Fashion is on!

Remember there is one shop in kadıköy which i love to enter and Would definitely LOVE to BUY the clothing they r selling but CANT becoz of the price?

The shop is called TEKBİR GİYİM..a shop specializing in tesettur clothing (clothing especially to cater people with head cover) They have a variety of clothing ..from overcoat, blouses, outerware,skirts, scarves, piece robe,, suits...all to cater both those with slim bodies as well as *wide* me.. :0)
A pamplet from the shop reached me a few weeks ago..i thought i'd share their fashion design with you.. I think this is the most successful tesettur clothing company in turkey since they are exporting their products all over the world..They have a more colorful range of clothing of course..this is just some of the ones in fashion this season..
Enjoy this fashion show!!