Sunday, March 12, 2006
Dr Oetker women...married or not...especially if u r married, whether we like it or not,we have to go into the kitchen and cook...prepare something for tea..let say cake? muffin? pizza?pogaca? salty biscuits?...all that sort...well..u know what i mean. ...
I find it handy to have butter, flour,eggs, dry yeast, baking powder,salt and sugar at hand at all time. You may never know. Anyone can turn up at any time. And u may have to come up with something quick...extremely quick.,Most of us r not *ready steady cook* chefs..most of the time we cannot prepare something within 10 minutes...well at least without making mistakes while measuring the least i cant. when i am in panic..there is no point to try to cook anything. It just wont cooking will turn out be fact i am confident of it.
That is why i find it handy to have Dr Oetker products with me. They have this range of almost everything u need. From the baking powder, to assortments of cakes to even desserts like pudding and creme ole.And the best part is these products are easy to prepare.Most of the time u just need a mixer, butter,milk and eggs.Very simple steps to follow and a sure win in whatever u choose to cook..u can feel confident that the product u r trying to cook will turn out great...
I am not trying to promote Dr Oetker or anything..but if i need something from the shop raft and there is a choice from Dr Oetker to other brands, i will definitely choose Dr Oetker.
Like they said in the ad *isin ozu kalitedir*.They really do know their job. That I can vouch for.
But on the other hand,there is nothing like preparing the food step by step...slowly and painstakingly measuring the ingredients you wanna add get it right. At least you know what you put inside.Lesser what not chemicals inside the food.. much much healthier that way. Still....
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