The Toilet Seat

The first time i entered my new home, i discovered that we have one toilet room and one bathroom.The smaller toilet room consists of a toilet seat and a washing sink while the other slighty bigger room;the bathroom consists of a toilet seat,washing sink and a bath tub. I was really concerned. After the small and big toilets,how will i wash my private parts? You see in Malaysia in the bathroom we have a *kolah*..a some sort open container where we fill it up with water and scoop the water out with a plastic glass or something...but i did not see any in my new toilet. Does this mean turks do not wash after themselves? do they use toilet papers like the westerners? Sadly, i went into the kitchen and found a plastic glass i would use to fill up water from the washing sink..Halil was shocked to see a glass in the toilet.He said *simah..what r u doing?* i explained my reasons. He just laughed at me and started to explain on how turks wash after themselves. You see at every toilet, there is this bidet.I just need to turn on the bidet and a small stream of water will come out and that water is used for cleaning after each toilet business.I felt silly. But i was very impressed too...A cool way to wash after myself..A new lesson for me in my new life..
*****to be continued*****
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