
The fruits produced depending on the type r eaten when they r green or black (or deep blackcurrent color)
The green ripe ones
The ripe black ones
Feigenbaum/ figuier/fig tree/ incir/ yemis/ ficus caria/ figue as this fruit is named is one of the five plants mentioned in Al Quran, along with olives, grapes, pomegranate and dates.
Fig or incir (in turkish) is a member of the mulberry family. It is favoured for its sweetness and soft texture...consisting of a pliable skin enclosing a sweet, even softer, fleshy interior which is filled with edible seeds. Fig however has a very short life span..meaning when it is in season, u have to buy it as quick as possible coz the season doesnt last for long. Once the fig is harvested, it lasts only a week. That is perhaps the main reason why 90 percent of the world's fig harvest is dried..and yup! turkey is one of the fig producers in the world.
I first encountered this fruit during our wedding reception in turkey at hirdiv kasre. I was fascinated by the fruit coz it is sooooo soft n sweet. .. still am.. u can say that it is one of my favourite fruits in turkey...what a pity it is very rare..a short season each year..but its rarity is what makes it so special right?? The dried ones? that u can find anytime..any kuruyemis will sell it...Maybe that is why i have a soft spot for fig dessert...(incir tatlısı). It is so easy to prepare anyway... boil the fig in water n sugar until it is soft n the sugar is it up with clotted cream (kaymak) it cold.. yummy...
I browsed thru the net to see the benefits of figs.. i mean..come of the five fruits mentioned in Quran..Allah wouldnt just mention the fruits without any concrete reasons right? And i found this one article by Dr. Gazi Shaikh Abbas Borhany as printed in the Yemen times...
- Figs r high in dietry fiber n a rich source of magnesium as well as pottasium
- Figs contain a relatively high amount of vitamins A,B, and C n r low in calories -about 50 calories each.
- Imam Jafar Assadiq advice eating figs to remove bad breath.
- One large, raw fig contains 77.5 percent water, 8g protein, 2 g fat, 23mg calcium, 4mg iron, 50IU vitamin A, 2.1g dietry fiber,3.8 mcg foliate, 3mg niacin n 1mg vitamin C.
- Figs help to reduce some form of cancer
- Choosing figs more frequently mans that u will naturally choose potentially harmful foods less prequently, which is great 4 ur lifelong health
- According to the California Fig Advisory Board, it is believed that the antioxidants in the fruit n vegetables protect against a number of diseases
- In one study performed by the university of Scranton, it wa determined that compared to the other fruits, dried figs have a much higher level of the phenol makeup, which is rich in antioxidants. Phenol is used as an antiseptic to kill microorganisms
- Figs r ideal 4 those trying to lose weight. It contains the digestive enzymes 4 all the three components of diet: Proteins, carbohydrates n fat
- Figs r also thought of as a fruit that gives strength n energy to long term patients as they seek to recover
- Figs r also recomended in the treatment of asthma, coughs, chills n even diabetes. Syrup made from methi seeds, figs n honey is very effective when it comes to cough n bronchial asthma
- The phosphorous content of the fig benefits the nervous system
- It is recommended for athletesn children
- The medical scientist, Al Shaikh Al Raess,Bu Ali Ibn Sina, recommended figs to treatment of constipation, liver problems, urinary problems, heartburns, chest pains,piles n epilepsy. It is recommended to eat at least 5 figs early in the morning for 4 to 10 months regularly if u want to completely eliminate piles
- It benefits pregnant n nursing women, helps in reducing acidity, rheumatism n helps the brain
- Their ash, when taken with oil, treats pimples, skin pigmentation n whitens the teethFor treating wounds, it is used in a preparation made with hot milk
- Figs r widely used for the treatment of major diseases like cancer n paralysis. Dr kochi from Japan who specializes in using figs for its medical value has treated 20 kinds of cancer with figs. According to japanese tests, figs n the fig syrup (benzaidehyde) have helped shrink tumors
- The fruit contains a proteolysis enzyme that is considered an aid to digestion n is used in the pharmaceutical industry
- Due to its high alkalinity, it has been considered to be beneficial to people who wish to quit smoking
- It can dissolve n expel kidney n urinary bladder stones n can help patients suffering from kidney failure n patients who has a kidney transplant. It can clear the obstruction of liver n gall bladder n relieves inflammations of kidney n urinary bladder
- It is a good nourishing tonic n provides protection against the effects of toxins
- It is useful in pharyngitis, chest congestion, bronchitis n also 4 liver n spleen ailments.It is a good expectorant too.
- During fever, if it is chewed, the ptient feels relief from the dryness of the mouth
- It clears the intestinal obstruction as if it has laxative, anti ulcer n antibacterial powers
- It is also useful in colics n is good diuretic
- It is useful for mental illness if taken regularly
Yup...a long list of the benefits of figs. ..I am sure there r many others. This fruit is not in Al Quran for no reason..n just imagine..there r 4 other fruits that r definitely just as beneficial in their own ways..dont get me wrong..of course all fruits r good for the health..but these 5 r the pointed ones...
Phewwww..penat nak taip..nak tertanggal lengan..why i didnt just use the cut n paste thing? i have no idea...saja tangan gatal nak taip hehehehe..dah gatal nak taip..lepas tu complain pulak..apa la simah..
Yup..fig..incir..a must try fruit...fresh is best of course..i am sure u will like it..I do..that's why it is in my blog right now hehehehheü
Simah hebat buah ciptaan Allah nikan...banyak khasiatnya...simah jom ler post kat sini buat berniaga kat orang Msia...he..he .he
Love figs.
orang mesia tengok buah incir..takut depa ingat buah busuk buang tong sampah pulak *wink*
alex too :0)
nyum nyum...buat acar buah la yang kering tu sure sedap :) boleh makan masa 'soq' bulan posa nanti...
Simah: Orang Msia sekarang pandai dah ..he..he asal ada khasiat..itu ini..pasti deper terkam, tengok ler herbatus sauda..tu rempah ratus tok arab..bukan main laku kat sini, ...janji pek dia musti bagus pas tu siap sertakan sekali terjemahan surah2 tertentu yang menyebut akan kebaikannya..pasti berjaya...itulah yang deper buat kat herbatus sauda...idea bisner yor..he..he..he benda baik apa salah yer simah....kut esok awak jadik saudagar buah incir lak...he..he
Lots of tips in there...kena print dan baca dlm kereta masa kuar lunch nanti...:)
hehhehe acar? waaa lama sungguh tak makan acar..meh cek nak mintak resepi acar sat bole?
waaa awak ni otak bisness betul..bagus bagus.. kalau awak minat nanti saya surf tengok company yg supply buah kering..bole la awak berbisness :0)
i like the last benefit..
*It is useful for mental illness if taken regularly *
..the main reason i kena makan incir hehehehehehe
eh kalau u mai istanbul nanti jangan lupa beli buah incir..:0)
I love figs...thanks for sharing the goodness of it.
Read yr previous entry. Lovely! Hope not too late wish Selamat menyambut kemerdekaan untuk warga Msia di Turkey.
anggerik merah
i love the fruit..knowing the goodness of it make me love it more...:0) no harm sharing the benefits with everyone else right?
selamat belated hari merdeka to u too:0)
tu u dah comment la tu.. :0) thank u for visitng my blog
eh, bukan buah ni biasa jual kat mekah tu ke? yg dah jadi kering tulah..kalau tak salah saya, org balik Haji, mesti beli sikit buah saya salah jenis buahnya..kalau betul, saya pernah memakannya, mmg sedap, rasa manis2 buah. kat sini pun ada jual rasanya, musim ramadhan kot..
gamaknya betul kot buah tu syikin..saya tak pernah pi mekah..saya tak tau... memang buah dia manis...
resepi acar minggu depan bleh bagi, minta dgn my mom...senang je buat masa depa mai rumah hari tu chek minta dia buat...tahan sebulan acar tu letak dlm petiais :)
Oh so that is how a fig tree looks like :-) Fig's good for the upcoming Ramadan.
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