Altin Para ve Nazar Boncuk

In turkey, there is this culture of giving gold coins for weddings and births. The gold picture on the left is an example of that coin. They are differentiated by size and weight (so as the price). See that blue thing with a white dot in the middle? That is what they call "nazar boncuk" (the devil'

The people believe that if u wear this, u can avoid the negative happenings that result from "nazar" (the bad things that happen after someone for example compliment or praise one so much..subconsiously, the person sends unintention bad signals..that result in bad happenings.) I think that is what nazar is.. Zaimlar..pls help me to explain the concept of nazar?..The idea of that nazar boncuk is to fend off bad things from happening as a result of nazar....though of course the more preferable way of avoiding this nazar is thru the reading of Al-fatihah and the three Quls of the Quranic verses..Nazar Boncuk is just a culture of course....a culture unique to Türks..
interesting cultural value..dah berapa lama kat sana?
yup..a culture definitely not in ours.. i kat sini..this september genap 7 thn..tak la lama sangat..u tak teringin nak mai turki?
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