Seputih salji
The year...1999...
The season? ...winter...
Snow in istanbul? Yeah... a bit here n there..
The weather cold enough for the snow not to melt?
Oh... what to do?
Anne n baba were staying in Sapanca at that time. Their usual companion at that time? Of course..Kerim!! Located uphill.. the sapanca house is in a season of its own. It snowed..n the snow stayed as snow..
Anne loved snow..she love,d to play with snow. But at that time, she held herself from going out to the garden to touch the snow...Instead she picked up the phone and said:
*Halil..gel..simaha buraya götur*
(Halil..come...bring simah here)
She waited for us to go there...for me to touch the enjoy myself with the snow n only then she joined us...
U see.. it was my first snow ever..i had never been to a snowy place up till then.. And thanks to anne..i got to experience the beauty of my first snow in sapanca..
Guess what i did with the snow...??
I had forgotten this myself..but halil told me that.. i took the snow.. filled a glass with snow.. and pour coca cola on top of it!!! Definitely original huh??? heheheheheheh
My first snow fight

Anne, simah n kerim
Please forgive this *jakun* simah hehehe
Please forgive this *jakun* simah hehehe
my first can i forget? I had been dreaming of playing with snow..of course..that was not possible if u live in malaysia.. unless the man made snow..which cant compare with the real snow...
I will be off again this wednesday morning for a week.. To izhal..
Selamat Pulang ke Tanah Air.
. and the rest of my muslim friends..
Selamat Menyambut Bulan Yg Mulia...
Hi Simah,
Snow...I love snow but only on the first day. the second day it gets all squashy and soggy and slippery, in Uk that is. I just wanted to say I have been running around, but I do remember my blogger-friends. Cheers.
masa main salji ni simah dah ada anak2 ke belum?
hepi anniversari ya..moga rumhtgga kalian bahagia dunia akhirat.amin..
sedap la lagu hari ni...
howcome melayu zaman dulu got the word salji??? orang asing bawak ke? atau zaman dulu time raja2 melaka memang ada snow??? hmmm...
ehhh... jepun yang ada snow ni pun tiap kali turun berkerumun depa menjakunkan diri kat tingkap tauu... maybe hamamatsu ni jarang turun snow kot heheh...
Beautiful! And that was so sweet of your MIL to remember you and giving you that first experience. Wah, banyaknya snow kat Sapanca tu.
Hehehehe, Simah, gambar2 tu pre Hatice, I suppose? Newlyweds ke masa tu, you & Halil?
simah going off again???
nice pictures of your first snow experience.
thanks 4 stopping by despite ur hectic schedule.. yeah..snow is best when it is soft n smooth...when it is squashy n soggy n slippery...yikes.....but my kids just dont long as there is snow... they'll want to play with it hehehe
aminn.... masa tu baru jer kawin...masih dok romantic romantic lagi..masa tu kurus lagi.. baju sejuk tu besar gila masa tu... now not anymore i am afraid.. esp bila saya dah mengexpand badan ke size tu hheheheheheheheh
hmmm..soalan yg susah nak dijawab...gamaknya kita kena tengok tarikh perkataan ni keluar dalam kamus orang melayu utk menentukan jawapan....bila...zaman mana.etc...etc :0)
lagu ni hatice n baddin pun suka..mak dia lagi la.. ni lagu filem kartun anastacia.
queen of the house..
memang sweet kan my mom in law...
iyea..masa tu still newly wed..dlm 2 or 3 bulan lepas kawin rasanya..tengok la muka kami masa tu budak budak lagi...still boleh dikatakan comel :0)
mama rock
yup..simah going off again heheheh jom ikut mama :0) mai terjun laut..
tahniah,dah 7 thn ye
so sweat tgk simah main salji..happy je
syoknya simah. I missed the snow la. Masa snow kat uk dulu, i lari keluar tgh malam cos first time masa tu.. neighbours pun keluar tengok I..hehehehe.. Malu le, dah la yg keluar tu Terry badan penuh tattoo.. Kecut perut I terus nak masuk rumah but I guess dia tahu it was my first time so dia pun ketawa kan I.
ibu vogue
orang jakun macam saya ni bila first time main snow tu... hehehehe muka memang senyum melebar..nampak sangat kejakunan say heheheheheheh
hahahahaha i can imagine u hahhaha...well who cares right? snow brings out the child in u :0) it still does to me :0)
Simah...anak kak lady si fareez sibuk nak ajak dia pergi kat snow...dia suka sgt cerita HOme Alone sebab banyak snow...
Selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan buat simah juga...
ohh saya pun pernah jakun. buat sebijik macam awak. yang paling lawak masa buat snowman. tak taulak kena roll the snow into a ball. ingat main tepek-tepek aje. he he
Org mesia ni kan mesti kecik2 dulu byk sgt tengok American movies esp part snow & christmas - memang jakun kan! Me too..
Tgok snow in London - Londoners pun gayat weh coz jarang2 dapat...
Tp rugi pegi Scotland tk sempat main ski..
Tgok snow kat Mines-Serdang - tipu punye..itu ice sculpture je lebih!
La ni, incentives for anak2 buah- belaja rajin2, nanti dpt naik kapal terbang & main salji!! Heheheh
(sejak tukar blog beta, my comment selalu gone missing, now i know you've gone off somewhere!!!)
mesti indah je ingat pengalaman tu kan? i've never experienced heavy snow. tapi bila mengenangkan nanti sejuknya mesti unbearable, tak pelah.
teringat plak kenangan lama ke ke ke...golek2 terjatuh masa skiing... lawak lawak...lebam2 pun tak pe janji puas hati :) white & serene..
just wanted to tell you that i met a kebab seller from turki in Hamamatsu today... told him that i had a friend that lives in turkey... thats you!!!
Simah dear,
Ramadan Al mubarak to you & yr family
Simah, awak sihat ke? risaukan awak dah lama tak update blog.
eh, apa juadah wajib kat sana time berbuka?
Hi Simah,
Wishing you and family, 'Ramadhan Mubarak'.
Marhaban Ramadhan… Semoga kita berada dalam kerahmatan & keampunan Allah SWT.
Selamat berpuasa...
kak lady
one day insyaAllah akak bawak la anak akak main baling kat orang heheh
salam ramadhan buat akak too..
marilah kita jakun sama sama.. saya pun dulu tak tau.. now we know huh?
main snow bestttttttttttttttt :0) jom la kita main sama sama :0)
mama sarah.
sejuk memang sejuk..but for me la kan...sejuk pun tak pa..asalkan boleh mainnnnnnn..ala lepas masuk rumah terjun ja bawah wool blanket sejam hehehe
betoi.. resepi acar dapat tak mintak dari mak hang??
anggerik merah
yeah.. serene..that is one way to describe it..
u r one naughty girl!! buat i risau ja..padan la lesap lama... glad u r is ur son? happy tak dia nak dapat adik?
tersengih i... hehe cuma sedih sikit sebab u cakap *u HAD*... waaa i ni bukan kawan u lagi ka??????
Anggerik Merah
salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak to u too
saya dah balik dah... bukak posa kat sini nanti i cerita yea? satu bulan ada lagi :0=)
U too..salam ramadhan to u too... glad u have added a profile picture.. boleh buat advertisement gigi lagi tu hehehe
kak nong
akak dah balik!! Salam ramadha utk akak tak umrah?
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