The handphone
This happened a few weeks back.. Meşe (my sis in law) came to our house. It was thursday. I bought my son a new handphone toy. The moment he saw her hala..he wanted to show her his new toy. Alas, he misplaced it somewhere and couldnt remember where it was. Hala tried to look for it. And there she saw..something on the table.

She called baddin and said..
"buldum" (i found it).... and baddin's reply was..
"o benim değil" (it is not mine)
Of course it is not baddin' is mine!! My beloved handphone...Hey!! no one say that adults cannot like cute stickers, right?
So the moral of the story is...
1. Things may not be what they seem
2. Adults can be childish. it is not a sin.
3. I love my handphone even though it is the simplest of all (all u can do with it is send sms, call someone and set the alarm)
P.s - If the front of my handphone is like this... u can imagine the back side of it..
All stickers are gifts from baddin and hatice...Voluntarily given :0)

She called baddin and said..
"buldum" (i found it).... and baddin's reply was..
"o benim değil" (it is not mine)
Of course it is not baddin' is mine!! My beloved handphone...Hey!! no one say that adults cannot like cute stickers, right?
So the moral of the story is...
1. Things may not be what they seem
2. Adults can be childish. it is not a sin.
3. I love my handphone even though it is the simplest of all (all u can do with it is send sms, call someone and set the alarm)
P.s - If the front of my handphone is like this... u can imagine the back side of it..
All stickers are gifts from baddin and hatice...Voluntarily given :0)
i like heavy duty handphone..but not the bulky type back in the early 90's..
sometimes we need to let the child instinct out..;-)
:0) i have always enjoyed cartoon characters anyway...n i am proud to say it too..
yup..thanks to technology ..everything is so slimline kan?
hahahaha yeah, simah..i know.. i perfectly understand that.. hahahaha
~witness of simah's adventure with her bike~
yea la yea la..gelak gelak...wei..ko ingat tak ada sorang lecturer kat UKM dulu..mamat mat salleh tu.ala yg kawin ngan org melaka tu...dia pon budak jugak..datang lecture mesti pakai neck tie with cartoon characters..he's intelligent..i guess i am one too hahahahahahaha
simah... simah...
kelakarlah you ni.
heeh..samalah saya simah, suka gak ngan katun2 ni.nampak cute gitu.
oh ya..pasal susu utk resepi pasta tu. susu tu susu jenis apa? susu segar or susu tepung or susu f&n or susu cair ? hehe..sori kacau lagi bab resepi
Thanks for visiting my blog. Please to make ur acquaintace :0)
mama sarah
no problem...u can kacau me anytime..
it should be fresh turkey, we dont have susu cair or condensed milk..powdered milk pon susah nak jumpa....Use Fresh Milk..selamat mencuba!
I to love cartoon characters. When we used to live in Georgia we and were so close to DisneyWorld we would visit at least 3 times a year. And that was before we had kids! I don't think there is anything wrong with having an inner child. It makes you stay young!
monica harm done having a young heart :0)
Disneyworld? woah...u r sooo lucky... i have wanted to go there for as long as i must be fun there..
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