The nails..

Ekrem and Ediz (nephews aka..our front door neighbour) was our guests today for an hour or so. While the kids were playing, I noticed all of them,including mine have long nails. So in turn, I had their nails clipped (except ekrem's feet..Ediz was very submissive suprisingly).
I have this thing against long nails. I just cant stand long nails. I dunno why. Even when i was young...As I was growing up I remember how every Saturday (Sunday is a school day in our area) i will get my younger siblings together and clip their nails. No 1;-it is forbidden to go to school with long nails. No 2;- I just cant stand long nails! I am not a good nail cutter...never will. But give me a hand with long nails...i will be ready to clip it..any time..any day...Too bad i cant do it on halil...his nail is never short!!! TEMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............................!!!
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