It had been ages since i last visited yenge and yenge though they live the levels just below me.. i dunno..i do not have any excuse for that..i just find things to do at home...
Anyway, after many times being scolded by Muyessa Yenge..finally last week i told the kids that we all r going to visit their Nene (that's what they call the 2 yenges)..Level 3 yenge.......ringggggggggg......no answer.....she was out..ok...level 2...ringgggggg..........yup!! Mahture yenge was there...there she was with a spatula in one hand... she was cooking...And guess what she told me? The Turgutlar are preparing fresh pasta next door!!..I chatted 5 minutes with yenge in the kitchen n excused myself to go next door...hey!! they were preparing fresh pasta!! i have never seen anyone prepare fresh pasta...except of course if it was my mom..and that was like what? at least 20 years ago!!!! And this is Fresh Turkish Pasta we are talking about!!
My excitement was like up to the limit..!! I wanted to snap photos..but halil was at work..i did not have his handphone to snap snap the turgutlular in actions..i went home to find the camera...no film!! but u know what? my luck..i found one new roll of film..but great!! no one around at that time know how to put the film on!!!!! Can u imagine my frustration??? And Sweet Yenge said..There's my camera..it has film inside.. u can use it.. Gladly i accepted her offer and snap snap..(Deep inside i was afraid to use it..the camera looks very expensive..what if i break it?).. i snapped the photos (i used around only 15 snaps).....quickly sent it to the photo shop. ..bought and asked the lady at the photoshop to put a new roll of film inside..and immediately gave back Yenge her camera (She was shocked that i gave back her camera so soon) ..Yup..dearests..These photos dont come cheap....Looking at halil and smile."Yeah..yeah tem...dont lecture!!".....but i am really really glad that i did get snap these pictures..it is a memory worth remembering...So here are the processes in pictures as to how a typical home made turkish pasta is made...
Anyway, after many times being scolded by Muyessa Yenge..finally last week i told the kids that we all r going to visit their Nene (that's what they call the 2 yenges)..Level 3 yenge.......ringggggggggg......no answer.....she was out..ok...level 2...ringgggggg..........yup!! Mahture yenge was there...there she was with a spatula in one hand... she was cooking...And guess what she told me? The Turgutlar are preparing fresh pasta next door!!..I chatted 5 minutes with yenge in the kitchen n excused myself to go next door...hey!! they were preparing fresh pasta!! i have never seen anyone prepare fresh pasta...except of course if it was my mom..and that was like what? at least 20 years ago!!!! And this is Fresh Turkish Pasta we are talking about!!
My excitement was like up to the limit..!! I wanted to snap photos..but halil was at work..i did not have his handphone to snap snap the turgutlular in actions..i went home to find the camera...no film!! but u know what? my luck..i found one new roll of film..but great!! no one around at that time know how to put the film on!!!!! Can u imagine my frustration??? And Sweet Yenge said..There's my camera..it has film inside.. u can use it.. Gladly i accepted her offer and snap snap..(Deep inside i was afraid to use it..the camera looks very expensive..what if i break it?).. i snapped the photos (i used around only 15 snaps).....quickly sent it to the photo shop. ..bought and asked the lady at the photoshop to put a new roll of film inside..and immediately gave back Yenge her camera (She was shocked that i gave back her camera so soon) ..Yup..dearests..These photos dont come cheap....Looking at halil and smile."Yeah..yeah tem...dont lecture!!".....but i am really really glad that i did get snap these pictures..it is a memory worth remembering...So here are the processes in pictures as to how a typical home made turkish pasta is made...

20 eggs
1 litre of milk
into a dough like this

Mahture yenge of istanbul
rolling the dough with an oklava
a typical turkish rolling pin
(this is just a pose hehe)

The fresh pasta before being dried up
and eatennnnnnn
and eatennnnnnn

The end product
ı cup pasta to be boiled with 2 cups water.
Add thinly sliced tomatoes...
Yum YUm YUM!!
Eline Sağlik size!!
Nefis Olmuş!!

****Ok...Break time for history lesson*****
Turgutlar..i meant those from turgutlu...Mahture Yenge's 2 elder brothers and families..live in Turgutlu..somewhere near izmir..her elder sister lives in izmir town itself..
One of her brother's son and daughter are working in istanbul..and where do they live? Yup..inside Zaim Apartment..in front of Mahture Yenge!! hehehe (Well..i told u there are lots of our family in the Zaim Apt)..Anyway...the mom,the dad and the grandma came to visit...and they decided to prepare fresh pasta..right on that very day i decided to go yenge visiting ...my luck!
The Zaimlar were originally from Macedonia..They sold their lands..houses in macedonia and came to Turkey. They were the generation of halil's dad's dad...They were in 2 big groups..one group went to izmir and the land nearby (ie Turgutlu) ..while the other came to the Fatih area in istanbul (European side)..Upon coming to Turkey, they had to register a surname..The istanbul group registered their surname as Zaim but the izmir group..they were not so lucky...The person at the izmir's registration office did not accept Zaim as a surname...Therefore, they had no choice but to take another name as a surname..and they decided upon Özyurek..
Why the surname Zaim? Everything goes back to the history...in Macedonia..in the Ottoman Empire, Owners of lands are called Zaim..and our family ancestor(referring to my Zaim family) was one of them. In the peace time, they farm and train soldiers (and those soldiers farm for the land owners)..In the wartime, all of them fought in the war. Hence, the decision use the name Zaim as a surname for those coming to turkey.
Anyway, back to Mahture Yenge... Mahture Yenge married her late husband (my dad in law's brother) named Mustafa...and the funny part is... her brother's name is Mustafa who is married to a woman named Mahture!! so there we have the Mustafa*Mahture of istanbul and Mustafa*Mahture of turgutlu!!! In the old times particularly when Mustafa amca was alive, i wonder how they differentiate each other!!*chuckles*..i am sure if i ask them..there will be stories of confusion on the names..!!..So Mahture Yenge after she got married... from Mahture Özyurek became Mahture Zaim..a name she neednt change at all if the registrar in izmir had accepted the name Zaim as a surname.. To conclude all..Yup..Zaim and Özyurek are basically one family..
And the pasta...Home made pasta...no preservatives..no flavouring..made after that very very long hardwork of rolling, cutting...especially cutting.....and a few days of drying...and shared with the rest of the family..Allah Razı olsun...Eline sağlik size....
all the pasta talk makes me crave for some :)
we are having a pizza party tomorrow in the office - boleh jugak la hilang kan crave kan, since it comes from the same family :)
berapa hari blh tahan pasta ni?
eh..blh dimakan dngn kuah spagethikan? ke spagethi tu adik beradik pasta? saya tak reti bab2 ni.
mama rock..
heheh makan mama rock makan..talking about pizza..now i have the crave for it...tak per la..i mkn pasta on ur bejalf..n u mkn pizza on my behalf *wink*
pasta- (ni i check dictionary) ..
a food made from flour, eggs and water,hard when dry and soft when cooked..
jadi maksudnya..speghetti,lasagne, tagliatelle,tortellini (i siap bukak my pasta recipe book lagi nak carik nama ni hehehe) ..diaorang adalah jenis..the types of pasta..bentuk lain nama lain...tapi benda sama..depa pasta.. ..u nak makan dengan sauce speghetti or any type of sauce ka..bole..
yg i paling suka makan bila mkn pasta sorang sorang..(sebab simple n i malas)..i rebus pasta...potong timun, carrot, tomato...goreng telur...dan tambah sos cili bagi pedas pedas...yummy! kekadang tu i kebas daging hot dog (baddin's fav) dari fridge
lupa lak nak jawab.. pasta ni boleh tahan berbulan bulan..esp kalau bubuh dlm air tight container..kalau letak dlm deep freezer..bertahun tahun tahan
Seeing your pictures reminds me so much of our time spent in Germany. We had a wonderful Turkish family who lived in the apartment below us. Even though we didn't speak each other's languages, we all became friends. The mother would make the best food and would always invite us down for a taste of Turkish food. It was great! We especially loved what we called her "Turkish pizza." We would exchange some American food with the family and their favorite was Kraft Macaroni & Cheese! We left them an entire case of it when we moved.
hahahah the language of food..very powerful indeed...it goes to show that u dont need to know the language to know the people..
macaroni n cheese?? i have not had that for years!! now u make my mouth waters hehehe
how long were u in germany?
eh..blh tak bagi specific resepi cara wat pasta ni, utk 1 kg tepung punya? saya ni suka nak belajar buat.
boleh..give me a few days utk taip resepi tu (secara specific)..i will try to write it down secepatnya esok.. (anak dah nak tido..lepas ni i nak romantic jap tengok cd ngan hubby hehe)..
bila i dah habis tulis..i will inform you ok?tungguuuuuuuuuu yea...
thanks for the compliment..thanks for dropping by my blog.. hope u have enjoyed ur stay here.. :0) do u have a name by the way?
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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