Hidiv Kasrı (Hidiv Palace)

Çeşme ..some sort of a water fountain... a legacy of the ottoman empire..
This kind of çesme is built in many public places..
for the public to drink when one is thirsty

Hidiv Kasri is a famous landmark of Istanbul, with its unusual main tower jutting above the treeline around Cubuklu. A beautifully preserved remnant of Ottoman history and formerly the residence of the Egyptian Governor during Ottoman times, it is now open to the public, and offers a splendid restaurant for its visitors. It's a popular place for Sunday brunch. It's not the easiest place to find for tourists, but its stunning architecture and view are well worth the effort. And I will tell you tomorrow..no show u all as to why i am explaining about this place today... tungguuuuuuuu........
salam perkenalan..nice snapshot, i actually visit ur blog everyday and enjoy ur experience in a new culture..
thanks for visiting my blog..it is always a pleasure for me to have someone reading my blog...to share my life experience and hopefully benefit from it..:0)
cantiknya! makan dia sedap sama cantik dengan the place ke?
and i bet mesti mahal kan???
makanan dia sedap..tapi kalau tak sedap pon la kan for the price u pay for the food nak tak hendak kena la convincekan diri makanan tu sedap kan? heheheheeh mahal siousss...
saya blog hop drp blog faezhussein.cantik gambar2 ni.tg share ngan kami :)
thanks for hopping to my blog...:0) hope u have enjoyed ur stay here..
simah, one day, insyaallah, one day I will be there in Turkey. This is one place I have always wanted to visit. And your pictures have done a lot to make me want to go even more!
hehehe mai turki kak teh..mai...tak rugi...banyak tempat yg kak teh boleh tengok..iyea la kan..turki banyak peninggalan lama..3 tamadun in one country kan..
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