to celebrate her mom coming to Sapanca.That was Merve's proud achievement for that one week she was with us in Sapanca..

Merve n the mixer..u can guess how often she uses that machine right?

A wonderfully delicious chocolate chip cake..

Picture snapped while Merve was preparing the Apple Pie for her mom..
At that time, Safa was busy eating the dough (hamur) of the apple pie hehehhe
The only problem with the cooking lessons daughter was jelous!! She did not say it but i sensed that there was this burning sense of uneasiness in hatice as she saw me giving out instructions. She was n is used to helping me out while cooking that to see my attention was on someone else was unbearable to her. That was why after merve left Sapanca i deliberately let her prepared her favourite Cinnamon Cookies...As u can see..that was one happy girl that was...

I was just thinking..i mean in the olden days, moms usually make sure that their girls know how to cook especially to help them in the house n to prepare them for their marriage lives.. girls after all would be married off after a certain age.
Even today, it is assumed that girls should be able to cook. It comes to the territory of being a girl no matter how modernized one is (Yeah right...Beyonce dont know how to cook ..what is wrong with take aways???). I myself never learn how to cook properly until i was married..But i dont really blame the men for wanting a home cooked food..especially if it is prepared by his beloved wife...n just think if u have a child n u still do take aways for the meals..wouldnt u feel ashamed when ur child says to someone else..*my mom doesnt know how to cook*....
My personal opinion is.. i want to be able to cook because..
-not because i want to satisfy the society.
-not because i am a girl..after all many famous chefs r men
-not because i want to show off my cooking...
i want to be able to cook because i want to feed my family n when i cook..i feel relaxed.. it is my mental theraphy..since it is something i enjoy doing.. What about u? Why did u learn to cook?
Anyway... The conclusion is.. BRAVO MervE!! She has the interest.. She has the talent.. There is hope for her still.. I think Everyone is Proud of her.. Aferin Merve!! Evlenmeye Hazır Mısın??? hahahahahaahahahahahahahahha
i wonder what the last sentence means? panjang ketawa tu.
aferin merve evlenmeye hazır mısın?
maksudnya..tahniah merve... r u ready to get married???
hehehehehehehe saja nak sakat minah tu.
Simah, I am back! Wow, how old is Merve? She is pretty. Very impressive Simah, boleh jadi cikgu memasak. Poor Hatice, she felt a bit left out maybe. hehehehe.. she can learn too when she is a bit bigger.. :)
i want to cook because i want to eat.
I want to cook because I love watching the children clean their plates off whatever I had cooked! Even if it is nasi goreng tuna and kicap.
simah, u kata tak tau masak tu tipulah, siap dah jd chef lagi tu..ha, siap ajor macam2 jenis masakan lagi kat Merve tu.
saya belajar masak sebab saya suka memasak, tp saya tak pandai memasak. kedua, sebab saya suka makan :D, so, boleh jimat belanja.
u r back!! *hugssss* come u suka main lesap lesap?? ops i forgot la..u orang bekerja..tak mcm i ni duduk rumah relax *chuckles*..glad to see u around..i was wondering where u went missing again..
kak teh
*chuckles*..the feeling is likewise..bestkan kak teh bila tengok ada orang makan apa yg kit masak..? sejuk ja hati dan perasaan..
awak pun tipu tak reti masak..siap dlm blog masakan awak resepi sedap lagi tu *wink*..
ala si merve tu buli saya ja tu.. iyea la..depa ni tengok saya perangai mcm budak budak jer ..tu yg dia approach suruh ajar masak tu..sebab kakak ipar yg lan sibuk dengan anak...
lupa nak cakap pulak..merve is 17. sge is at her peak of her teenage years..
wah dah jadi chef plak? baguih la ... tak ajaq depa masak gulai ikan, pajeri nenas, dalca? ke ke ke...nyum nyum...
Simah, *return hugs* :) Thanks. I know I am huggable.heheeheehe..
La, Simah, I have been working from home since Em was born - as a freelance translator.
17? Wah mesti dah ada BF. She looks sweet & pretty. Chef Simah, bila u balik M'sia, boleh tolong ajar I masakan Turki tak?
Simah: Terlewat, apa maksud lagu untuk anne tu, boleh terjemahkan...
Dulu saya suka masak apa yang saya suka makan, tapi sekarang kena ikut selera, suami, anak2 tapi suami saya lebih ikut selera saya, sekarang...hi..hi..hi
p/s: Simah awak kuat semangat dan tabah dinegara orang, mempelajari berbagai benda, tahniah untuk awak, semua ini kerana eratnya kasih sayang suami simah..kan...semoga berbahagia selalu...
boleh..masalahnya saya pulak tak reti masak semua tu hahahah ..gerenti bila depa dengaq nenas masak lauk..mesti mulut pun tak masuk..
merve tak der bf pon..but if anyone is interested..tu kena tanya dia la..she is a very decent ni dia dok sibuk coz next year she will sit for the exams for university entry..
nanti saya translate in my next entry yea...kak Queen pun ada mintak saya translate..
shami masak jer apa apa..asalkan ada lauk atas meja jadi la kan? :0)
p/s amin.. saya bukan tabah..saya cuma gila ..cinta... heheheh i will do anything to keep this love alive walaupun itu bermakna saya nak kena belajar masak..:0) sedap ker tak sedap tu lain hal la kan?
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