A dangerous game ????i

Tired of playing...time to hug!!
2 couches put together....and 2 kids...playing..Dont worry..it may look dangerous but everything was under control..nobody got hurt.. it lasted for only a few minutes anyway.Of course the dad was somewhere else.Else, he would have stopped the game immediately. They were having too much fun..i didnt have the heart to stop them..The picture quality is not very clear but u can get the whole idea of what they were doing..Yeah..yeah...stop lecturing tem!!
sumo wrestling ke apa ni? hehehe. my kids everyday dok wrestling. i dok risau someone's gonna get hurt one day. berleter je lah kerja mak dia ni. tapi both of them wrestling sambil ketawa. kids will be kids kan?
tp in my case kan, tok guru dia ialah si babah nya.
yup..kids will be kids...what will we do without them huh?
anyway, thanks for bagi kebenaran linkkan blog u kat sini..i have linked it up.. :0)
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