Back and going again


Tv to the extreme minimum, no computer, no dishwasher to wash the dirty cutlery, no washing machine to wash the dirty laundry (adoi..sakit tulang belakang) n no saime to iron the clothes (i hate ironing) ..Everything is manual..everything is back to basic..where the only entertainment is each other's presence..and mıstık to do all the hard job hehehehehe..
It was good. The kids had enjoyed the pool tremendously.The environment was very peaceful. This time though instead of lazing around, baba was busy working, putting on his final touches on his autobiography.Halil was busy playing with the kids. Being a couch potato that i am, i was happy just watching them from the kitchen. Mıstık doing whatever else that needed to be done...n so on so forth.
Selim, funda, Zeynep,Elo, Safa n Merve came for a one day visit on sunday... So the crowd increased that day... more noises... more happy n smiling faces.. Safa n Merve will join us in Sapanca tomorrow..n slowly the number of people in sapanca will increase as everyone will start coming there..the happiest?? the Kids of course!!
Yes. Sapanca is about staying in the housing area, enjoying the open space of the house. We do go down to the town everyday of course. To buy the bread for breakfast in the morning n if need to, again we will go down to buy whatever necessary from the market..meat..vegetables..what not. I personally think that the road to n pro the sapanca house is sooo scary... it is narrow..if i am to drive, i think the road is only fit enough for one car.. but how can 2 cars fit that road, i have no idea.. (the main reason why i refuse to learn to drive in istanbul).. the road uphill is so scary to me..

To make the matter worse, there was one day..when we went down in the morning to buy the bread for breakfast. When halil was about to turn right to enter the road uphill towards the house, the guy told us to come back again in half an hour since they r doing something with the road. And we were back there half an hour later. The road was different totally. They had put small rocks on the road..Half way towards the sapanca house, we encountered this..

Yup.. one road stroller..n two more trucks in front (one not evident in the pic)!!..dup dap dup dap...waaaaaa... so scary.... we later managed to pass the stroller n while going uphill, we had to follow these 2 trucks.. one spilling that black thing on the road (mortar??) and one truck drivining in reverse position dropping the stones n us following them...

The pool?? The pics will have to wait another 10 more days hehehehehe.. jangan mareee hehehe..
when we first entered the pool the first day, baddin was crying... anne!! it is cold..i am cold.. the first 5 minutes, he wanted to go out. Then, for about 10 minutes, he refused to let me go even though he had the arm float with him... Another 10 minutes we were swimming hand in hand holding his one hand while we swam to the deeper part of the the second day, he was swimming on his own with the float savely tucked around his
Hatice? She was better. Since she could somehow swim, she was busy polishing her skill. The only problem was to make her swim to the deeper part. Everytime halil tried to make her swim at the deeper part, she cried. It went on until the end of sunday. I think the presence of Zeynep somehow influenced her to be braver. Yesterday, she was swimming with 70 percent of her fears gone. And guess what? she has learnt to dive as well!!! Bravo hatice!! Bravo halil for the training..:0)

Hatice n baddin both with burnt skin n though it is not obvious in this pic..both with reddish cheecks..
I'll see you again by the end of the month!!