All talks on ice creams

In front of our apartment door block
My two angels..snapped 2 days ago on our way to buy ice cream!!! Yup..The moment winter is over...the kids will start asking.."anne..can ı buy ice cream today?"..and now that people start buying ice cream, the ice cream advertisements are on the tv again.. "algida" (in malaysia it is "walls") , "golf" and "panda" are the 3 main ice cream brands in turkey. At the moment, the kids love the icy pineapple flavour ice cream with jellibon (jelly) inside the ice cream...generally baddin n i love icy type ice creams while hatice and halil prefer the creamy ones..

u cannot imagine the variety of ice creams here in turkey.. well u know "walls" in malaysia right? when i was in Malaysia, my definition of ice cream (walls) was basically cornetto and that greenish lime icy ones.. at least those are the ones i would buy.. in here they have like loads and loads of types..i will snap the photos of them whenever i can...can u imagine for "magnum" for exmple...there are at least 4 types of it..that is just the magnum...what about the other types? And of course the "carte d'or collection" ice creams..i have to applaud on this i have to admit..besides producing the typical type ice creams..u know...chocolate-caramel- fruity (for example) types...they have also produced ice cream in form of turkish desserts!! For in the picture..cheesecase..kazandibi..ayva tatlısı.. there are other so many other varieties u can choose from... isnt that brilliant?

I am not trying to promote Algida of course. I do eat the other brands of ice cream as well.An example, "Mado"(click here) is a brand of a special turkish ice cream called maras ice cream..This type of ice cream is a must try if u come to turkey..(Mado is the best !!).. And eating all the types of ice creams here (no wonder i am fat!! heheh)...

Does it stop my mind from craving eating the Malaysian ice cream especially that kacang merah or kacang hijau or milo flavoured ice cream ..where u just go to someone's house(who sells this kind of ice cream) ...and ask to buy it for the price of sepuluh sen (in my times)....??? How can u even ask?? How simple that ice cream a thin long plastic, they just fill up the whatever flavour in liquid form..put it in the fridge and sell it..(cannot find the picture).. and the other type of Malaysian ice cream potong ( ı found this pic on the web) with totally Malaysian flavour like cendol, durian, pandan etc..hmmm.. Why cant they export this to turkey...?? i wanna eat it waaaaaaaaaa
In turkey, ice cream sellers basically close their doors (except maras type ice cream sellers like mado) in winter..and will be active again starting spring...In Malaysia..they r active (ice cream sellers) all the time!! hmmmmmmmmm ice creams...they are one of those things that i am glad was created...hmmm..this talk of ice creams reminds me of ice kacang now!! Oh Help!!!!!!
ni nak buat orang 'kecur' lagi lah ni??
i bought 3 mempelam muda yang gedabak over the weekend! i tanya org yg jaga kat depan tu berapa harga. he said 3 for a pound. so i pun beli lah.
bila sampai kat cashier, dia charge harga lain!! alamak. tak pe. teringin punya pasal.
i pun beli ice cream jugak semalam. :P~~
I chose my old time fav= feast.
hubby had solero. Sarah dapat ice cream cone biasa je.
baru nak eksyen gambar kat my blog, you dah tulis yours dulu lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
simah..kecurnya air liur tgk aneka jenis aiskrim...
la ni musim hujan kat lembah klang esp. kat area gombak, my house area. tu nak beli aiskrim duk tahan jer, sbb ada anak2 yg lelah.
Salam perkenalan to you too.
thanks for hooping in my blog ealier. I did go through your when you posted yr wed pics. Awesome. I can't leave comment. Something wrong with my PC. Here I am..
Yup icecream time.. You have a beautiful kids!
- seriously? mado ada sampai kat s'pore? caya laaa... my hubby ckp memang kat Aust memang ramai orang turki...
-the land belongs to my FIL and his brothers..they found contractors to construct n bear the costs of building 2 apartments on the land- then they all split the houses equally.. memang kat dlm apartment zaim ni banyakkkk la penduduk nama Zaim hehehe
mama sarah..
hehehe great minds think alike kan? hehehe..memang mkn ice cream best kan?
wei... memang dengki nak bagi orang kecur la ni *keletek org nakal kat sana tu*..kat sini esp kat carrefour tu ada la mempelam...tapi i tengok pon tak selera...ntah dari mana datang..rasa pon mcm tak rasa pelam ja..i dok lapaq mempelam mudaa..ala buah yg kecik kecik tu..n cicah ngan kuah rojak lak hehehe hmmmmmm..
iskh..torture diri..apalah simah ni yek?....pelam yg u beli lak camna rasa dia? rasa pelam tak?
kalau u tak boleh beli ais krim..mimpi ja makan ice cream..mcm i dok mimpi makan pelam muda.. (dah la tu si mama sarah dok kasi terliur ja cerita mkn pelam waaaa)..
teruk ka musim hujan la ni kat sana? ada banjir tak rumah u? teruk ker anak u lelah?
anggerik merah..
Sorry to hear about ur pc..i hope it will be ok soon..thanks for coming to my blog too..
my kids..thanks..yeah..they r my pride n joy..tak kira comel ker idak..without them i would be lost..yea la kan..apalah seorang ibu tanpa anak anaknya yek? you made me crave for dairy queen icecream, but they are no longer here in KLCC..boohoohoo :(
ais krim mat kool pun sedap... ;-D
mama rock...
cepat cepat..telan air liur hehehe i know how that feels hehe
ais krim mat kool? hmmm that is something i am not familiar with :0)
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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